Do you know chameli flower comes in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes? They’re all from the genus Jasminum, containing over 200 different species.

The chameli plant is often mentioned when it comes to the best-smelling flowers. This magnificent flower is both beautiful and fragrant.

Do you want to grow a chameli tree? Learn everything you need to know about how to grow the chameli plant and the caring guide for it.  Enjoy their sweet-smelling flowers and sturdy appearance.

What is a chameli flower?

Tropically blooming, the chameli plant thrives in hotter climes. The major varieties of chameli have a distinct aroma that is recognised even before picking. You can easily find the scent of jasmine in a variety of products, including teas, candles, soaps, and lotions. Chameli tree has glossy, brilliant green leaves and prefers sunlight to mild shade as well as a healthy, well-drained soil. 

Some chameli plants are evergreen, which means they preserve their green foliage throughout the year. While jasmine (chameli) requires some care to grow, it is well worth it because the plant produces a beautiful display of blooms that can brighten up even the drabbest of yards.

Types of Chameli

The types of chameli vary in color, shape, petal count, and fragrance. There are various types of jasmine types available, and some of them are mentioned below:

1. Common Jasmine

Scientific NameJasminum Officinale
SunlightFull or Partial
Chameli Flowering SeasonSummer and fall
Height25 feet
ColorPure white

Common Jasmine is a vine that excels in climbing up any given support. The flower is normally white in colour and has five petals. This chameli type grows in groups. When you combine them with climbing vegetables, you’ll have a visual charm that will transport you to another world.

This chameli tree has a strong scent that is likely to entice everyone. The leaves are pointed and fluffy. It is a fantastic choice for covering up space because it climbs up rapidly and grows quickly. Don’t worry about it spreading; it’s easy to keep under control.

2. Dwarf Jasmine

Scientific NameJasmine parkeri
SunlightFull or partial
Chameli Flowering SeasonSummer
Height12 inches

Dwarf jasmine blossoms have beautiful yellow blooms with five spherical and dazzling petals like the sun. It’s evergreen and grows up to a foot high in a shrub-like form. You can keep your dwarf jasmine neat and confined with much ease.

Although they’re not known for being fragrant or sprawling, they are frequently grown and used in flower arrangements and bouquets because of their attractiveness and vibrant colors.

3. Angel Wing Jasmine

Scientific NameJasmine Nitidum
Chameli Flowering SeasonSummer
Height20 feet
ColorWhite with purple

Angel Wing Jasmine is distinguished by its unusual flowers, which feature long, narrow petals. These chameli flower varieties are also larger than other varieties.

The color of these blossoms is purplish. They are one of the most beautiful jasmines due to their unusual shape and color. The leaves, like the flowers, are well-sculptured and pointed.

4. Italian Jasmine

Scientific NameJasminum humile
SunlightFull or partial
Chameli Flowering SeasonSummer
Height8 – 13 feet

Italian Jasmine is one of the most popular shrub chameli plant types that is popular among gardeners. The bright yellow flowers burst against the glossy green leaves in these plants.

The flowers are droopy and have a total of five petals. They resemble small bells on the shrub due to their droopy appearance. 

Chameli flower of this species grows in clusters of six. You’ll enjoy seeing them, flood your yard with chameli and spread their satisfying scent.

5. Arabian Jasmine

Scientific NameJasminum sambac
SunlightFull or partial
Chameli Flowering SeasonSummer
HeightUp to 10 feet
ColorWhite, gets pink when mature

Ever had a cup of Jasmine tea? Then you’ve probably tried Arabian Jasmines. It is the Philippines’ national flower. This chameli tree type smells like jasmine, which is normally grown as a spice.

These forms of jasmine blossoms have petite, multilayered flowers. The chameli flower petals are usually only one layer thick, so these stand out. This chameli flower does not bloom in a cluster. They’re hard to comeby, but the aroma is incredible.

These blooms are white while they are young, but they take on a pinkish tinge as they mature. The final purplish colour only adds to their attractiveness.

6. Primrose Jasmine

Scientific NameJasminum mesnyl
SunlightFull or partial
Chameli Flowering SeasonSpring
Height6 feet

Primrose Jasmine is another yellow-petalled jasmine variety. It’s a shrub with little clusters of huge jasmine blooms strewn around its body. When compared to conventional jasmines, these blossoms are more conspicuous.

This chameli type blooms profusely, giving the plant a bold and vibrant appearance. You’ll appreciate the abundance of a chameli flower in your garden once you have them. This shrub can also climb up quickly. As a result, you can plant it in a variety of locations or even train it to become a living fence.

