Do you remember your hiking days? Sleeping in the middle of the forest and waking up to the sight of lavish green trees all around you? 

Did you enjoy the green climbers cascading down gloriously?

How would you feel about waking up daily to enjoy this view? Why not bring these climber babies into your bedroom? 

Growing creepers inside your homes can be a total gamechanger!

Be ready to conceal nature inside your concentre walls as we guide you with the ultimate list of 30 best indoor creeper plants!

So without any further ado, let’s begin!

List of 30 best indoor creeper plants

1.Bleeding-heart vine Bleeding heart vines are attractive indoor climbers that grow in a bush style. These are famous for their colorful pink and white flowers, which bloom from every spring to fall. 
2.Adanson’s MonsteraHow many holes can be too many holes? 
These plants are called Swiss cheese plants or 5 holes plants because of these same holes. They grow heart-shaped leaves and later develop holes in them as they mature. 
3.Monstera PeruAre you looking for rare exotic climbers to grace your indoor spaces?
Monstera Peru will be a perfect choice! Despite their rarity, these plants are easy to grow and have rigid rubbery leaves.
4.Split-leaf Philodendron The leaves of these vines are heart-shaped and have split-leaf blades. You can provide support like trellises, coco coir poles, or moss poles for them to help them grow in a vertical direction.  
5.Heartleaf PhilodendronThese plants are popularly grown as houseplants and are easy to grow. They have heart-shaped glossy green leaves, which turn bronze when they begin to grow and quickly turn green as they mature. 
6.Golden Pothos (Money Plant)Need some luck? 
Well, these plants, apart from beautifully gracing the indoors with their vines, are also believed to bring luck and fortune. 
They are the best indoor creeper plants for minimal-looking interior styles.
7.Arrowhead PlantThis will work as a free of cost air purifier at your home! 
These amazing tropical plants are easily grown as a houseplant and thrive best in high humid interiors. 
With medium indirect sunlight and regular misting and watering, you can enjoy these air purifiers in the comfort of your home!
8.Paper FlowerThese are thorny bushy climbers with flower-like leaves near the flower base. They produce pink papery flowers and are great for ornamental purposes.
9.Star JasmineDone with artificial room sprays? 
Here are some star jasmines to fill your indoors with their sweet fragrance. A single plant can change the room’s aura into a divine abode!
10.Rangoon CreeperPlanning to decorate your sitting area? Try Rangoon Creepers. 
These creepers are best known for their fragrance and climbing vines. They also have medicinal properties to treat skin ailments.
11.Morning GloryHow philosophical can a plant be?
These flowers bloom and die on the same day and are appreciated in many cultures as they symbolize love, life, and death. 
12.Purple PassionflowerCan medicine smell good? Well, Purple passionflower can! 
They are rich in medicinal properties for and can help treat problems such  anxiety and sleep disturbances. Yet they are also so rich in fragrance that they can easily attract butterflies and other pollinators. 
13.Betel Leaf PlantHow cool is it to have your own herb garden? 
From being a food enhancer to having religious beliefs, these leaves are a must-have element. And growing your own gives you access to their health boosters anytime you wish. 
14.Creeping FigWant to paint your wall green? Well, these creepers will do the job for you! 
They are famous for their lavish spread on flat surfaces. They have dark green leathery leaves and do not produce flowers. Though they produce fruits, they are inedible.
15.Porcelain Flower Want to club a succulent and a vine? 
Hoya carnosa could be what you are looking for! These beautiful creepers are famous for their thick fleshy leaves, fragrance, and lovely star-shaped porcelain flowers.
16.String of PearlsThese are among the best indoor creeper plants that you can add to your home. They can easily be grown in hanging baskets. 
These plants will add texture to your houseplant collection with their pearl-like succulent leaves! 
17.String of NickelsWorried your home is too dull to grow any plants? 
Perhaps the string of nickels can change your mind. These are famously grown indoors for their low-light conditions and small button-shaped leaves, making them low-maintenance. 
18.String of HeartsDo you think it’s cool to have a splash of silver stripes in your room corners? If yes, then try the String of Hearts.
These succulent vines can grow in hanging baskets and add silver strokes to your wall decor. If you’re a lover of exotic variety, grab these babies!
19.String of BananasIf you had a hard time growing the string of pearls, then the string of bananas is here to make things easy for you! 
They look versatile with their elongated banana-like fleshy leaf blade. These are often called the banana vine, the string of fishhooks or creeping berry.
20.String of CoinsThese are famously grown in hanging baskets as their leaves cascade downwards, turning them into indoor ornamental plants.
21.Black-Eyed Susan VineWant to try a flowering vine? Black-eyed Susan vines will look lovely on your shelves as the trail goes downwards. 
They also look beautiful in hanging baskets with their bright green leaves and vibrant warm coloured flowers.
22.Rex Begonia VineAre you planning to add a touch of burgundy to your indoors? 
Try these rex begonia vines as they can trail over your plant pot with greenish-white leaves edged with burgundy corners. Watching these colorful leaves cascade downwards when grown in hanging baskets will be glorious.
23.Teddy Bear VineTeddy Bear Vine is a perfect versatile plant that has dual shades and a soft texture. They have dark green, fluffy topsides and are chocolate brown on the underside. 
These leaves are uniquely teardrop-shaped and look great when grown in hanging baskets near your window lintels.
24.Maidenhair VineThe tiny green leaves and slender stems make these plants look clustered yet filling. They look like a natural backdrop when contrasted with another large leaf plant.
25.Kangaroo VineThese are glossy green leaves with toothed edges and tough stems. They are fast-growing and easily cover large areas using their trellises.   
26.Inch plantLooking for alternatives for green coloured plants? Try burgundy! 
These Inch plants are famous for their colorful leaves with silver variegations. The bottom of the leaves are burgundy and look great when used as a hanging plant. 
27.Forest CactusThese are subtropical climbing or epiphytic plants. They live on other plants for support, making them a perfect hanging houseplant! 
28.Chinese Money PlantThey are famous for their round flat, bright green leaves and long stalks. They can easily be grown and propagated, giving them their nickname ‘friendship plant.’ 
29.English IvyThe English Ivy can help you breathe clean air in your workplace! These are specially useful if you work with paints and smoke!
These best indoor creeper plants work as amazing air purifiers to remove toxic chemicals from the air
30.Wax IvyThese are gorgeous houseplants with slender stems and arrow-shaped leaves variegated with white markings. The leaf’s distinctive shape and waxy texture look attractive when cascading down from hanging baskets.

