Red Palm Plant
There are several names for Red Wax Palm (Cyrtostchys Renda), including red wax palm, rajah palm, wax palm, red sealing wax palm, and lipstick palm. This distinctive-looking red palm is a species of Arecaceae plants.
There is no doubt that the Red Wax Palm is an elegant and versatile palm tree that adds color to the landscape. It has a scarlet to bright red colored shaft and leaf sheath, which make it stand out.
The stunning tropical appearance of the lipstick palm makes it one of the most desirable palm plants. Although it grows slowly, it prefers to be planted in dense groups. Unlike many other palms, this plant does well in bright light either indoors or outdoors.
Red Palm Plant Care Guide
In direct sunlight, red palms do best and may last longer with bright light from a south or west-facing window. Nevertheless, do not expose the leaves to too much direct sunlight; they will turn yellowish-green.
A peat-based mix with lots of material for drainage is highly suitable. This plant appreciates good drainage to prevent waterlogged roots.
Like many Palms, Red Palms are sensitive to overwatering and cannot tolerate being waterlogged or sitting in a water-saturated potting mix. Hence, allow the potting mix to dry out slightly between watering.
This plant does best in average room temperatures. Keep their leaves away from cold windows, air conditioners, and heat sources. Palms are sensitive to low temperatures so if you place them outside during the summer make sure to bring them in before temperatures fall down. Sudden cold spots can bring dark spots on the leaves.
Fertilize the plant with a weak liquid fertilizer once or twice during the growing season and not at all during the winter.
Growing Tips for Red Palm
- Do not immediately re-pot the plant after receiving it.
- Keep the plant in bright sunlight.
- Maintain the soil moisture and keep the plant hydrated all time. Do not overwater it.
- It is good practice to inspect plants progress so you can spot any disease or insect infestations well in advance of any serious problem.
- In general, trim damaged leaves and branches as soon as you notice them in order to prevent infections. Pruning is required from time to time for plant health and aesthetics.
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