Another dead plant? It is exhausting and hurtful at the same time when we witness our indoor plant dying. Nobody is born with a green thumb. Nevertheless, it aches to see our green babies wilt, wither, or even worse, pass away. 

If you are also going through the same, then fear not. We will help guide in proper plant maintenance. 

But before that, you need to figure out why your indoor plants are dying. What leads to your plant’s death? Without figuring out the reason, you won’t be able to revive them. 

In this article, we will explain 16 reasons for what could have happened to your dying indoor plant.

16 Reasons Why your indoor plant could be dying

1) Sunlight

Sunlight plays a vital role in the healthier growth and development of the indoor plant. Both under and overdoing the lighting can harm the indoor plants.

  • Lack of proper sunlight: Are your indoor plants’ leaves getting smaller, more sparse, or lighter in color? If yes, they might be experiencing lighting issues and a possible reason for your dying indoor plant.  All plants require photosynthesis to produce the energy necessary for growth; if the plant doesn’t receive enough light to support the process, it will restrict its growth process.
  • Too much sun: If you’ve placed your indoor plant right next to a north-facing window that receives a lot of daily direct sunshine, it can cause a blunder.  You can easily witness dry, brown leaves on your plant, and it’s not thirsty; it’s overcooked. In this case, you should find a better location for your dying indoor plant.

2) Wrong Placement

An indoor plant dying reason can be an undesirable location. 

It will be an issue if your plant is near your heater or next to a vent. Although it may seem obvious, your heater’s excessive warmth can kill your plant. Generally, all indoor plants enjoy a location where they can appreciate “room temperature.” 

A wrong placement can slow down the plant’s growth by insufficient sunshine and, in some situations, completely stunned.

3) Watering Schedule

Your plants need to drink water to survive and thrive. But you should balance your watering schedule unless it can cause a plant’s death.

  • Overwatering: One of the main reasons for indoor plant dying is overwatering. The plant will photosynthesize slowly because illumination in a home is never as good.  If you are constantly watering, it prevents the plant from having a chance to take up water through the leaves. It can quickly result in bugs, mold, bacteria, fading foliage, and root rot.
  • Underwatering: On the other part, you may simply harm your plants by either skipping a watering or giving them more than enough water than they need. You should always maintain an eye on the plant’s variety before creating and managing a watering schedule. Check out the pot’s area and depth too.

4) Fertilization

indoor plant leaves turning yellow

You need to feed your plant for better development, yet you need to be cautious.

  • Under/No Fertilization: Plants without fertilizer develop slowly and have fragile, pale leaves. If you are not feeding your green buddies enough, it could be a reason for your dying indoor plant. 
  • Over Fertilization: However, if you are overdoing the process, it can also be a reason for your indoor plant dying. Salts used in fertilizers prevent water from reaching the roots. Some of the typical signs of overfertilization include browning leaf tips, yellowing and wilting lower leaves, defoliation, and crusts of fertilizer on the soil surface.

5) No Maintenance routine

If you are someone who neglects to care for your plant, it might be an indoor plant dying reason. You may occasionally overlook watering your plants. All of us do. The truth is that most plants require watering once a week. If you forget to water something, certain species are more understanding, while others will promptly punish you.

Unplanned maintenance is one of the common reasons for your dying indoor plant. Most plants prefer to be checked on at least once each week as a general rule. Being a good plant parent doesn’t need you to spend all your leisure time in your indoor garden. 

If you only have a few indoor plants, they shouldn’t require more than 15 minutes of care per week in optimum lighting circumstances.

6) Shock

If you have a nature of repositioning your plants frequently, it might harm your plants and be a cause for your dying indoor plant. Rapid fluctuations in temperature or light may shock them, which may result in an unexpected loss of leaves. 

While relocating your indoor plants for the winter and changing the area after some time can give them a shock. Placing indoor plants in too harsh winds can harm them. Using ice-cold water straight from the tap might stun the roots.

7) Root Rotting

Root rotting is one of the primary reasons for your dying indoor plant. If you are overwatering your indoor buddies, which hinders adequate drainage can result in root rot. It is a condition where the roots become mushy and brownish-black due to a lack of oxygen. 

8) Pests and Diseases

Indoor plants are more likely to be home to pests and diseases. These are one of the reasons for your dying indoor plant.


Dieback, commonly referred to as a fungus disease, is indicated by brown patches on a plant’s stems and leaves. Fungus is known to spread quickly and could be the reason for your dying indoor plant. It can also extend to other surrounding plants.


If you see any tiny, dome-shaped shells accompanying the deterioration of the leaves, a scale infestation is probably to blame for indoor plant dying. 

These insects devour plants, destroying them by sucking the sap and moisture out of them. It can cause yellowing or wilting leading to the dying indoor plant.

Spider Mites

Spider mites, tiny arachnids that damage plants by eating on leaves, are present when small webs surround your houseplant’s leaves. These spider mites can cause major harm to indoor plants.

Powdery Mildew

Your plants most certainly have powdery mildew, a fungus that can eventually become the reason for your indoor plant dying. These are powdery-appearing substances on their leaves and thrive in compact surroundings.