Read on further to know more about each plain in detail along with its growing conditions!

1. Bleeding-heart vine 

Botanical name: Clerodendrum thomsoniae

These tropical plants have attractive dark green leaves with white and pink flowers. The plant blooms best when exposed to sunlight. However, never expose them to direct sunlight. They are easy to grow and prefer high phosphorus fertilizers in summer.

Height  3 – 4 feet
Width18 inches
Lifespan3 – 4 years
SunlightPartial sunlight. They love bright indirect sunlight. 

2. Adanson’s monstera

Botanical name: Monstera adansonii

These plants are easy to grow and love to climb over surfaces using their stakes or trellises. They are very ornamental when you grow them indoors. It looks great on a tabletop or as a hanging plant as they cascade beautifully. It’s also called the Swiss cheese plant because it develops holes as it ages which resembles Swiss cheese.

Height  3 – 8 feet
Width1 – 3 feet
LifespanMore than 40 years
SunlightBright, indirect sunlight for 6 – 8 hours daily

3. Monstera Peru

Botanical name: Monstera karstenianum

These plants are native to the regions of Peru and grow well in warm, humid conditions. They are a slow-growing variety, making them a perfect choice for cramped indoors as they will not outgrow your space, unlike its other siblings like the Monstera deliciosa. It has an upward, vining growth pattern and uniquely puckered dense dark green leaves. As it is a species of monstera, the monstera Peru is also toxic to dogs, cats, and humans.

Height  6 – 8 feet
Width1 – 3 feet
LifespanMore than 40 years
SunlightPartial, indirect, and medium sunlight

4. Split-leaf philodendron

Botanical name: Monstera deliciosa

These are tropical plants and grow well in warm, humid conditions, making them a perfect houseplant. These need moist soil and prefer mild dryness before rewatering. Split-leaf philodendron is an ideal match for someone who respects their heritage because they symbolize honor, respect, and perseverance. 

