Tibouchina urvilleana
Tibouchina urvilleana commonly known as the Purple Glory Bush has velvety dark green leaves. Sometimes it produces tinged reddish. This large purple flower with prominent stamens appears in summer. Moreover, this plant will eventually grow into a large spreading shrub. Also, it grows best in sub-tropical locations. The major advantage of Tibouchina urvilleana is that it survives occasional short periods of frost. Although its top growth can be killed off, however, it usually regenerates very quickly.
At a glance, you can easily say this plant stands out among the different types of bushes that exist. As Tibouchina possesses numerous noteworthy features and its best characteristics give enough reason for anyone to fall for it.
Tibouchina urvilleana Care Guide
Tibouchina thrives well in full sun, but it also appreciates partial afternoon shade if they grow in an area with hot summers. The purple glory tree needs 5 hours or more of direct sun daily.
In general, direct summer sunlight is just a bit too strong, however, it will not flower correctly without at least 5 to 8 hours of bright light a day.
Additionally, Tibouchina urvilleana enjoys a humid environment. So, keep the plant in a naturally humid part of your home, such as the kitchen or bathroom.
Tribouchina urvilleana grows well in rich, fertile soil. If your soil meets that requirement, a yearly layer of organic compost will help the soil remain fertile. If the soil is poor, fertilize the plant with an all-purpose garden fertilizer once a month during the growing season.
While pruning, sterilize your pruners with rubbing alcohol after each use to reduce the chances of spreading pests and diseases from one plant to another.
Usually, this plant grows in a rampant tangle which makes pruning a bit of a chore. After the growing season, provide your plant with a good pruning to control its growth habit and define its shape.
Growing Tips for Tibouchina urvilleana
- Avoid repotting the plant immediately after receiving it.
- Provide the plant with 5 to 8 hours of bright light a day.
- Always monitor the soil moisture and keep the plant hydrated all time. But, do not overwater them.
- Scatter dry fertilizer evenly around the base of the Tibouchina urvilleana, using a little over a pound of fertilizer per hundred square feet.
- Consider extending your application to just past the branch’s drip line. Water your plants thoroughly after you turn the top layer of soil and add granular fertilizer to the soil.
- If you put your potted plant into the ground during the summer, you need to dig it up and prune both the top and the roots before potting.
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