Do you want to bring a little bit of the Orient into your garden? This is your chance: your very own guide to growing bamboo bonsai trees! We have put every tidbit and helpful information in this article so that you can grow a bamboo bonsai tree right in your home!

Which Bamboo Species Should I Bonsai?

Finding a specimen that can be miniaturized appropriately is one of the secrets to making an appealing bonsai tree. Bamboo is known for its rapid growth. As a result, dwarf bonsai is typically the best option for bonsai. Your bamboo bonsai might rapidly become out of hand if you don’t take care of it. 

Now, let’s look at some of the best bamboo species that you can turn into a gorgeous bamboo bonsai tree!

Buying indoor bonsai plants online is a convenient and easy way to add a touch of nature to your indoor space. Many online retailers offer a wide variety of species and sizes, making it easy to find the perfect bonsai plant for your home or office. Before making a purchase, be sure to research the specific care requirements of your chosen plant to ensure it thrives in your space. 

1. Bambusa Multiplex

The Bambusa multiplex bamboo is excellent for bonsai. They rarely grow beyond 3 feet tall, making them suitable for bonsai cultivation. Because they are clumper plants, they will not grow too quickly.

2. Pseudosasa Owatarii

Pseudosasa owatarii is a cold-hardy running bamboo native to Japan that grows to be about a foot tall and has lush green foliage. This cultivar is easy to nurture in a small bonsai container because it grows so little naturally.

3. Pleioblastus

Also suitable for bonsai are dwarf white stripes and dwarf green stripe. They are compact species, but because they belong to the genus Pleioblastus, they are runners, thus the roots may need to be pruned on a regular basis.

4. Bambusa ventricosa (aka Buddha’s Belly)

Bambusa ventricosa, popularly known as Buddha’s belly, is one of the most popular bamboo bonsai possibilities. This species can reach a height of more than 50 feet in ideal conditions, and the dwarf variation can reach a height of more than 20 feet. It can, however, be kept in a pot and miniaturized. The stress of being potted actually stimulates some of the Buddha’s Belly’s more fascinating traits.

The small internodes occasionally swell out, giving the plant a cute, belly-like appearance, hence the common name. When stressed or under-watered, a section of the culms will develop in an uneven, zig-zag pattern that is rather attractive

5. Chusquea Culeou

Chusquea culeou ‘Hillier’s form’ has short stems and little leaves, making it an excellent bonsai specimen. The culms of the Chilean variety are extremely thick and easy to keep trimmed and compressed.

6. Pygmy Bamboo

This popular miniature bamboo species, often known as Pygmy bamboo, has firm, vivid green leaves. It can reach a height of around 2 feet, but it may be cut to a considerably shorter height, making it an excellent choice for bonsai. Small hairs on the leaves give aesthetic appeal on a small scale.

How to Grow Bonsai Bamboo Tree

Bamboo bonsai are unique among bonsai varieties. Bamboo reacts differently since it is a grass rather than a tree or shrub. You don’t have to worry about styling and shaping bamboo bonsai as much as you think if you choose a small variety of bonsai and keep up with trimming and pruning.

Bonsai Bamboo Tree Care Guidelines


Indoors, tropical bamboo trees should be put where they will get plenty of light. They can also be used outside in places where the weather is hot all year. Your plant may require artificial lighting to thrive inside. This should be done every day for about 10 hours. 

Temperate bamboo will have to be grown outside. In the summer, your climate should be warm, and in the winter, it should be chilly. These trees will most likely fall into dormancy over the winter, which means they will stop growing in order to endure the cold and prepare for spring growth.


Always check the soil of the bonsai before watering, and never water on a regular basis. Watering on a timetable can result in your plant being under- or over-watered, which will harm it. Bamboo, on the other hand, prefers consistent moisture, so water frequently, especially in the heat. You can water outdoor bamboo less frequently in the winter. These trees will quickly dry out.


All year long, tropical plants should be treated with a balanced fertilizer. Because they grow at a consistent rate throughout the year, they should be fertilized at the same time. Fertilize temperate plants during their growing season. This stage of growth lasts from spring until autumn. In the winter, don’t fertilize. 

Follow the directions on the packaging for both. Once a week, liquid fertilizer should be applied, and once a month, solid fertilizer should be used.


When it comes to bamboo bonsai, you must stay on top of pruning and trimming. The majority of bamboo species prefer to grow swiftly. Remove any unwanted sprouts and keep the leaves trimmed on a regular basis. If you reside in a hot area, you’ll need to trim and prune your bamboo more frequently because it grows swiftly. 

Bamboo is a forgiving plant that doesn’t like being pruned or trimmed, so don’t worry about eliminating too much growth. You’ll have a stunning bonsai specimen if you work with bamboo’s inherent qualities.


Because bamboo grows quickly, you may need to repot your bamboo bonsai once a year if the roots appear to be outgrowing their container. You might be able to get away with repotting every other year for a select variety of slower-growing bamboo. Repotting should be done as soon as possible before the main growing season begins. Between the conclusion of spring and the start of summer, repot tropical bamboo. In the middle of spring, repot additional bamboo kinds. 

Remove the old potting mix from the container before repotting. Remove any potting soil that has clung to your bamboo’s roots as well. Cut out old roots using sterilized scissors or pruning shears. This won’t harm the bamboo, and it’ll keep your bonsai from growing too quickly. 

You can either put your bonsai in a new container or return it to the same one. Regardless of the container, use new potting soil. Be aware that after being repotted, bamboo bonsai can lose a few leaves. Unless a large number of leaves die, this isn’t something to be concerned about. Your bamboo bonsai may have another problem if more than a few leaves perish.


Most bamboos can be easily cultivated from cuttings. Young bamboo plants may also be available in local nurseries. Once again, try to get your hands on dwarf species that are best suited for Bonsai.

Pests and Diseases

Red spider mites and scales are common animals you come across. Red spider mites are more common in tropical bamboo grown indoors. Insecticides or pest sprays can be used to eliminate these pests. Consider enhancing your plant’s living environment as well.

Bonsai Bamboo Tree Styling

The majority of bamboo bonsai are fashioned in a forest or group planting style. There are no other practical ways to dress bamboo because it grows naturally in this manner. 

Bamboo is a perennial colonial plant that grows new shoots every year. Some of the shoots can be removed, and other ones will ultimately grow in to take their place. The good thing about bamboo is that it will simply sprout more shoots if you mess up the design. Bamboo isn’t particularly fragile, so you’re unlikely to permanently harm it. 

Bamboo bonsai, unlike other bonsai, do not need to be wired into any certain shape. Just keep pruning and trimming up to date. Bamboo culms (stems or shoots) will die after 5-10 years. Simply remove the dead culms if this occurs. There should be enough additional stems that losing a couple each year won’t have a significant impact on the aesthetic of your bonsai.


Taking care of a bamboo bonsai can be a challenging but rewarding task. A bamboo bonsai is a wonderful addition to any home. Once you get a hang of it, it won’t be long when you will start decorating your entire house with bonsai bamboo trees. So, when are you starting?

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