Are you also in love with the pink and white flowers in bushes and gardens? Who isn’t? Bougainvillea Bonsai tree is the bite-sized version of the mighty vine perfect for your home.

This article will give about everything on Bougainvillea Bonsai.

Bougainvillea Bonsai for Sale

If you are looking for bougainvillea bonsai for sale, here we have three options. You can get them in the red, pink and white color flowering bonsai tree.

Bonsai tree for sale: If you’re looking for bonsai trees for sale, there are many options available. You can find them online or in physical stores. You should look for a reputable supplier who offers a wide variety of trees. You should also read the product descriptions carefully to ensure that you are getting the right tree for your needs.

A little about Bougainvillea Bonsai plant

Scientific nameBougainvillea Glabra
Blossoming TimeSeasonal
Blossom ColorPurple, red, pink, and yellow
Watering Moderate
Sunlight exposureFull sun

The most appealing characteristic of this bonsai is its brilliant, petal-shaped leaves.

The species has been extensively crossbred, which accounts for the wide range of hues such as blooms in reds, deep purples, vibrant pinks, yellows, and whites.

Fun fact:

The average person may mistake these for flowers; however, the actual blooms are the bracts or colourful leaves, which are tiny structures in the heart of the leaves. The small yellow flowers inside stand out against the brilliantly coloured bracts.

Before a further delay, we will guide you on how to plant Bougainvillea Bonsai Bougainvillea from the seeds.

How to plant Bougainvillea bonsai from seed

1) The first step is to collect healthy seeds from planting bougainvillea. You can find the seeds of Bougainvillea on fully established plants. 

  • Look for colourful bracts that encircle the flower while growing it from seed. 
  • No, let the bract dry for some time.
  • You can find three pods, each carrying seeds, inside the bract. 

Note on How to plant Bougainvillea bonsai: 

Take the seed out of the pod. The seeds should be plump and brown in appearance. It takes a month for seeds to mature.

2) A little preparation before sowing the seeds

  • Bougainvillea seed propagation follows the same guidelines as mature plant propagation. 
  • You must give them well-draining soil, plenty of sunlight, and ideal growing circumstances. 
  • Choose high-quality potting soil and a large container to accommodate the bougainvillea’s development. 
  • Please give them a home environment and gather all necessary items that make the weather favourable.

3) It’s time to sow the seeds

  • Sow the Bougainvillea seeds on the soil’s surface. 
  • After that, rake and sow them to a depth of 2-3 times the seed thickness. 
  • Water the Bougainvillea seeds regularly. 
  • It is essential to keep the soil moist since it aids germination. 
  • Some bougainvillea seeds, but not all, exhibit early signs of growth. They may also take 30 days to germinate.

You can grow Bougainvillea using cuttings if seeds aren’t available. We will guide you on increasing Bougainvillea from Cuttings later in the article.

After growing your bougainvillea bonsai plant, it’s time for the care instructions. You need to care for your bonsai for their optimum growth.

Bougainvillea Bonsai Tree Care

1) Placement

Bougainvillea requires full sun and high temperatures to produce blossoms. It should be kept outside in a sunny location during the growing season. 

In the fall, you can move the bougainvillea bonsai plant to a cool room with plenty of light and temperatures that aren’t below 10°C and, at the very least, not above 15°C.

2) Watering

Water drainage is vital for the Bougainvillea Bonsai tree because roots that stay in moist and damp soil might produce fungus. However, watering your bonsai plant regularly is essential, especially if it has a lot of leaves. 

Water the bougainvillaea well when the soil becomes dry, but avoid continuous soil moisture, which can cause root rot, fungal problems, insect susceptibility, and mortality. 


Avoid using extremely calcareous water because the bougainvillea species prefer a pH of 6 to 6.5.

3) Fertilizing

Feeding the bonsai plant once a month during the growing season is best. It ensures that your Bonsai has the best chance of flowering.

You can buy specific fertilizers for Bougainvillea Bonsai online. Slow-release fertilizers with equal amounts of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus can be effective in optimum growth.

