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snake plant leaves curling

Snake Plant Leaves Curling: Causes And Solutions

Are you worried about your snake plant leaves curling up?

When the leaves of snake plants curl, there is a problem that needs to be fixed right away to save the plant. Anything from water issues to root diseases or other issues could be the issue. The good news is that if you have patience and believe in yourself, the plant can be rescued.

Luckily for you, in this article, we will discuss the causes and the solutions for your snake plants curling up. Let’s begin!

Why Are My Snake Plant Leaves Curling?

To ensure that you provide the best cure, it is critical to pinpoint the specific cause of your snake plant’s curling leaves. To locate the root cause, you must look at the symptoms. Overwatering, underwatering, unsuitable temperatures, and fungus infestation are a few of these causes. Wondering if underwatering can be the cause of your snake plant curling up? Then, continue reading the causes, the signs, and how you can fix this problem!

1. Snake Plant Leaves Curling Due To Underwatering


Although snake plants are drought-tolerant, underwatering snake plants for an extended period can have negative effects. Your snake plant won’t perform its typical physiological tasks if it is submerged in water. Sansevieria would be unable to move nutrients from the soil to other sections of the plant due to a lack of moisture.

When the leaves lack the necessities, such as water, they lose their shape and begin to curl to retain moisture. In extreme circumstances, they might even become wrinkled.

2. Snake Plant Leaves Curling Due To Overwatering

If the overwatering is not stopped right away, snake plants can be killed. Overwatering of a snake plant will result in yellowing and downward curling of the leaves.

An overwatered plant is more prone to get root rot, which will render the root system useless. The plants’ inability to give nutrients and water to the leaves caused them to curl or seem mushy and drooping as the roots became dysfunctional.

3. Snake Plant Leaves Curling Due To Lighting issues


Snake plants don’t need a lot of light to survive. However, they could begin to exhibit signs of curled leaves if they don’t get enough light. Light is required for photosynthesis in plants as the plant couldn’t produce its food without it.

4. Unsuitable Temperature Causes Snake Plant leaves Curling

One of the primary causes why your snake plant’s leaves are curling its leaves is just because it’s been getting too much heat. While a plant needs some kind of heat for healthy growth, snake plants do not like extreme temperatures. The ideal temperature range for snake plants is between 55–85°F.

The transpiration process is typically accelerated by high temperatures. The plant’s leaves would probably curl if it lost more water than usual. Plants can get heat stress from being exposed to too much heat, they try to preserve moisture by curling up their leaves.

Move the snake plant out of direct intense heat sources and be sure to mist the leaves regularly to prevent this from happening. Try to use a location for your plants somewhere with a warm, consistent temperature – if a room is a livable temperature for you, it will be comfortable for the snake plant as well.

Low temperatures cause the water in the leaves to freeze and form crystals, causing the leaves to suffer long-term harm.

5. Snake Plant Leaves Curling Due To Over Fertilization

Snake plants can survive without much fertilizer and don’t need much to grow. Applying just once every two months throughout the summer or growing periods is sufficient. The roots and leaves of these plants are harmed by excessive fertilizers. Their leaves would curl inward or seem burnt when they could no longer withstand the extra nutrition.

6. Fungus Is A Cause Of Snake Plant Leaves Curling

Numerous fungus species, including southern blight and red leaf spots, harm the roots and foliage of snake plants. When your plant begins to show signs of web-like growth or patches that are discolored in black, white, red, or brown, it may be infected with a fungal disease. If your plant comes into contact with other sick plants, it is likely to get infected since fungi spread quickly.

7. Transplant Shock Causes Snake Plant Leaves Curling

Some of the primary issues with snake plants are transplanting and reproduction. The plant may need some time to become used to its new surroundings and potting soil after repotting. Often, shock is most severe on the roots.

The snake plant may not be able to absorb water at this time, which would affect how the plant functions. Twisting leaves may be a sign that a snake plant is experiencing transplant shock, particularly if you recently potted it again.

8. Improper pH of the snake plants


A plant must have the proper PH because it affects the nutrients in the soil.

The ideal range for a snake plant would be between 5.5 and 7.5. Magnesium will be lacking in soil that has a low pH or is acidic. Leaves couldn’t create the chlorophyll required for photosynthesis without magnesium.