7. Forest Jasmine

Scientific NameJasminum abyssinicum
SunlightFull or partial
Chameli Flowering SeasonSummer
Height16-18 feet

Forest jasmine blooms at the top of mountain wood canopies at high altitudes. This chameli flower is a climber that stretches its tendrils upwards to the sun, where white flowers emerge. These pink-hued blossoms have a lovely aroma and are tinted with pink at the margins.

8. Wild Jasmine

Scientific NameJasminum fruticans
SunlightFull or partial
Chameli Flowering SeasonSummer and spring
Height12 feet

Wild Jasmine is a low-growing shrub with lovely bright and rich yellow blossoms that bloom in the summer and spring. The yellow blossoms stand out against the dark green leaves.

This chameli plant is versatile and works well in various settings, including hedges, shrubs, ground covers, hanging plants, and more. These forms of jasmine blooms are also resistant to pesticides and harsh weather. They have no scent, and people plant them for their aesthetic value.

9. Jasminum Vahl

Scientific NameJasminum auriculatum
SunlightFull or partial
Chameli Flowering SeasonSummer and spring
Height4 to 5 feet

These jasmine flowers are native to Thailand and India. They’re grown for oil extraction and of course for decoration. The aroma of these little white blossoms is similar to that of a gardenia.

10. Star Jasmine

Scientific NameJasminum multiflorum
Chameli Flowering SeasonWinter
Height10 feet
ColorSnow White

These blooms are unusual because they have seven petals instead of the typical five petals  Another peculiar feature is that these blooms do not have a scent. Rich green leaves and lovely, clustered blossoms make up for the absence of aroma.

It is another Chameli flower plant that you may grow as a shrub or support as a vine. This chameli plant type is primarily used as a decorative plant due to its lack of aroma.

After getting to know the most popular chameli types, you should now get to know how to grow a chameli tree. Check out our guide for that! 

How to Grow the Chameli Plant

When planting a chameli tree choose a warm, sheltered place. Some of the chameli plant types can grow upto 15 feet (4.5 meters) highl, and for that they require a support system.

  • Place the chameli plant on the ground or in a deep container.
  • Cover the plant with well-draining fertile soil. 
  • Keep it in full sunlight to partial shade.
  • Regularly water your chameli plant but do not overwater it.


Chameli trees should be spaced at least 8 feet apart from each other and occasionally more distance, depending on the variety. This helps it in future root growth. Chameli flower plants will grow quickly and despite being crowded.

Propagate through Stem Cuttings

You can propagate chameli flowers from cuttings in the early summer.


  • Start by cutting a 4-6 inch long semi-hardwood stem from a healthy chameli plant.
  • Now, remove the lower leaves but make sure to leave the top ones alone.
  • You should plant the chameli plant cutting in a pot filled with potting mix after dipping it in a rooting hormone.
  • Water the plant thoroughly, cover it with plastic wrap and place it in a bright, indirect light setting.
  • In 2-4 weeks, new leaves will start sprouting from the cutting. 


Although you can easily propagate the chameli flower from cuttings, getting a well-grown plant online is recommended to enjoy earlier blooming!

Care Guide of Chameli Flower Plant


Chameli trees prefer full sunlight or partial shade, with full sunlight requiring 6 hours or more of direct sunshine per day and moderate shade requiring 2–4 hours per day. The amount of sunlight a chameli flower requires is determined by the type of plant, the climate, and other factors.


If you are planning to plant your chameli tree on the ground, you should water them once a week. Increase the frequency if the weather is unusually dry or hot, but allow the soil to dry out in between. 

If you are opting to plant your chameli tree in a container, you most likely need to water it several times per week, especially during the summer. 


Water your chameli flower tree once the top 1 inch of soil is dry.


You need to prune your chameli flower to prevent it from illness or diseases. 

  • Before pruning, you should remove any damaged, diseased, or dead stems from the chameli plant. 
  • Cut any stems that are twisted or don’t bloom anymore. 
  • By snipping stems of the chameli tree that are growing away from the plant, you may help in training it, neat and tidy. 
  • You should prune the chameli flower tree as soon as it blooms to give it ample time to flourish before the next season. 


Pruning is simple: pinch the tips between your finger and fingernail and squeeze them. Pruning properly on a regular basis will encourage lush, full foliage and quick growth of the chameli flower.


Chameli tree thrives in well-drained, permeable, and somewhat rich soil. A standard potting mix will suffice this purpose. Mix equal amounts of cow dung or compost, sand or perlite, and garden soil to make your own growing medium. Alternatively, you can purchase soil online from the store Abana Homes.


