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Top 13 Difference between Compost and Vermicompost

Do you also get confused over the difference between composting and vermicomposting? The difference between vermicompost and compost is quite simple, yet people get overwhelmed. In this article, don't worry; we will guide you over compost and vermicompost.

Compost and Vermicompost is a type of manure that provides critical nutrients to the soil. In simple terms, manure contains a lot of organic matter and provides the soil with a few nutrients. It is formed when animal excrement and plant waste decompose. 
Manure is known to improve the fertility of the soil, adding nutrients and organic elements to the soil. The majority of the organic matter in manure helps to improve soil structure. It requires increasing the water-holding capacity of sandy soils.

What is compost?

Composting is the process of decomposing trash into pits and turning it into compost. You can acquire this through the biodegradation of trash and the addition of organic matter. It is known to have a lot of organic components and nutrients in the compost.

Composting is made from farm waste such as cow dung, animal waste, vegetable trash, domestic garbage, eliminated weeds, sewage waste, straw, and so on. 

Microbes, namely Thermophilic bacteria, break down the waste products. Yeast is also useful in the composting process. The soil is suitable for plantation and farming because the compost is rich in minerals and micronutrients.

What is vermicomposting?

It is a natural and biological process in which earthworms convert organic wastes into manure, which is high in nutrients and utilized as biofertilizers, sewage treatment, and other organic farming. Vermicomposting differs from composting in that it is created through the decomposition of organic matter.

Now, without a further delay, let's dive into the difference between composting and vermicomposting.

What is difference between compost and vermicompost?

Though there is a list of difference between vermicompost and compost, we have mentioned some of the important ones.

Compost Vermicompost
Compost is created from a variety of waste materials. Vermicompost is produced entirely of organic waste.
Thermophilic Bacteria are responsible for composting. Mesophilic Bacteria are responsible for vermicomposting.
Compost is made from garbage that has been biodegraded. Microbes are responsible for composting. The decomposition of trash produces vermicompost. Earthworms are utilized to speed up the decomposition process.
Composting necessitates the use of greater space or area. Vermicomposting takes up a lot less room than traditional composting.
Composting takes more time than other types of waste. Vermicompost takes a lot less time to make than regular compost.
Compost manufacturing necessitates more upkeep and labor. Vermicompost production necessitates far less upkeep and effort.
Compost has a lot of minerals and micronutrients in it. Minerals, hormones, and micronutrients are abundant in vermicompost.
Plant growth regulators are not present in compost. Plant growth regulators are included in vermicompost.
Because normal compost piles can get heated, they are dominated by thermophilic (or "heat-loving") bacteria that can flourish in those temperatures. Worm compost is dominated by mesophilic bacteria that prefer cooler temperatures.
Its nutritional structure is less fine. Traditional compost does not offer plants the essential number of micro and macronutrients, particularly the critical NKP, in a shorter amount of time (compared to vermicompost). Vermicompost is high in NKP.
The compost nutrient addition method provides sufficient ammonium to the soil. This method effectively adds nitrates to the soil.
If you reside in a rural or quiet region, you can undertake traditional composting outside. Vermicomposting can be done both outside and inside. If you live in an apartment or floor, worm composting is an option. Indoor composting is preferred by gardeners over outdoor composting.

Let's cover the difference between composting and vermicomposting in detail.

1) Compost vs Vermicompost: Temperature

Compost piles are often heated because the aerobic breakdown of organic waste emits carbon dioxide and heat, resulting in piles that can reach temperatures exceeding 150 degrees Fahrenheit. It is beneficial since heat can destroy microorganisms in your compost input.

Vermicomposting is a much cooler process, with temperatures ranging from 50 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The disadvantage of using less heat is that pathogens in the food waste, manure, or whatever you're feeding your worms will not be killed as effectively. 

Note on the difference between vermicompost and compost: While research shows that vermicomposting kill certain pathogens. Yet, it is not as practical as thermophilic composting kills the majority of pathogens.

2) Compost vs Vermicompost: Microbial Populations 

Because conventional compost piles can get hot, thermophilic (or "heat-loving") bacteria thrive in certain conditions.

Worm compost is dominated by mesophilic bacteria, which require more moderate temperatures.

3) Compost vs Vermicompost: Aeration 

In composting, due to the depth of compost piles, you must stir them to guarantee that all input materials are digested. You can make "chimneys" out of wrapped wire or landscaping fabric to assist in oxygenating inside the compost pile, but they will still need to be turned.

In vermicomposting, these enchanted worms truly convert your compost for you! It's totally okay if you are not turning vermicomposting bins because they're shallow, especially in continuous flow-through digesters!

4) Compost vs Vermicompost: Space

In composting, hot compost piles are deep, so you don't require as much space as you may think for a given volume of compost.

In vermicomposting, the limiting issue is an available surface area rather than depth. The earthworms do not burrow and only prefer to work on the top 6-12 inches. You can stack your worm bins or figure out a way to make the most of your space. 

Note: Vermicomposting is not well suited to processing large amounts of waste at once.