Height  10 – 15 feet
Width8 feet
LifespanMore than 40 years
SunlightBright, indirect sunlight for 5 – 8 hours daily

5.  Heartleaf philodendron

Botanical name: Philodendron hederaceum

They are easy to grow and quickly adapt to indoor conditions. Mist them during summer and water sparingly during winters. The leaves might turn yellow or wilt away if you overwater them. They can also grow in artificial fluorescent light conditions. It is a long-lived climber plant with glossy heart-shaped leaves and the plants can reach up to the height of ten to twelve feet.  And also heartleaf philodendron plants have aerial and underground roots.

Height  1 – 20 feet
Width1 – 6 feet
LifespanMore than 40 years
SunlightLow to medium light. Never expose these plants to direct sunlight. 

6. Golden Pothos (Money Plant)

Botanical name: Epipremnum aureum

Money plants grow well indoors, and indirect lighting speeds up the process. When they are grown in water containers, make sure you add water regularly to maintain the water level. They mostly don’t need fertilizers though you can speed up the growth rate by adding diluted liquid fertilizers to the water containers.

Height  3 – 6 feet
Width1 – 2 feet
LifespanAround 10 years
SunlightPartial sunlight. Bright and indirect rays. They are naturally grown under the canopy of huge trees. 

7. Arrowhead Plant

Botanical name: Syngonium podophyllum

Being a tropical rainforest native plant, these climbers prefer warm, high humid conditions to thrive. Apart from its routine care, you can try keeping a water tray below the plant to improvise the humidity around the plant. This plant is fast-growing and dense. The Arrowhead plant is always spreading new foliage, in varieties ranging from deep green with light white variegation to shades of lime and even pink.

Height  3 – 6 feet
Width1 – 2 feet
LifespanAround 2 – 5 years
SunlightBright indirect sunlight, though they can adapt to low light levels.

8. Paper Flower

Botanical name: Bougainvillea glabra

These plants love sunlight and prefer mild dryness. Thoroughly watering once or twice a month will help them thrive for a long time. Avoid placing them in artificial lights as it affects the blooming intervals of the plant. The buds are tiny and cream-colored, tube-in shape, flowers constantly growing through the entire branch, surrounded by unique triangle-shaped, pointy red bracts.

Height  2 – 6 feet
Width1 – 3 feet
LifespanAround 2 – 3 years
SunlightFull direct sunlight. 6 – 8 hours of daily sunlight will help the plant in flowers. Hence, indoor plants must be placed accordingly near the maximum sun-exposed window to get flowers.

9. Star Jasmine

Botanical name: Trachelospermum jasminoides

They thrive best in sunny spots with slightly acidic soil that’s well-draining. You can feed them once a week during the summers. Young shoots of the plant may need support to climb. Star Jasmine is a popular evergreen creeper tree with beautiful white flowers. In warmer climates, these mildly scented flowers fill the air with their delicious, lovely aroma. The trailing plant works well as a groundcover, climber along a wall, or as a screen due to the quick-growing and lush shiny green leaves.

Height  10 – 15 feet
Width7 feet
LifespanAround 10 – 15 years
SunlightThrives in full sunlight. Tolerates shade but grows slowly.

10. Rangoon Creeper

Botanical name: Combretum indicum

These creepers have woody branches and lance-shaped leaves, bearing colorful whitish-pink flowers. The flowers are white when they bloom but gradually change to pink as they grow. A stunning tropical climber. Its calm fragrance and fuss-free growth make it favored by many. It can be cultivated in almost all types of soil. It can also be cultivated in bushy conditions if grown in a pot and by frequent pruning.

Height  More than 8 feet
Width6 – 8 feet
LifespanLess than 25 years
Sunlight4 – 5 hours of partial to full sunlight

11. Morning Glory 

Botanical name: Ipomoea

These are flowering plants and naturally need lots of sunlight to flower regularly. They have slender stems and heart-shaped green leaves. The flowers of these plants are shaped like trumpets and come in different shades of pink and purple. They are one of the common outdoor vines that can be grown indoors as well. These are mainly used as ground beds, either in tropical areas or temperate regions. In the tropics, where most morning glory species hail from, they are generally perennial. In temperate areas, they are more typically used as annuals.