Therefore, it is more likely that the lower or older leaves would curl or become yellow. Snake plant leaves can develop brown spots as a result of pH issues.

9. Snake Plant Leaves Curling Due To Pot Size

To thrive, Snake plants require large or properly sized pots. Based on the age of your snake plant, you should alter the pot’s size. If the container size isn’t adjusted, the roots will continue to expand as the plant ages and eventually become rootbound.

When a plant is root-bound, its leaves may curl because its root system doesn’t have enough room to operate properly and absorb nutrients.

10. Root decay of the snake plants

The spread of the fungus is accelerated by excess or stagnant water. Curling leaves come from the roots failing to give the necessary nutrients because the rotting roots make the plant leaves useless.

11. Invasion of insects of the snake plants

Thrips, spider mites, and mealybugs adore the snake plant as a target. Thrips are little, black bugs that are challenging to see without a magnifying glass. They leave harsh, uneven spots on the foliage of your plants after they attack them.

Mealybugs and spider mites are likely to drain the juices from the leaves of the snake plant when they attack, causing the leaves to coil and shrink. Pests can also cause your snake plant’s leaves to wilt if they are not addressed.

12. Snake plant leaves curling due to aging:

While curling snake plant leaves is usually a signal that your plant is undergoing an issue, that isn’t always the point – sometimes, the leaf itself is just getting aged. If you’re detecting curling leaves around the bottom of the leaf it likely just indicates they’ve finished their life cycle.

If this is the reason, there’s nothing to be concerned about – you can prune off the odd withered leaves, and this will boost your plant to put its fuel into new growth.

13. Snake plant leaves curling due to nutrient deficiency:

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium deficiency can curl the leaves of the snake plant; 

Nitrogen deficiency:

The lower part of the snake plant leaves look yellow and become weak and curl inward, then turn brown and crispy before dropping off.

Nitrogen shortage always acts on the mature leaves first, because when new leaves aren’t gaining enough of the nutrient to maintain their maturation, the plant shifts it from the existing leaves. 

Give your snake plant in their active growth stage a high-nitrogen nutrient compost. Compost made with fish tankage provides a strong amount of nitrogen in a state that plants absorb and use fast.

Phosphorus deficiency:

The lower part of the snake plant leaves look deep green or bluish and seem shiny. May have splotches that look brown or tan. Affected leaves curl downward.

Phosphorus shortage usually shows up first at the base of the leaf and progressively rises up the plant if ignored for a long time. 

When your snake plants near their full-grown size use bone meal-based fertilizer, which is full of phosphorus, to your normal feeding schedule and increase the dosage as the actively growing season appears. 

Potassium deficiency:

Leaves all over the plants are yellow or brownish, with tips and rims that seem burned, while the veins stay green. Potassium depletion can look like the lights are scorching the leaves. 

Switch to a high-potassium fertilizer during the developing stage of plants’ growth. Molasses in the fertilizer help snake plants take up and utilize the potassium.

What are the numerous types of leaf curls in snake plants?

Now that we are aware of the cause of the snake plant’s curling, we must comprehend how the snake plant will curve in response to the cause. Here are some examples of curls you might see!

  • The plant is attempting to retain moisture when the leaf tips curl downward or toward the margins. Overwatering or overfeeding are the main reasons for leaves curling downward. 
  • The environment has a crucial role in why the leaves curl upward. Examples of these circumstances include excessive light, temperature stress, extremely high humidity levels, windburn, and poor air circulation.
  • If the leaf margin curls downward, there may be an issue with the roots. The main problem is overfeeding the plant. Inappropriate temperatures, a lack of oxygen in the roots, and any other problems that cause the leaf tips to curl downward are other factors. 
  • The lower leaves are primarily affected by the inward curling of leaves brought on by a lack of nitrogen. Your snake plant will initially become mushy and yellow before curling inward.

Solutions for Snake Plants with Curling Leaves

We’ve covered the causes of the curling up of leaves of snake plants and their types. Now you may want to know about the solutions so that you can fix this issue. So, why are we waiting? Let’s find out!

1. Every 2-4 weeks, give your snake plant some water

Reviving under-watered plants doesn’t require a lot of water. It only requires watering once every two to four weeks to meet its moisture needs. The container size, season, and quality of the potting mix would all affect the watering frequency of the snake plants. 

