Shami Plant
The Shami plant is highly revered by Hindus and worshipped as part of the Dasara festival. This plant is a small, moderate-sized, evergreen thorny plant with slender branches armed with conical thorns and light bluish-green foliage.
The Shami plant (Prosopis cineraria) is a species of flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae. Leaves are double compounds. Its leaflets are dark green and have a tiny point. Prosopis cineraria are evergreen or nearly so and produce new flush leaves before summer.
The flowers are small in size and yellow or creamy white in color, appearing from March to May after the new flush of leaves. The pods are formed soon thereafter and grow rapidly in size attaining full size in about 2 months’ time.
Care Guide
Light: Place the Shami plant in the full sun for its optimal growth. A sunny spot in your garden can be an ideal place for the Shami plant.
Watering: It has moderate needs for watering. Avoid overwatering the plant. Also, water the plant during the growing season only.
Soil: A well-drained soil is best for the Shami plant.
Temperature: To grow a healthy plant, 20-32℃ is an ideal temperature for the Shami plant.
Fertilizer: You can use any organic fertilizer for this plant.
Growing tips for Shami plant
- Avoid repotting the plant immediately after receiving it. We have taken care of the plant with a better pot and rich soil.
- For 3-7 days, place the plant in indirect sunlight.
- Keep checking the soil moisture.
- Keep the plant hydrated all time.
Shami Plant benefits
- This plant produces gum, which is obtained during May and June.
- The bark of the tree is dry, acrid, and bitter with a sharp taste; cooling anthelmintic; tonic, cures leprosy, dysentery, bronchitis, asthma, leukoderma, hemorrhoids, and muscle tremors.
- Moreover, the smoke of the leaves is good for eye troubles.
Note: Please consult with the specialist first before using any part of the Shami plant.
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