Height  6 – 10 feet
Width3 – 6 feet
LifespanFlower life is 1 day 
SunlightThrives in full sunlight. Tolerates shade but grows slowly.

12. Purple Passionflower

Botanical name: Passiflora incarnata

These are fast-growing evergreen creepers and use tendrils to climb. Though they seem delicate, these plants are tougher than the other passion flowers. They grow in moist soil and can tolerate a brief period of dryness. It has many medicinal uses, the leaves of the purple passionflower are usually boiled into teas to cure insomnia, depression, and stress as it calms the nervous system. The root can be polluted and used for scratches, earaches, and rash.

Height  15 – 30 feet
Width6 – 8 feet
LifespanAround 5 – 7 years
SunlightFull sun to partial shade. They need 5 – 8 hours of sunlight daily

13. Betel Leaf Plant

Botanical name: Piper betle

These are heart-shaped leaves grown as a creeper. They grow well in hot and humid conditions. Water them regularly and feed them organic fertilizers twice a month during the growing seasons. Regular pruning and plucking will help them grow faster and produce sweeter leaves. It is relatively easy to grow even for new plant owners with minimal upkeep. Let it emerge or trail and it will be a wonderful addition to both your collection and nutrition habits as it is known to calm down the body and deliver many nutrients. 

Height  3 feet
Width1- 2 feet
Lifespan4 to 6 months
SunlightIndirect sunlight or partial light

14. Creeping Fig

Botanical name: Ficus pumila

These plants are often grown as houseplants and have small green leaves heavily branching from slender stems. They need moist soil and indirect sunlight to thrive indoors, though avoid overwatering them.

Height  10 – 15 feet
Width3 – 6 feet
LifespanMore than 20 – 30 years
Sunlight6 – 8 hours of indirect diffused light

15. Porcelain Flower

Botanical name: Hoya carnosa

They have star-shaped flowers that grow in an umbrella fashion. These tropical succulent vines thrive best in humid conditions. Please provide them with full sunlight and moderate watering. Avoid spraying them; instead, mist them to maintain humidity levels. 

Height  3 – 6 feet
Width1- 2 feet
LifespanAround 2 – 5 years
SunlightBright indirect sunlight, though they can adapt to low light levels.

16. String of Pearls

Botanical name: Curio rowleyanus

These plants need a combination of direct and indirect sunlight to grow into healthy creepers. As they are succulent, make sure you water them moderately. Once in three weeks is an advisable routine.

Height  3 – 6 feet
Width1- 2 feet
LifespanPerennial, indefinite
SunlightDirect and indirect lights, daily for  6- 8 hours.

17. String of Nickels

Botanical name: Dischidia nummularia

They are epiphytes, meaning they grow on other plants for support. They obtain water and nutrients from the air and nearby debris. Make sure you trim them regularly to control the growth. Repotting them every year is recommended to provide aeration for the roots.

Height  10 feet
Width1 – 2 feet
SunlightPartial sun and partial shade

18. String of Hearts

Botanical name: Ceropegia woodii

These are trailing vines of dark green small leaves marbled with silver variegation. You might find the plant’s silver markings mildly fade when you grow them indoors under low light conditions. They thrive in bright indirect sunlight. 

Height  3 – 6 feet
Width1- 2 feet
LifespanAround 25 years
SunlightBright indirect sunlight

19. String of Bananas

Botanical name: Curio radicans

They are fast-growing plants with slightly transparent leaves that can allow sunlight to pass through them. They bear small flowers which have a mild cinnamon-like scent. They are drought resistant so water them sparingly.  

Height  1 – 2 feet
Width1- 2 feet
SunlightFull sunlight

20. Strings of Coins

Botanical name: Xerosicyos danguyi

These succulent vines are native to Madagascar, and the species are identified by their formation of Caudex (thick roots). They have coin-shaped rounded, fleshy leaves which are pea green in color. Though the color of the leaves changes to blue-green or gray-green as they mature.

Height  12 – 16 feet
Width4 – 6 feet
SunlightDirect exposure to morning and afternoon sunlight

21. Black-Eyed Susan Vine

Botanical name: Rudbeckia hirta

These plants need full sunlight, mostly the direct morning rays, to encourage flowering. They have tendrils that can grow over the fence or railing and easily encroach the entire space.

