In our exclusive list, you will find more than 30 different types of indoor plants so you won’t have any problems choosing the best plants for your home!

As there are so many types of indoor plants available today, choosing one that suits your needs becomes quite challenging.

Well, I have put together a list of the best Indoor Plant Types, divided into many categories so that you don’t need to get confused anymore. Also, in this article, you will get many suggestions so that you can choose accordingly. So, without further ado, here they are!

Different Types of Indoor Plants

Flowering Indoor Plants

Let us begin with Flowering plants, a great start to bring colors and vibrancy to your home. On the plus side, some may get the fragrance.

Also, you can’t deny that the most beautiful phase of a plant is when it blooms. Just like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly! 

So, here is the flowering type of indoor plant that will add colors and fragrance to your home!

1. Begonia

Indoor Begonia Plant

Begonias make a good indoor plant, however, in maintenance requirements, they are considered intermediate. But, do not misunderstand to consider them complicated, it is just a little bit challenging to strike a balance in their needs, especially around watering.

They enjoy damp soil all the time, but if it is too wet, root rot is likely to happen. On top of that, they prefer humidity but misting is not a good idea as they develop powdery mildew.

However, they have one big advantage over many other indoor plants, the endless variety in shapes and colors.

Another big advantage of Begonias, they are pest resistant compared to other plants.

2. African Violet

African violet

One of the beautiful plants that bloom flowers in a range of colors including purple, pink, and white.

Usually, African violet grows in most soil types. However, they do not prefer their leaves to get wet.

So, the best way to water African violet is to fill a saucer of water and place them on top of the pot to draw the water up.

African violet likes small containers, which spurs blooming. Also, keep your African violet indoor plant moist and pot-bound, keep them in bright light, and fertilize them with a balanced flower fertilizer to keep them performing all year.

3. Jasmine


The sweetly-scented jasmine flower will fill your room with its heady scent. Despite being a vine that is usually grown outdoors, some jasmine varieties can be grown indoors as well.

Place your indoor Jasmine in a partly sunny spot to encourage its robust growth. A space near a south window is an ideal place for Jasmine. Also, keep them cool with well-circulated air. Try to keep the temperature between 15°C- 23°C. In addition, plant them in a porous material. 

4. Christmas cactus:

Christmas cactus might look like an unusual plant in the holiday season, but they are full of vibrant blooms and give a cheerful touch to the winter season. They usually produce flowers in the middle of the winter. The fleshy segmented branches of the plant pair with flattened leaves and are a little serrated on each side. In late fall or before winter, tubular blossoms bloom on the ends of individual stems.

Despite its name, the Christmas cactus succeeds in pots outdoors in the shade or indoors near a sunny, indirectly lit window. All varieties of the plant can be begun indoors for a year as houseplants and afterward moved or replanted in the summer. With appropriate maintenance, these cacti can develop rapidly, exceeding two feet within a few years and growing flowers at the start of every winter.

For visible growth use regular potting soil and defused light. Give the soil time to dry out completely between each watering session. Their ideal temperature is between 70°F and 80°F. After September once you notice the formation of the buds keep the temperature between 55°F to 65°F. Also, you need to provide at least 13 hours of darkness at night to let the flowers open. 

Colorful Foliage Indoor Plants

Not only flowers, but some plants are popular for their attractive leaves. They come in a variety of colors and leaf patterns. Here are some of the best types of indoor plants with beautiful foliage. 

5. Polka Dot Plant

Polka dot plant

With Polka Dot Plant, you can’t go wrong if you’re looking for an indoor plant that exudes cuteness!

They are also known as Freckle Faceplants. With attractive foliage, they come in a range of colors including green, cream, pink, and red.

The Polka Dot plant enjoys humidity. So, you can consider growing them in your terrariums and bathrooms.

Additionally, Polka Dot indoor plants tolerate low light. But they will stretch out to reach the light. Moreover, you can prune back older plants to maintain their shape.

6. Prayer Plant

Prayer Plant

These indoor plants can grow in any type of light, but they do require a little more watering than others. The plant’s holy name is because the leaves tend to fold in at night, resembling praying hands. 

7. Philodendron Birkin:

Philodendron stands out because of the distinctive pale white or yellow stripes on the green leaves. But you have to be patient with this plant because the variegation only forms on mature plants, and occasionally it might grow leaves with a rosy tone or flashy red and part creamy white stripes.

