Home Decor for Good Sleep

If you’re struggling with trying to get a good night’s sleep, you’re not alone. More than half of the global population is insomniac and the number is only increasing with time. Now that technology is all over the place, seldom do we leave mobile phones on time before going to bed.

As a result, we end up sleeping late and waking up early in the morning seems like a tough battle. Until you start following a proper sleeping pattern, your mental and physical health will be at risk.

Experts recommend taking around 8 hours of sleep every day. On the contrary, lack of sleep will make you dull, lazy, and drowsy. If you’re willing to bring yourself to sleeping on time, we have compiled a list of the best tips that will help beat insomnia and get a good night’s sleep again:

●     Sleep on Comfortable Furniture

It can be hard to fall asleep on time and wake up fresh in the morning if you don’t have a comfy bed in your room. We recommend buying a comfy bed that is spacious enough for you and your partner. You should change it if it makes squeaky sounds every time you move.

Secondly, learn about the right kind of mattress material for your condition and priorities. After all, the market is flooded with a plethora of mattresses out there such as memory foam, innerspring, air mattress, hybrid mattresses.

There are special mattresses for people with back issues and many other options according to the weather. Check out the online mattress box and see if you can find something that fits your needs. After all, nobody wants to wake up with back or neck pain in the morning.

●     Have a Defined Time for Sleeping and Waking up

You feel more fresh and energetic in the morning when you sleep and get up on time. Especially if you’re an insomniac and haven’t slept properly in a long time, this habit will help improve your life. It takes time to build a sleeping routine, but it’s worth the effort. Just be prepared to spend a few days of sleep deprivation since you might not be able to sleep on time but you will have to wake up early.

Make sure you don’t sleep in the daytime if it’s not defined  in your routine; otherwise, it will be difficult to sleep on time at night. When you wake up late, you have to compromise a few hours every day. Once you have built a routine, you will feel a different energy in your body and witness a drastic change in your sleeping routine.

●     Limit Naps

Although daytime naps have always had a strong impact on a person’s mental health, still it is best to cut them down because they lessen the time of your good night sleep. Most people will drool over napping because it is the easiest way to cater for missed sleep. Also for those who work during the night, daytime naps allow them to catch up on missed sleeping hours easily.

However, since daytime naps and good night sleep are inversely proportional to one another, the more the duration of your morning sleep, the lesser will be the duration of your good night sleep.

●     Eliminate Caffeine and Nicotine From Your Diet

The effects of caffeine will last for several hours, even after you’re done with it. For your information, sometimes a high intake of caffeine in any form can result in effects lasting for 24 hours, thus making it hard for you to sleep timely. Caffeine will not only cut down the sleeping hours but will also give birth to constant awakenings.

This means when you drink 2 to 3 cups of coffee every day, you’ll end up waking up frequently in the nighttime. Furthermore, a high intake of alcohol will take a big toll on the sleeping hours too. Especially if you’re already on medications, check with your doctor before trying to drink a certain quantity of alcohol every day.

While it is generally advised to avoid excessive coffee consumption, enjoying a moderate amount of coffee can have certain health benefits. Research suggests that drinking a single cup of coffee per day may provide various advantages. Coffee contains antioxidants that can help protect the body against harmful free radicals. Additionally, the caffeine in coffee has been associated with improved cognitive function, increased alertness, and enhanced focus. Some studies have even suggested that moderate coffee intake may reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. However, it is important to note that individual reactions to coffee can vary, and it is essential to listen to your body’s response and adjust your intake accordingly. If you experience difficulties sleeping or other adverse effects, it may be best to limit or avoid coffee consumption altogether, especially close to bedtime.

●     Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise has a profound impact on sleep quality and its duration. However, exercising before bed might have the opposite effect. Therefore, try to avoid late-night workouts, since they cut the total sleeping time. Instead, workout early in the evening before dinner, so you can sleep early. According to massive research, it has been proven that regular exercise causes the release of endorphins in the brain.

They eventually declutter your mind and plant a smile on your face. Secondly, if you work out every day, the release of stress cortisol will be highly beneficial for your mental health. Therefore, now is the best time to pull up your socks and start working out for the best.

●     Limit Activities In Bed

Simply put, the bed is the best place to sleep and have sex on. However, if you have insomnia, it will be hard to sleep timely. For example, if you focus on sifting through social media before going to bed, it will cut down the number of hours that you need to sleep for staying healthy. Or, if you and your partner like to have sex very often, you both will have to figure out the correct routine for it.

Furthermore, you need to avoid the habit of watching movies and news during bedtime. After all, If something sensitive triggers human emotion, it will keep you awake all night long . So you’d be better off avoiding such activities in bed.

●     Make the Environment Comfortable

Lighting, temperature and noise will all have a strong impact on your sleeping quality. After all, unless you don’t have a comfy environment in the bedroom, it won’t be conducive for timely sleeping. Your bed must feel comfortable and if you’ve got pets or kids sleeping around, you’ll have to be careful with keeping everyone warm and cozy.

So we recommend you adjust the temperature to a minimum and incorporate a light-adjusting device to keep the space warm. On the contrary, having an uncomfortable workspace will put your sleep at the receiving end of the damage.