Height  4 – 6 feet
Width1- 2 feet
LifespanAround 10 years
SunlightFull sunlight 6 –  hours daily

22. Rex Begonia Vine

Botanical name: Cissus javana

The leaves of these plants are elongated heart-shaped and variegated. They have green leaves with silver markings near the veins, burgundy corners, and leaf bottoms. Though when they first start emerging, the leaves are in solid burgundy color.

Height  4 – 6 feet
Width1 – 1.5 feet
LifespanAround 2 – 3 years
SunlightPartial shade

23. Teddy Bear Vine

Botanical name: Syngonium podophyllum

They are easy to grow houseplants and require very little maintenance. Make sure you place them in a bright spot with indirect lighting and water them once a week. Trimming off dead or overgrown branches will keep the plant cascade neatly. 

Height  6 – 8 inches
Width24 feet
SunlightMedium to bright indirect sunlight

25. Maidenhair Vine

Botanical name: Muehlenbeckia complexa

The plants love to grow in direct sunlight despite their small and thin leaves. They also prefer moist soil and require regular watering. The leaves might turn yellow if there is low moisture in the soil.

Height  3 – 6 feet
Width1- 2 feet
LifespanLong living. Perennials 
SunlightMedium to bright sunlight 

25. Kangaroo Vine

Botanical name: Cissus antarctica

These vines grow in bright indirect sunlight and moist soil. Allow the soil to dry before rewatering them. Feed the plant with liquid fertilizer twice a month. Also, make sure you give them some support structure to climb on. If not, you might have some wild-looking, randomly grown vines. Not such a pleasant sight for a houseplant.

Height  7 – 10 feet
Width10 – 13 feet
LifespanLong living. Perennials 
SunlightBright indirect sunlight, though they can adapt to low light levels.

26. Inch Plant

Botanical name: Tradescantia zebrina

These plants thrive in bright indirect light. Avoid placing them in dim spots as you might risk fading the distinctive markings on the leaf blade. Prune them regularly to encourage a bushy and fuller growth

Height  1 – 2 feet
WidthSpread indefinitely
LifespanAround 2 – 3 years
SunlightBright indirect sunlight

27. Forest Cactus

Botanical name: Lepismium bolivianum

Height  3 – 4 feet
Widtharound 1 feet
LifespanMore than 8 years
SunlightBright indirect sunlight, though they can adapt to low light levels.

The most common issue with the Forest cactus, when grown indoors, is overwatering. Avoid overwatering, especially in the winter. They have evergreen fleshy thick long stems that cascade down to over 3 feet.

28. Chinese Money Plant

Botanical name: Pilea peperomioides

These are low-maintenance plants and thrive best in indirect sunlight. Please place them in a bright sunny spot in the window. Cover the window with drapes to avoid direct light burning the leaves. Feed them once a month with liquid fertilizers and water them once a week.

Height  6 – 8 feet
Width3 – 4 feet
LifespanAround 10 years
SunlightBright indirect sunlight. Avoid direct light

29. English Ivy

Botanical name: Hedera helix

These plants thrive in cool to moderate temperatures with medium to bright indirect sunlight. Avoid placing them in dim locations. These plants aren’t friendly to wet soil, so avoid overwatering them. Let them stay dry for a while before the next watering day. Ideally, water once every 5 – 7 days.

Height  8 – 15 feet
Width1- 2 feet
LifespanMore than 100 years
SunlightPartial to full shade

30. Wax Ivy

Botanical name: Senecio macroglossus

These plants do well both indoors and outdoors, though you should reduce the watering to once in 12 days when they are grown indoors. It’s better to water them moderately to prevent them from deteriorating.

Height  3 – 10 feet
LifespanAround 5 – 10 years
Sunlight3 – 4 hours of partial to full sunlight. 


Adding a creeper to your home can elevate the natural vibe of the entire place. With hundreds of varieties of creepers out there, we have handpicked the best 30 indoor creeper plants for you. 

As long as you fulfill the basic requirements and take good care of them, growing your creeper will be a piece of cake! 

So are you ready to upgrade your interior as a natural refuge? Grow one right away! 

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