These plants are slow-growing and compact which makes them ideal for small indoor spaces. The eye-catching variation can only form if you provide enough bright and indirect light. Philodendrons have a variety of growth habits like trailing and climbing, Philodendron Birkin is particularly self-heading, they are upright, thick, and have self-supporting stems, which make them appear as a developed tree. One negative side of this plant is that you need to keep them out of children’s or pets’ reach, cause they are toxic. 

Philodendron Birkin is low-maintenance and requires the exact levels of heat, water, and bright, indirect light to succeed and flaunt its unique variegation. Just avoid being extra attentive towards them⁠—overfeeding and overwatering aren’t this plant’s friends.

Low-Light Indoor Plants

The first and foremost thing to consider while selecting an indoor houseplant is whether it’s shade tolerant or not. As in the indoor space, it’s challenging to provide adequate sunlight; it’s important to choose plants that can tolerate low-lighting conditions. 

Check out some shade-tolerant plants mentioned below.

8. Creeping Fig

Creeping fig

The most popular pick out of the entire Ficus genus is Creeping fig. It has thick leafed vines that look great in hanging baskets and it is also a relatively easy indoor plant to maintain.

9. Peace Lily

Peace lily indoor plant

This plant blooms in spring with long-lasting flower stalks that dangle gracefully over the foliage when it is used in a mass display.

Peace Lilies can grow in low to bright sunlight. They are ideal plants to bring life to your dark rooms or corner. However, prolonged exposure to bright direct sunlight may burn and scorch their leaves and dry out their beautiful flowers.

Good looks and low maintenance make them an obvious choice among indoor plant growers.

Air Purifying Indoor Plants

We all know that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. But do you know that some plants also remove harmful pollutants from the air? Yes, you heard it right. 

According to a NASA study, some indoor plants effectively remove pollutants such as formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air.

These all pollutants are hazardous to your health and in large quantities, they can be lethal. Consider the following indoor plants to purify the air.

10. Snake Plant

Snake Plant

This plant is also known as Sansevieria or mother-in-law’s tongue. They are adaptive to any place. The snake plant, which purifies the air, is an ideal plant for newbies. 

In light, snake plant prefers moderate to bright light. However, it can adapt to low light. Also, do not allow the snake plant to sit in water. Always allow the soil to dry out before you water them.

Additionally, remember that this plant is toxic for pets so try to keep this plant away from your dogs or cats.

11. Spider Plant

Spider plant indoor

The plant has got this creepy-crawly name because of its slender leaves spilling over and creating other little plantlets. (No actual spiders, promise!)

This great air-purifying plant loves moisture and is the perfect plant to stick in your bathroom. Just place them in bright and indirect light and they will grow well. Keep them well-watered, but less in winter

They can be mildly toxic to cats. Hence, it’s recommended to keep away from cats as they can cause an upset stomach, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Moreover, the good news is you can create a second plant with baby spider plants. You can press down these spider babies into compost and they will self-root, giving you a second plant for free!

12. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

This plant is a gift for the skin. This stemless succulent is well known for its healing and air purification properties. Moreover, they are super hard to kill. Indeed, this plant is going to look great on your shelving and windowsills. 

Provide them with bright and indirect sunlight. Also, aloe vera does well in dry conditions so water them sparingly. However, they do not like excess water, so get a planter with a good drainage hole.

Trailing Indoor Plants

Trailing indoor plants looks so beautiful in hanging baskets or over shelves and desks. So, filling up vertical space with trailing indoor plants is a great idea to bring greenery to your indoor space.

Moreover, the cascading down trailing stems do not take much of your home space. Thus, it is an excellent choice for crowded areas of your house.

13. English Ivy

indoor English ivy

The English Ivy is a versatile plant that looks great when you grow them in a tiny pot. Their beautiful vines spill out the side, creating a wonderful display. Also, this can climb just about anything. If you allow them, they will readily climb trellis, walls, and shelves.

Also, you have a lot of options in this plant as they come in a variety of shades of green. Just provide sufficient water to young plants. Once they get mature, they are forgiving plant

14. String Of Pearls

String of pearls

This pearl-like foliage hangs over its pot and makes an eye-catching piece of decor for all of your guests. 

This cute and tiny indoor plant is yet another member of the succulent family and hence, requires lots of light and little water.

So, pop a string of pearls in a hanging pot by a window, keep them moist, and soon you will have an overflowing bouquet. 

Small Indoor Plants

Seeking for the plants to grow in limited space? You can pick any of these small indoor plants. They are perfect for your work desk or windowsill. Moreover, they are easy to grow and care for. 

Check the best small types of indoor plants below,

15. Calathea beauty star 

Calathea indoor plant

We have lots of Calathea small indoor plants for you to choose from, and most of them have gorgeous foliage that will certainly add beauty to your home.