Note: Using a fertilizer for your bougainvillea with a high nitrogen content can stifle the plant’s growth and prevent it from completely blooming. 

4) Sunlight

Bougainvillea bonsai tree enjoys direct sunshine and should be kept outside in the sun or indoors where there is enough light. Make sure your bougainvillea gets at least 6 hours of it every day. It will ensure that your plant is healthy and produces the beautiful colour it is known for. 

Note: The plant will not produce leaves if it does not receive enough sunshine. Some harsher settings, such as desert-like environments, can be tricky for the plant to thrive, so be careful.

5) Pruning

You need to prune your Bougainvillea Bonsai plant. The best time to prune your Bougainvillea is when it is still growing and healthy. However, you must exercise extreme caution to avoid harming the plant. If your plant is still dormant, you should avoid pruning it. 

  • You can chop it down to one or two leaves.
  • After flowering, cut the sprouts, leaving two leaves on each, then prune the twigs and branches in the autumn or winter. 
  • After harsh pruning, the bougainvillea bonsai tree can produce buds from aged wood. 
  • In the summer, strictly avoid pinching or pruning the tree too much if you want it to flower. 

Note: If your Bougainvillea has more extensive cut wounds, apply the cut paste. Those wounds may take time to heal.

6) Temperature

Bougainvilleas prefer temperatures over 40 degrees Fahrenheit; temperatures below this must be monitored or transferred to a warmer location. Wait until the temperature is around 50 degrees Fahrenheit before pruning or planting.

7) Repotting Bougainvillea Bonsai Tree

You should repot your Bougainvillea Bonsai plant every 3 to 5 years for the smaller ones and every 5 years for the older ones. It will assist prevent root rot from developing and give your plant the best chance of growing.

Checking the drainage holes in the container is an excellent technique to see if it’s time to repotting Bougainvillea bonsai. If there are already holes that go through them, it’s time to repot. Because the Bougainvillea plant is not a cold-weather species, it is advisable to repot your Bougainvillea Bonsai during the summer.

After every repotting, you can root prune your Bougainvillea tree, like other Bonsais. Be cautious when repotting Bougainvillea bonsai because the roots will be brittle and delicate. The plant’s roots become more challenging as it grows older, so be mindful when removing the tree from the old pot.

Before potting, wait until the branches are robust and the roots are strong enough to endure the repotting procedure. When the plant is in full bloom in late Spring, it is the perfect time to transplant it to a pot.

Allow two days for the soil to dry after watering it. The plant may lose some leaves after potting, but they should quickly regenerate. Otherwise, the plant may struggle to recover and live once transported.

The advantage of planting bougainvillea in the soil before transferring it to a pot is that the plant’s trunk can thicken due to the lateral spread of the roots, which travel long distances. The thicker the plant’s trunk is, the longer the roots are. For this vine’s early development, a pot is too restricting.

Note for repotting bougainvillea bonsai:

  1. When selecting a pot, go for a larger size to give the roots enough room to grow and thrive. 
  2. You can also create a colour contrast with the plant’s magnificent foliage, use a glazed colour container or an unglazed pot to give it a rich, earthy look and feel. 
  3. Make sure to choose containers with enough drainage and moisture retention for the best results.
  4. When repotting your tree, use well-draining soil to keep the soil moderately dry. It would help if you used a Bougainvillea Bonsai soil mix that contains around 40% to 50% organic material and 50% to 60% hard material, such as coarse sand, granulated granite, or pumice. This plant may thrive in somewhat drier soil.

8) Propagation

Cuttings are the easiest method for propagating Bougainvillea Bonsai. 

Steps for propagating Bougainvillea tree:

  1. Fill a small container with rooting hormone and potting soil that has been lightly dampened. 
  2. Trim a short branch from the mother plant and ensure no leaves are at the cutting’s base.
  3. After clipping the extra leaves from the bottom of the cutting, immerse them in the rooting hormone and place them in damp potting soil. 
  4. Ensure the newly planted cutting is out of harm until you’re confident it’s rooted in. 
  5. To avoid rot in the cuttings, keep the soil wet but not soggy.
  6. Do not forget to give them enough sunlight.