Another common pest is whiteflies, which can contribute to the indoor plant dying factor. These suck the sap from houseplants, turning the leaves yellow and eventually killing them. Whitefly infestation can also spread to nearby plants and harm them.

These little winged insects are known to lay their eggs underside of every leaf.

9) Wrong Pot

Keeping your plant in the same pot for too long can outgrow the conditions because it needs to be at ease.

Your plant may need a larger pot if roots have begun to protrude through the bottom holes. All you need to do is find a little bigger pot, but don’t suddenly jump to a significantly larger size, or your plant might die from shock.

10) No Repotting

If you haven’t repotted your plant for a very long period, you might need to reconsider this. Repotting is necessary for potted plants when they grow too big or become pot-bound. No repotting or repotting after becoming too pot-bound can cause the reason for your dying indoor plant. 

Slow or no growth and rapidly drying growing media are signs that the houseplant needs to be repotted. Keep a check on any roots that start to grow from the drainage holes or the top. You can repot your plant when it is actively growing in the spring and summer.

11) Poor Drainage

Pots with drainage holes may look unappealing to many plant parents, but it is essential for the plant’s growth and well-being. Many people transfer their plants as soon as they come home into attractive pots (without a drainage hole at the bottom) because they believe these pots are terrible for their plants. 

Without drainage, water in pots has nowhere to go after a watering. This potting method compromises the roots’ general health by decreasing root oxygenation.

12) Dust on Plants

You wonder, “What could be the possible indoor plant dying reason?.” You might want to ensure they are soaking up all their sunlight. It is a typical error that many plant parents commit. 

One of the biggest reasons for your dying indoor plant is the accumulation of dust or dirt on the leaves from the sun’s rays. Your plant’s capacity to convert sunlight into energy is hampered by dirt and dust.

13) Wrong/Overuse Soil

Every plant species has its own certain type of soil preference. Some like a more sand-like basis, while others favor soil that almost resembles mulch. 

Due to constant use, the nutrients that are contained in the soil wash away. Therefore, refrain from reusing the same potting soil. However, you can use soil that has not yet become firm, compact, and bug-and pathogen-free.

Both wrong and using the same potting soil over time can be the reasons for your dying indoor plant.

14) Lack of knowledge about plant species

Except for air plants and a few other types, all plants require soil, water, light, and air to survive. The amount you should give each plant will vary depending on the species. 

You must conduct your study to determine what your plant prefers to eliminate the possibility of your indoor plant dying. Some of the questions you should ask are: Does it prefer direct or dim light? Would it want the soil to be consistently moist or completely dry out in between waterings?

15) No pruning

If your plants have those dead and unhealthy leaves hanging down the stems, it may be the reason for your dying indoor plant. To boost the growth of the indoor plant, you must pinch down the unhealthy and damaged leaves or stems regularly.

16) Lack of Humidity

The main factor contributing to the indoor plant dying is poor air circulation. The presence of pests, rot, and fungi diseases harm the plants in this situation. The leaf tips get brown and dry when there is insufficient humidity. 

You may know all the reasons for your dying indoor plant. But what to do next? If you don’t know how to revive an indoor plant, do not worry! We will discuss the ways in detail to restore the healthier condition of the plant.

How to revive an indoor plant?

Reviving an indoor plant isn’t rocket science. All you need to do is follow some of the instructions mentioned and sit back to see your indoor plant growing again miraculously.

1) Feed your indoor plants

Feeding your indoor plant is crucial during the spring and summer growing seasons. To revive a dying indoor plant, you’ll need compost or fertilizer because weak stems and discolored leaves are signs of starvation.

In such circumstances, organic liquid plant food can always be a lifesaver for indoor plant dying state. Additionally, a fantastic way to feed your young plants is flourishing them with water-soluble fertilizers high in nutrients that are also gentle on the roots.

2) Remove dead foliage

You should remove the dead portions to save a dying indoor plant. The remaining plant components can then get all of the plant’s resources. You should continue doing this with the stems, a little at a time until you see signs of green.

If the stems are entirely dead, but the roots are still alive, leave about 5 cm of stem above the ground. As your plant grows again, new branches will sprout from these discarded stems.

3) Water your thirsty friends

If the topsoil is hard, compacted, and cracked of your dying indoor plant, there has probably not been enough water. You can quickly restore the situation by watering them. You can easily hydrate the dehydrated plants.

If your indoor plant’s dying state is worse, you should let it soak for a few hours will help it recover fast. With this procedure, your green companions can shift from being sad and droopy to being attractive, healthy, and happy in just one day. Isn’t it awesome?

4) Check for overwatering

You should immediately make changes if you’ve been overwatering your dying indoor plant. The roots may start to rot as a result, which will have an effect. But how to revive an indoor plant in this condition?

Before watering it once more, take the plant out of direct sunlight and wait until the soil has dried. Replace both the soil and the pot if the soil is moist. Fill the pot with new soil. Now, you should check your plant’s watering requirements and ensure you adhere to them moving forward.

5) Give them a new home.

