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Snake Plant

Snake Plant: Benefits, Types, Care, and How to Grow

Do you know that the snake plant does not have a stem? They have just tough, thick, and upright leaves. Besides, if there were a prize for the most tolerant plant, Snake Plant would certainly be it! Many houseplants are grown for decoration and to maintain Feng Shui Practice; snake plants belong to this category […]

How to water your bonsai when you are away?

Plants do need water and food as we do. No matter whether you’ve time for them or not. I get many SAD information from our clients that the plant died when they were away for a week or so. They could not water it and when they returned home, the leaves were dry. Bonsai Plants […]

bonsai tool kit in india

Bonsai Tool Kit

Why to buy expensive bonsai tool kit when you can it get it for just Rs. 500. Check this amazing collection of Bonsai tool Kit now.

Bonsai Tree Care for Beginneres

Bonsai Tree Care for Beginners

Repotting is a vital element in maintaining the health of the bonsai tree. The objective of repotting would be to get rid of excess roots that could cause the tree to purge, or not get enough nutrients because of its mass. Repotting also makes certain your tree may continue to flourish within a little pot. Bonsai trees must be repotted once every two to five decades, based on how fast your bonsai tree develops.

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