9) Soil

The bougainvillea bonsai tree requires a lot of nitrogen to grow its gorgeous coloured leaves, organic fertilizer with a lot of nitrogen is the best choice. Bougainvilleas thrive in soils with 40 percent organic matter; the rest can be agricultural pumice, coarse sand, decomposed granite, or combination.

10) Pests and Diseases

It is pest-resistant as long as the bougainvillea bonsai plant is kept healthy and free of moist soil or lack of light. Powdery mildew, aphids, scale, mealybug, whitefly, and caterpillars can attack weak plants. In that scenario, employ specific herbicides and work to improve your tree’s conditions. To avoid rot, take the blossoms off when they begin to droop.

11) Humidity:

Because of its tropical roots, humidity is beneficial, too—spritzing the plant with water isn’t required, but if your house is exceptionally dry a small humidifier around your bougainvillea can satisfy its humidity requirements.

Bougainvillea Bonsai Wiring and training

The training and shaping techniques are responsible for giving the bonsai bougainvillea or any bonsai a beautiful appearance. Because it can grow vertically and horizontally, you can train your bonsai according to your preference in various shapes and styles.

Bonsai can be trained and shaped in a variety of ways. You can use wires, weights, clips, and other tools to train and shape your bonsai bougainvillea. On the other hand, Bonsai wire is used by most bonsai artists.

You can shape your Bougainvillea on a single or several branches, which is a continuous procedure.

Copper or aluminum wire is the most common way of bonsai shaping. Bougainvillea bonsai wiring is a method of shaping a bonsai plant into the desired shape.

Steps for wiring Bougainvillea tree:

  • You can use an aluminium or copper wire for this procedure. 
  • Use a wire that is 1/3 to 1/2 the branch’s thickness. It means that bigger branches require thicker wire to bend into form.
  • Cut a wire that is 33 percent longer than the length of the branch of the Bougainvillea. 
  • Cut a 13-centimetre length of wire for a 10-centimetre branch. 
  • Wrap the wire around the trunk and branches to help the Bougainvillea tree evolve into the shape you want them to be.
  • Keep them as close together as possible; otherwise, the wire’s strength will suffer.
  • Wire the entire Bougainvillea bonsai tree first, starting with the heaviest branches and working your way down to the smallest branches. 
  • Wrap the wire around the branch at a 45-degree angle for maximum flexibility.
  • Bend the wire into the appropriate shape. 
  • You should avoid breaking a branch and never bend it in its natural direction.

Note for Bougainvillea bonsai wiring:

  • Keep the wiring for a few weeks before removing it to examine the shape.
  • Maintain consistent spacing between the wire and the branch to permit your Bougainvillea tree to grow. 
  • Remember that bougainvillea tree branches are delicate, and if wrapped too tightly, they will crack or die.

Weights Clips for Bougainvillea Shaping

  1. A small weight, such as a rock, can be used to pull the branch down at a particular angle.
  2. Many bonsai enthusiasts often use threads and clips to alter the shape of the young branches. This procedure is quite convenient and results in a natural curve.
  3. If you tie a string to a branch, make sure it doesn’t pull the branch directly. Instead, wrap a cloth or sponge around the branch and secure it.

Observe your design from various angles and distances. If you’re unsatisfied, change the branch’s position or direction according to your choice.

Bougainvillea Bonsai tree display tips:

Bougainvillea is known for its everlasting flowers. Their blooms are available in numerous shades, including pink, purple, white, and red. So, I have noticed some tricks that work on the bougainvillea bonsai tree, which you can apply as well. 

Remove Few Leaves:

Bougainvillea bonsai likes ‘tight feet,’ basically rootbound. After flowering is the right moment to perform heavy pruning and give it a new style. Also, defoliate the leaves at least one time a year in the spring or summer to promote smaller leaves and more branching.

