Aglaonema Lady Valentine
Any beginner plant parent will love these versatile and hardy plants! The Aglaonema Lady Valentine is a beautiful plant that is commonly used in indoor landscaping. It is one of the easiest houseplants to grow. It’s also known as the Aglaonema ‘Pink Valentine’ because of its gorgeous rose tint.
It has lovely variegated green leaves with pink and dark green speckles. The lance-shaped leaves are pink to pale in color and have green edges. When grown in brighter light, the variegation will be more noticeable, but be careful with direct sunlight as it might damage the leaves. Flowers can appear on this beauty, but this is unusual, especially when grown as an indoor plant.
Care Guide
- Avoid windows that are too bright, sunny, or heated. Rotate the lady valentine plant every now and then to promote even growth.
- Direct sunlight can scorch the delicate leaves of your pink beauty.
- Wipe the leaves down with a gentle, wet towel every now and again to keep them clean.
- During the winter, you should strictly reduce the level of watering.
- Keep the plant out of drafts and away from freezing temperatures.
- If you witness any brown and withered leaves, it may be a sign of underwatering.
- The Aglaonema Lady Valentine plant prefers a moist environment that is neither too damp nor too dry.
- The plant is susceptible to root rot, so make sure to use well-draining soil.
Growing Guide of Aglaonema Lady Valentine Plant
- These pink beauties will thrive in a room with a modest amount of natural light and a window within 5 feet.
- When the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry, ensure to water the lady valentine plant.
- Humidity levels of 75% or greater are preferred.
- Clean, well-draining soil is ideal for Lady Valentine. The soil must drain adequately; otherwise, root rot can occur.
- Repotting should be done once a year to ensure that the plant receives fresh nutrients. Repot in the spring or summer, when the plants are actively growing.
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