Feed the chameli plant a balanced liquid fertilizer during the growing phase. You can also select organic solutions such as compost, compost tea, or coffee-ground during the growth period.


Chameli thrives in temperatures ranging from 15 to 32 degrees Celsius. India’s tropical climate is ideal for the development of the plant.

Diseases and Pests

Spider mites and aphids can attack the plant. 

What to do:

Using a powerful spray of water, you can knock the spiders, mites and aphids that attack the plant. If the condition persists, use a cotton ball to apply a neem oil solution every two weeks to eradicate the pests. 

Common Chameli Flower plant issues and their fixes:

Chameli Flower Plants face problems and you must be able to identify them before it’s too late. Good thing, that diseases in the chameli plant are easy to recognize and most of them are cultural issues and can be corrected with less effort. 

Falling leaves of chameli flower plant:

When chameli plants are underwatered, the roots fail to collect nutrients from the soil. As a result, the leaves will dry out and eventually will fall off. Another reason for falling leaves is cold weather, but this only happens in cold regions and if the plant is planted outside. Lack of light also can be the reason for leaf drop, but in this case, the plant will miserably wilt before losing its leaves. 


If your soil getting dry quicker than you imagine, it’s a sign it’s lacking water and drinking it up quickly after receiving it. Providing more water is the solution (it goes without saying), but if you are unable to keep up with the frequent watering you can set up an automatic watering device. Keeping the plant indoors is a good idea during winter, but it’s advisable to use a grow light inside, as chameli plants thrive in sunlight.      

Chameli flowers are turning brown:

Environmental stress and inappropriate watering cause this issue. Browning of flowers can be a serious issue, as hamper the overall look of the plant. Both over and underwatering will turn the flowers brown and produce spots and worst of all they will fall prematurely. 

Chameli flower plants love sunlight, it’s true, but they also have limits. By limit, I mean 4-6 hours of sunlight or 14 hours of artificial light. If they are constantly exceeding their limit, the plant will suffer from stress. If the whole planting is wilting and leaves are getting crispy along with the flowers browning, it’s a sign of light stress. 


If the soil is bone dry, try bottom watering or use an automatic watering device. If the soil is soggy and mushy, check the roots to detect the damage. If the roots feel mushy to touch as well, prune the damaged parts and re-pot it. If roots are alright, then it’s less concerning, as you only have to control yourself from watering it too much. 

You can use a shade or cloth to protect it till the weather turns normal. Give filtered light for a few weeks and fulfill the water needs and the plant will revive. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: Is chameli an annual or a perennial flower?

Ans. Chameli is a perennial flower that blooms year after year. Different types require different amounts of water, space, and sunlight; depending on their growing zone.

Ques: How much sunlight does the chameli flower necessitate?

Ans. All types of chameli thrive in full sunlight to partial shade; however, the amount of sunlight a plant needs each day varies from species to species. 

Ques: Is it possible to grow chameli plants both indoors and outdoors?

Ans. Chameli plants can be grown both inside and outside the house. Indoors, dwarf kinds flourish best, but vines can also thrive. Just pinch or clip the plant to maintain the desired height and shape during the dormant season.

Ques: Is it possible for chameli to survive the winter?

Ans. Many gardeners grow chameli in containers so that they can bring it inside the house in winter. If you’re bringing jasmine inside because it’s too chilly outside, do so gradually over a week or two to give the plant time to acclimatize to the lowered sunlight levels. 
Bringing the chameli plant inside at night and then returning it outside during the day, gradually increasing the amount of time you leave it inside during the week, is an excellent strategy to make this change. Place it in the sunniest position of the house after it is permanently inside.

Ques: What time of the year is chameli flowering season?

Ans. Chameli flowering season starts from early spring to late autumn. The fragrant flowers attract bees and other pollinators and are usually cream, white, or yellow in colour; depending on the cultivar.

Ques: How long do the blossomings last when it comes to chameli blossoms?

Ans. Chameli blooms will stay open and fresh for several months if they are given enough sunlight and proper watering and nourishment.


The Chameli plant is an excellent choice for home gardeners and plant enthusiasts looking for sweet-scented flowering plants. The addition of this flowering plant to your room or yard might help to improve the overall aroma of the house. 

Planting a Chameli flower plant on a climbing structure helps control the plant’s development while also improving the garden’s overall appearance. You can train the young vines with the help of a trellis or a fence.

Chameli tree care is easy, and it won’t give you a hard time. Now that you know the details, when are you planning to purchase your fragrant chameli plant?

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