5) Compost vs Vermicompost: Cost

Composting is a low-cost option! You can simply start arranging your browns and greens on a surface you don't mind using for composting. There's nothing much to it. It is pocket-friendly. 

Vermicomposting is not expensive, but you will need to purchase worms and a bin unless you wish to produce your own. While this does not have to be expensive, it is necessary to protect your worms from the elements, which necessitates the inconvenience of reserving space as well as the potential cost of heating or cooling your vermicomposting facility.

6) Compost vs Vermicompost: Time

Composting is a very slow process. It can take 6-9 months to finish a hot compost pile.

Vermicomposting is a lot faster than traditional composting. In as little as 8-12 weeks, a vermicompost bin can be "completed" and ready for harvesting.

Key Takeaways on Compost and vermicompost

  1. Manure is produced when animal excrement and plant waste decompose.
  2. Manure is known to add nutrients and organic elements to the soil, enhancing its fertility. It requires boosting the water-holding capacity of sandy soils.
  3. Manure is classified depending on the type of biological material used.
  • compost or vermicompost
  • Manure (green)
  1. Farm waste such as cow dung, animal waste, vegetable trash, home waste, eradicated weeds, sewage waste, straw, and other items are composted in pits.
  2. compost is created when garbage biodegrades. Microbes, namely Thermophilic bacteria, break down the waste. Yeast is also useful in the composting process.
  3. Vermicompost is made through a natural and biological process that includes the use of worms such as earthworms, white worms, red wrigglers, and others. Earthworms decompose organic waste into manure, which is high in nutrients and utilized for biofertilizers, organic farming, and sewage treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1: Does vermicomposting take less time?

Yes, on average vermicomposting does take less time. Vermicomposting requires less time; typically, it takes 8 to 12 weeks to get the necessary materials to feed plants. 

The red worms used in the composting will be the same actors in the aeration of the compost in this situation. 

Note on compost and vermicompost: Another thing to keep in mind is that red worms used in vermicomposting do not dig and only process the first 20 to 30 centimeters of material, so if there is a lot of garbage, the process will fail.

On the other hand, Composting, when done correctly, can take anywhere from 6 to 9 months to get the product ready for use, and it also necessitates a number of interventions to aerate the material. The method cannot be carried out within buildings, which is a drawback when compared to worm composting.

Ques2: What Is The Best Way To Add Kitchen Scraps?

It's important to understand that bacteria need time to form. Furthermore, if you dump too much food waste into your bin too quickly, your bin may become nasty. So, take it slowly at first. Start with modest amounts of vegetable matter and gritty stuff and progressively increase the amount. If scents are present, reduce the amount of kitchen garbage or slice it into smaller pieces.

Ques3: What Worms Should I Use for Vermicomposting?

You can use red worms for Vermicomposting. Hybrid worms, dung worms, and red wigglers are all names for these worms. You may buy red worms in a store or on the internet. Unfortunately, because they rely on soil for nutrients, the worms in your backyard aren't suited for vermicomposting.

Ques4: What is the definition of green manure? What are the advantages of using green manure in farming?

The breakdown of plant waste and residue produces green manure. Green Manure is completely organic and devoid of dangerous chemicals. It improves soil fertility by supplementing it with chemical-free nutrients and organic elements. It increases the soil's water capacity and is rich in nutrients and organic materials. 

Green manure is made from organic plant waste, which helps the environment by lowering the demand for fertilizers. Another way to recycle plant residue is to use plant waste, which is less expensive than chemical supplements.

Ques5: Compost vs vermicompost: which is superior in terms of nutrients?

One of the biggest difference between composting and vermicomposting is the nutrient factor. In comparison to vermicompost, compost has a lower nutrient concentration. Earthworms, white worms, red wrigglers, and other worms are used in the vermicomposting process, which results in vermicompost. It is rich in minerals and micronutrients.

Ques6: What distinguishes vermicomposting from composting?

Vermicomposting is done by earthworms, white worms, red wrigglers, and other worms, whereas microbes, specifically Thermophilic bacteria, do compost. Yeast is also useful in the composting process.

Ques7: Which procedure necessitates more upkeep and labor costs: vermicomposting or composting?

Another difference between vermicompost and compost is the cost and care factor. Because composting is a sluggish process that takes a long time to prepare, it requires more upkeep and effort, whereas vermicomposting is a faster process than composting because it uses earthworms. Earthworms are employed to speed up the decomposition process, requiring less upkeep and effort.

Ques8: What are the benefits of using compost instead of chemical fertilizers?

Some of the advantages of compost over chemical fertilizers are mentioned below:

  • Compost is made from agricultural waste such as cow dung, animal waste, vegetable waste, domestic garbage, weeds that have been eradicated, sewage waste, straw, and so on, whereas artificial fertilizers are made from chemical products.
  • Compost is not hazardous to the soil or plants, unlike commercial fertilizers, due to their high chemical content, which is harmful to the soil and plants.
  • Chemical fertilizers require machines and sophisticated chemical compounds, whereas you can simply make compost at home or on farms.
  • Chemical fertilizers are expensive, whereas compost is inexpensive.