Before beginning to water it frequently while the soil is compact, loosen it. The leaves will begin to unfold after a few days of proper hydration. 

Check the root system if you think that your plant’s leaves may be curling from overwatering. Remove the entire plant from the ground, then wash the roots to get the soil off. If you notice a bad smell coming from the plant, check the roots because root rot has likely harmed them.

Cut out the damaged roots, then clean them with charcoal powder or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide. The plant should then be repotted using a fresh potting mixture that is suggested for snake plants. To stop additional contamination, you can either use a fresh pot or clean the old one. To prevent the plant from dying if the roots are severely injured, propagate them.


2. Provide bright indirect lighting to your snake plants

Snake plants prefer direct bright light. The snake plant’s leaves may turn brown and curl if you place them in the scorching sun because of the accelerated rate of dehydration.

Move the plant to a location where it will receive plenty of bright indirect light to correct the curling leaves. Your home’s east-facing window will work wonders for it. As an alternative, you can use artificial LED grow lights to provide the necessary lighting.

3. Utilize fertilizer sparingly for your snake plants

Use a fertilizer high in nitrogen for a constant supply of nutrients. Choose organic fertilizer instead of a fast-releasing fertilizer to reduce the chance of over-fertilizing. Always adhere to the directions on the package to give the plant the correct dosage and avoid salt-burn-induced leaf curl.

4. Keep the temperature at 55 to 85°F

Usually, maintain the plant in the shadow or an area with a temperature lower if you live somewhere with exceptionally high temperatures. Avoid leaving the plant outside if the temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Alternatively, if you choose to leave the plants outside, you can cover them with a transparent sheet or blanket. Make sure the plant stays warm when you keep it indoors. Try to maintain a constant room temperature for your plant. To keep the plant healthy, aim to keep the temperature between 55 and 85°F.


5. Replant the snake plants using fresh potting soil

After transplanting, maintain your snake plant in some shade and give it little water. Allow it a few days to become used to the new surroundings. Use fresh potting soil; old potting soil may not contain the nutrients needed to feed the plant. Instead, choose soil that is rich in nutrients and has good drainage to make sure the snake plant grows to its utmost capacity.

6. Adjust the pH of the soil to 5.5 to 7.5

The pH range for snake plants is between 5.5 and 7.5. Curled leaves may indicate that the pH has to be adjusted so the plant can absorb nutrients more effectively. Use a probing soil pH tester to determine whether the soil is suitable for your plant to be sure the issue is the pH of the soil. 

If your soil has a low pH, you will need to add hydrated lime to raise it. Before watering, add lemon juice to the water to assist lower the pH if the pH is higher.

7. Eliminate pests from the snake plants

A snake plant makes it simple to get rid of pests. However, to prevent spreading, make sure you keep the infected plant away from other plants. Next, take out any leaves that exhibit infection-related symptoms. Wipe the plant’s leaves using a cloth dipped in alcohol.

Neem oil can also be used topically to prevent pest problems in the future. Every week, use neem oil. You shouldn’t be concerned if a snake plant’s leaves curl. If the right steps were taken, your plant would recover its health.


Q1. What is a quick and simple technique to check if my snake plant has thrips? 

Ans. A sticky fly paper placed next to your snake plant can soon draw thrips. This is one of the simplest ways to determine whether the leaves on your snake plant are curling as a result of a thrip infestation.

Q2. Can my Snake plant survive significant wilting? 

Ans. Snake plants are hardy and may grow in a variety of environments. Expert gardeners claim that they are excellent at recovering after being on the verge of death. Give it your best effort to save the plant if it is ailing if you have a snake plant. You might be able to revive it, in all likelihood!


It’s not difficult to identify which of these problems is the root of snake plant leaves curling, but it’s crucial if you want to resolve the issue and restore your plant to health. Having a solid care routine that takes into account the plant’s diverse habitat requirements is one of the greatest strategies to prevent your snake plant’s leaves from curling.

We hope you liked our article as we tried to cover all the possible causes and solutions for the curling up of snake plant’s leaves. If you have any questions or any further information, just let us know by commenting down below and we will be happy to answer that or add up that information. Also, don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family!

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