If your plants look unhealthy and you fail to detect any signs on the upper part of the plant, the problem is probably lying beneath the soil. So, before giving up, check the roots of the plants. Rotten roots are delicate so be gentle while taking it out from the pot. Rake the soil at the edge of the pot and take it out. You can also soak the soil in water for an hour or so and take it out. 

Wash all the old soil clamping around the root. If you see any green in the roots or if the roots are firm and pliable, there’s hope to revive the tree. Sometimes all that is needed to revive an indoor plant dying by simply repotting. Your plant can do marvels and thrive in a larger container with healthy, well-drained soil. 

Sometimes the roots of the plants are just overgrown and start coming out from the bottom. Shake the soil off the roots, prune off any that are too far gone or sludgy looking, and re-pot the plant with new potting soil. Use a clean pot that is at least two inches larger than the one it was in. If the pot doesn’t have enough drainage holes, create a few in the base. 

Water the plant and keep it out of direct sunlight for a few weeks. When it begins to improve, place it into a spot with the suggested amount of light. 

6) Provide them with sun food

You’ll want to ensure that your indoor plants are receiving the appropriate amount of lighting because it is so important to their health. Lack of sunlight will result in a plant with pale leaves and flimsy stems.

Once you know whether your dying indoor plant prefers full daylight, moderate sun, direct sunlight, or indirect sunlight, you can transfer it to a more suitable area in your home.

7) Provide a shady location

If your plants have dried leaves and stems, it’s time to place them in a shady spot. Depending on its condition, a plant that appears to be dead may come to life sooner rather than later with this simple adjustment.

8) Pick the right soil.

You have to pick the suitable soil for your dying indoor plant. Not just any garden soil! It can cause a messy disaster. If the soil contains clay or sand, it can hinder the plants from breathing correctly or supplying their roots with enough oxygen.

Over time, plants use a large portion of their soil’s nutrients and organic matter. The soil loses its capacity to retain minerals and water and becomes hard and depleted. “How to revive an indoor plant in this state” popping up in your mind? We got you covered. To maintain your indoor plants healthy, you’ll need to repot them with new, nutrient-rich soil.

You should feed your indoor plants with a potting mix, light and fluffy mixture of peat moss, pine bark, and perlite or vermiculite. 

9) Treat pests and diseases

As you all know, pests and diseases may be the biggest indoor plant-dying factors. But there isn’t a problem you can’t find a solution;


Make a normal baking soda spray solution by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda into one quart of water. You can also put a few drops of insecticidal soap or liquid soap to let the solution distribute and attach to the leaves.


Horticultural oils are the best and safest option for scales, oil-based insecticides are performed by suffocating insects and will handle all pest stages, including adults which are saved from most other insecticides by their armor shells. Azamax has azadirachtin, the fundamental insecticidal component found in neem oil.

Spider mites:

Get rid of spider mites by making a solution of one cup of rubbing alcohol and four cups of water, then pour the solution into a spray bottle and apply it to your plants. Cover the branches, buds, and foliage entirely. Rubbing alcohol kills spider mites by making them thirsty.

Powdery mildew:

Mix one tablespoon of potassium bicarbonate and half a teaspoon of liquid soap (not detergent) in one gallon of water. Spray thoroughly on all infected areas. This solution may work better than baking soda as a remedy for existing infections.


A combination of equal parts vinegar and water will do the work; make sure to try on a single leaf first and dilute the solution accordingly. If you notice any burn spots on the leaves after a few days, weaken the power of the solution by adding more water. Repeat as many times as needed. 

10) Provide a humid environment

Due to lack of humidity, your dying indoor plant can be on the verge of passing away if it is a native of the tropics. There are various indicators that a plant could need more moisture in the air, even if the amount of humidity it needs varies. 

What and how to revive an indoor plant now? Make a few changes! Move your plant to a less-sunny area that is more humid. You can also build a humid environment by placing the indoor plants on a tray filled with pebbles and water.

11) Wipe the leaves and surroundings

All humans, animals, birds to plants all prefer to be clean. You should wipe the leaves of your indoor plants with a delicate cloth. Do not harm the leaves in this procedure. Check out if the surroundings of the plant are clean. Do not keep them in a messy and smelly place.

12) Patience is the key.

It’s simple to give up hope when it seems like your efforts aren’t yielding results. However, bear in mind that it took a while for your dying indoor plant to come dangerously close to passing, and it will take even longer to nurture it back to health. 

All you can do is maintain your patience. After a few weeks, reevaluate your plant’s needs and continue to take care of them. It can usually take up to one month to see an improvement or new growth after taking action for an indoor plant dying state, so don’t give up too soon.


Indoor plants can liven up the space with greenery, positivity, and an appealing aura. Although, due to various factors, your green buddies can die. Resurrecting plants isn’t always successful, mainly when things have gotten out of hand. 

However, there is always a possibility of bringing things back to life. You should do a few measures to revive a dying indoor plant before it’s too late! 

We have laid down a few tips on how to revive an indoor plant, do let us know if you find these tricks and suggestions useful. Wish you luck and happiness with your indoor plants!

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