Can I Grow It Indoors?

Yes, you can! Bougainvillea bonsai does well in well-lit arrangements inside. Scrutinize the soil’s moistness so it never dries out fully, but do not keep it moist all the time.

Appropriate Substrate:

Soil should be granulated and quickly draining but always should contain some organic matter. Make sure to have a “light” feel to the potting soil.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1: What can I do to get my bonsai to bloom?

The best thing you can do to encourage your Bougainvillea Bonsai to bloom is to give it some space. You won’t have any problems with flowers as long as your plant is placed in a sunny spot, you don’t fertilize too much, and you don’t overwater it.
If your Bougainvillea tree isn’t blooming as much as you want, try cutting back on watering and skipping the fertilizer cycle. It will aid in the blossoming process.

Ques2: How long will it take to grow my bonsai?

Bougainvillea is recognized as a rapid grower and may grow more than 36 inches yearly. Only by obtaining their best-growing preferences and weather circumstances will it attain such a high pace of growth.

Ques3: How long will my Bougainvillea bonsai live?

Your Bougainvillea Bonsai, like any other Bonsai, can live for many years if you properly care for it. To begin, make sure you plant it appropriately.
You must also guarantee that it receives direct sunshine throughout the day to thrive. During the growing season, it must also be trimmed and fertilized regularly.

Ques4: Why are bougainvillea leaves and blooms falling to the ground?

Because of the lower intensity of sunlight during the winter months, the Bougainvillea Bonsai plant can drop its leaves and blossoms in response to the milder temperatures and unexpected temperature differences.

Make sure the temperature doesn’t dip below freezing for the Bougainvilleas to start dropping leaves. However, in contrast to the continuously moderate or warm weather, this could result from an unannounced cold snap.
Your Bougainvillea Bonsai has specific growing requirements that you should follow for it to thrive and blossom. If you are not meeting these requirements, you won’t be able to enjoy long-lasting blossoms.
A warm temperature is necessary for your Bougainvillea Bonsai. Flower drop in Bougainvillea Bonsais could be caused by temperatures below what the plant is used to.
Aside from warmth, your Bougainvillea Bonsai will thrive in a sunny, bright environment. Low light levels are one of the most common causes of Bougainvillea Bonsai blooms dropping.
Your Bougainvillea Bonsai tree may also lose its blossoms if exposed to ethylene. Barbecue pits and ripe fruits create ethylene, which is a gas. 
Chlorine from swimming pools might also be a problem.

Ques5: When to Plant Bougainvillea?

In the garden, plant these in quick-draining soil and out from other plants to provide them space to expand. Because they have blunt thorns, put them several feet away from a pathway or other place of activity. Plant bougainvillea in the garden in spring or summer, which offers the plant time to create a healthy root system before chilly weather arrives. 

Ques6: How do you overwinter a potted bougainvillea?

Bougainvilleas in potted form can be overwintered in any frost-free area, even in the night. A garage or a cellar is perfect, but it must be frost-free. Water only once a month or every three to four weeks, so the plant does not evolve completely dried. All the leaves will fall off, but the plant will stay dormant – and survive.

In spring, reposition your bougainvillea to someplace sunny, but frost-free. A sunroom is perfect. Water more frequently, and as the first green sprouts of growth form, fertilize with a liquid bougainvillea feed.

After the previous frost, reposition your plant outdoors.

Ques7: What is the best way to produce flowers in the bougainvillea bonsai tree?

Bougainvillea blooms on fresh wood, which signifies the more you tweak around new nodes, the more your bougainvillea will branch out and create buds. Pinching should be done precisely after your plant flowers. Use pruning shears to cut down a few inches of the weak, extending tips on each stem. 


Bonsai lovers and gardeners like you adore the Bougainvillea bonsai tree. Beautiful flowers attract attention and create a masterpiece in the home. Care for this Bougainvillea plant is easy to moderate and comes in handy. 

So, what’s stopping you from having this appealing masterwork in your house?