Some of the Stunningly beautiful species are Calathea ornata, Calathea crocata, Calathea lancifolia, and Calathea orbifolia.

Most of these species will fit comfortably on your side table or shelf. These small plants are generally fussier about their care, requiring fairly precise watering, humidity, and temperature control compared to other small indoor plants.

16. Zenzi ZZ (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia)

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia plant

This is a dwarf variety of the famous Zamioculcas Zamiifolia plant. Moreover, it only gets about 2 feet tall on maturity.

They are having small, oval-shaped, deep-green shade leaves and irregularly thick surfaces. These leaves grow on sleek and cylindrical stems, making the plant look nothing lesser than a miniature jungle.

So, go ahead and get it for decorating your tables, and shelves, or simply make a floor pot. Apart from enhancing the beauty of your home, it provides the added benefits of air purification. All this without demanding any green thumb!

17. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo Plant

Nowadays, you don’t have to look very hard to find this plant. These Lucky bamboo plants, with eye-catching shapes, swirls, or braided stalks, can be easily spotted in offices, businesses, homes, and on desks for good feng shui. They can also be trained to grow straight as an arrow with simple, little floppy green leaves that adorn the stalks.

18. Chinese Money Plant

Chinese Money plant

This plant is famous for its coin-shaped, round green leaves. In Chinese culture, it is given as a gift to people and why shouldn’t it be, after all, it can transform any space completely! Also, this cheerful plant is fast-growing and easy to maintain.

19. Pothos


This small plant has an attractive vine and heart-shaped leaves. Also, they are easy to care for. They tolerate low light, making them highly suitable to grow as indoor plants. Moreover, they will purify your indoor air.

To keep this attractive small plant tidy, they need regular trimming. In addition, Pothos does not like to be overwatered.

You can grow this tiny one in a hanging basket or place it on your shelf or bookcase.

20.  Asparagus Fern

Asparagus Fern

If you are fond of tiny leaves, then you will surely love this cute little Asparagus Fern. Despite the name, this indoor plant is a member of the lily family.

It has bright green color and fern-like leaves which will brighten up your room. Especially, it looks wonderful when paired with small, light-colored pots which will contrast against the green leaves.

They prefer bright indirect sunlight and regular watering, especially if it is warm outside

Large Indoor Plants

No doubt, large plants drastically change the appearance of any space and make it look more spectacular. Large indoor plants are a great choice for filling up areas, especially if the indoor space is too vacant. You can also place them in the center as the focal point of the drawing-room or hall. 

21. Rubber plant (Ficus elastic)

Rubber Plant

With their large leaves and bright colors, rubber trees are beautiful indoor plants that can add a pop of color to your indoor space. 

Rubber trees can reach 10 feet in height. However, trimming their branches and leaves regularly will make them smaller.

22. Fiddle leaf fig (Ficus lyrata)

Fiddle leaf fig

With its glossy, dark leaves, the fiddle leaf fig acts as an extra statement piece to any room.

 Place this plant in a well-lit spot where it will receive indirect lighting all day long.

Maintain the soil moist, but allow at least 1 inch of soil dry out before watering again. During the summer it requires more watering.

23. Giant bird of paradise (Strelitzia nicolai)

Giant bird of paradise

The giant bird of paradise plant has tall stems with banana-like leaves. Flowers can bloom, but unfortunately, they don’t appear indoors.

This plant enjoys bright, indirect light. However, too much sunlight can damage leaves and flowers. Also, keep their soil moist. In winter, let the soil dry out more before watering.

Sadly, this plant is toxic. 

24. Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

Bamboo palm

The bamboo palm is one of the easiest palms to take care of and also it adapts easily to the environment. Plus, you can add it to the list of air-purifying plants.

These palm plants enjoy all the lighting except direct sunlight. Also, keep its soil moist and get a good drainage planter for the Bamboo palm because it does not like too much watering.

Moreover, the bamboo palm is pet friendly. So, your green friend and a furry friend can stay together.

25. Heartleaf philodendron

Heartleaf philodendron

A heart-shaped plant is a great choice for birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries (what better way to express your love with a plant). This plant likes to climb and makes a great hanging plant. Also, it is incredibly hard to kill this plant, isn’t it a piece of good news for new plant parents?

It prefers medium light but will tolerate bright indirect sunlight. Keep their soil moist at all times. In addition, this plant is poisonous to cats and dogs.

26. Monstera (Monstera deliciosa)

Indoor Monstera plant

This plant is also known as the Swiss Cheese plant, thanks to the holes in its leaves! With the help of its aerial roots, this plant climbs and spreads out. So, consider adding them to our hanging plant list. But make sure to place them somewhere where it can take some space.