Ques9: Are there any similarities between compost and vermicompost?

Despite the difference between vermicompost and compost, both nutrient addition processes share many characteristics. Here are a few of their similarities.

1) The same procedure

Although compost and vermicompost are processed using different bacteria, the breakdown of organic material is the same. They eat rotting organic debris with bacteria.

These decomposers eat organic matter and excrete useful organic molecules that help to keep the soil fertile. As a result, both of these processes use the same basic mechanism.

2) Both work In the Presence of Air

Another thing that compost and vermicompost have in common is that they both require adequate air. They are unable to carry out the nutrient addition procedures without sufficient aeration. As a result, both vermicompost and compost have this property.

3) Both Aid in the Digestion of Nutrients

The fact that both compost and vermicompost break down organic material into their ingredients is another commonality. The elements formed as a result of this process contribute to the soil's fertility.

4) Both contribute to the soil's fertility.

Both of these strategies have the same basic goal. Composting is a process of improving soil fertility by using traditional organic materials.

On the other hand, Vermicomposting makes use of beneficial worms to improve soil fertility. These compost and vermicompost approaches have the same basic goal of increasing fertility.

5) Organic waste is broken down into fertilizer by both compost and vermicompost.

Organic waste, such as rice and bread, is broken down into fertilizer by both vermicompost and compost. Food scraps, yard trash, and other organic debris are used in vermicomposting, while kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic debris are used in composting.

Ques10: Which Should You Use: Compost vs Vermicompost?

The most incredible composting method is one that you can stick with over time because you enjoy it, and it fits your lifestyle. Compost and Vermicompost are both preferable to dumping yard waste on the curb.

  • If you don't have a garden, vermicomposting is a good alternative because it takes less time and mostly uses kitchen trash. Vermicomposting is best suited for processing tiny amounts of waste quickly.
  • You should attempt cold composting your yard waste and leaves if you have a garden because it is more flexible and demands less effort.
  • Vermicomposting is a physical process at low to moderate temperatures and depends on the worms' digging, eating, and environmental tolerance.

Ques11: What is composting?

Composting is the method of using food waste, leaves, and other organic matter in the soil. It is a brilliant way to recycle waste from your lawn and kitchen while improving the soil in your potted plants and garden, boosting its capacity to hold water, and preventing decay.

Despite its intimidating stature, composting is relatively easy to do and can be a significantly enjoyable hobby, mainly if you love gardening and care about the atmosphere. 

Ques12: Does compost need earthworms?

You do not need to include earthworms in your compost pile. To be honest, composting occurs with and without the use of earthworms. Worms will eventually find their way to a compost pile.

Ques13: What are the disadvantages of composting and vermicomposting?


1) It requires some initial investment, tools like a composting bin and other supplies may be required to begin the procedure.

2) The effectiveness of your compost could rely on the quantity of waste generated.

3) Depending on the amount of organic food scraps, compost can create a foul smell. If you made it as your hobby, the constant smell can really be uncomfortable after some time.

4) This point is serious. Compost can attract different species of animals in your area and some of them can be really harmful, for instance- snakes, bugs, bats, rats, etc. 


1) Vermicompost setup is more expensive than other techniques of composting. You have to use specialized bins and purchase Earth and other kinds of worms.

2) Unlike compost, vermicompost needs extra lookout and maintenance. The worms must have food, steady temperature, and constant moisture to thrive easily and help make compost.

3) Vermicompost needs more room to create the exact yield as normal compost.

4) Vermicompost bins can provoke the intrusion of bugs. As it needs a cooler temperature to help earthworms live, it also draws other pest problems.

Ques14: What not to compost and why?

Not everything from your kitchen or yard can go in the compost. Certain things could attract insects and rodents while others may have damaging toxins. Here are some items you should not use for composting:

1) Bones or leftovers from meat and fish cause they produce a foul smell, lure problematic pests, and might also bear pathogens.

2) Dairy products cause they produce bad smell and attract pests

3) Leaves or twigs from black walnut plants cause them to discharge a compound that’s harmful to plants. 

4) Walnuts as they emit a compound that’s harmful to plants. 

5) Coal ash or charcoal because they have compounds that may damage plants. 

6) Fat, cooking oil, and grease as it creates odour issues and draws pests such as rodents and flies.

7) Baked wastes, because they may attract pests and boost the growth of destructive bacteria. 


Vermicomposting is a physical process carried out at moderate temperatures using tactics governed by the worms' burrowing and eating capacities and their tolerance for environmental conditions. It's great for digesting smaller amounts of garbage more quickly.

On the other side, composting is more of a chemical process that takes place at high temperatures and is not restricted by depth. While hot composting is a much slower process, it is better suited to large-scale waste processing.

Don't let the name confuse you anymore! I hope we have clarified the difference between composting and vermicomposting for you! If you have any questions on what is the difference between compost and vermicompost, comment below, and we will get back to you with the answers!

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