Bonsai Soil – Organic Potting Soil
One common mistake among new Bonsai owners is thinking every soil blend is the same. They’re not!
Bonsai Potting Soil is specially formulated and blended to ensure your Bonsai plant has all the nutrition it needs for healthy growth! Just like people and animals, different Bonsai plants have different nutritional needs. Giving your Bonsai Plant any old soil blend is like serving up puppy chow for a kitten. Likewise, just because a Bonsai plant can live in most soil types doesn’t mean they thrive on them.
Bonsai Soil have been scientifically developed and tested to include precisely the nutrient blend which is most beneficial for each types of Bonsai Plant. For Bonsai, this means a blend that brings rich year-round growth, vibrant needles, and a long happy lifespan. Specially formulated as an all-purpose potting medium for virtually any Bonsai Plants.
When it comes to choosing Bonsai soil, using the right blend is important. That’s why we only carry soils blended exclusively. The soil you use affects rooting, feeding, watering and transpiration; it is where half your tree lives so this is our second biggest consideration in maintaining your Bonsai.
Happy Planting 🙂
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