Give it bright light but avoid placing them in direct sunlight. And water whenever the topsoil is dry. This Swiss Cheese plant has two sad news for you, they are poisonous and pricey.

Succulents & Cacti

Are you one of those people who love plants but have a busy schedule? Then there is great news for you!

The succulents and cacti do not need much attention. In fact, for Succulent and Cacti, less is more! However, just make sure not to overwater as most of the desert plants die this way.

27. Echeverias


Echeverias features foliage that forms a rosette shape. Also, you can get many colors in Echeveria including, purple, pink, red, blues, and even teals. Additionally, this plant looks amazing in a small pot.

They enjoy bright, indirect sunlight for most of the day before you move them to partial sunlight. Also, make sure not to expose it to full afternoon sun. This can be too harsh for Echeveria.

28. Lithops


They are also known as “living stones”, as they closely resemble pebbles and small stones.

Place them somewhere in a sunny place, water them no more than a few times per year, and enjoy the beauty it brings to your home. 

For Lithops, choosing a potting soil high in inorganic material is important. Also, do not get tempted to water them more than the bare minimum, as overwatering can cause problems.

They come in a variety of colors and can be planted in tiny pots.

Like succulents, these indoor plants can survive in a hot climate and with little water. 

Due to their deceiving appearance, lithops will dazzle your guests!

29. Haworthia


This succulent plant is non-toxic and grows well in bright sunlight.  Also, Haworthia is a fun and unique indoor plant.

A real stand-out succulent plant, the striped appearance of the zebra Haworthia looks amazing. This slow-growing plant grows more than 6-8 inches in height. In addition, Haworthia is an ideal indoor plant to squeeze into tiny nooks.

Moreover, this is one of the amazing plants due to the contract it provides when planted with other succulents such as cacti. Moreover, it is easy to maintain, so you should have no fear while growing this plant. East or west-facing windows will provide enough lighting for this plant.

 Also, consider using a soak and dry watering technique to avoid root rot.

Moreover, it is easy to propagate the Haworthia plant, as it spontaneously produces pups that can be separated from the parent Haworthia plant. Also, it is great to present someone with a baby succulent.

Moisture Loving Indoor Plants

If you are among those gardeners, who enjoy their plants regularly, then moisture-loving plants are for you. They love to live in consistently moist soil and offer a wide range of plants to choose from. Additionally, it’s next to impossible to kill these indoor plants with overwatering!

30. Bromeliads 


They are ideal table plant, also it is easy to care for and their displays of color last for a long time. And they absorb moisture from the air around them.

They have a unique way to store water by forming a cup from the foliage. They use this stored water as per the need.

Make sure to give your Bromeliad a bright light, however, try to avoid direct sunlight. Place them near an east or west-facing window, rather than right at a window

31. Baby’s Tears

Baby Tears

Baby Tears tolerate a range of light conditions, so they grow well on a windowsill or in a darker corner. Being a succulent, well-draining potting mix and irregular watering is important to keep this plant in good health.

Grow Baby Tears in a small terrarium or under a glass cloche in bright sunlight to give this indoor plant the humidity it craves to stay lush.

Air Plants

These colorful indoor plants are fun to grow and offer the benefit of not needing the soil to grow. They are named because they take most of their nutrients from the air. These green companions are a must-have in homes and offices alike. 

32. Giant Air plant

Giant Air Plant

The plant’s main requirement is bright, filtered light, so a spot on the patio or deck where it will receive indirect sunlight would be the best choice. During dry periods, they will need to be watered more often than plants indoors. Therefore, either water them down with a hose or dunk them in a pond, whichever is easier.

33. Sky Plant

Sky Plant

Sky plants are always happiest with some fresh airflow and nutrients from the air. While they can survive indoors, they will be happiest in an open window. The movement of air over their leaves is essential for their health.

34. Bulbosa Belize

Bulbosa Belize

This air plant has long twisted curly leaves grown from a large bulbous base. Its leaves can turn from green to bright red when the Bulbosa is about to bloom beautiful tubular bright purple flowers.


Now that you have seen these popular indoor plants, it is time for you to pick one and bring them into your home. As you now know, these plants can transform any room in your home. In addition to adding beauty to your precious place, they will provide you and your loved ones with several health benefits. Also, don’t you want to dazzle your guests with the beauty of your indoor plants?

Moreover, if you need any help growing these popular indoor plants, please feel free to contact us on Abana homes. We will be happy to help you!

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