Are you excited to grow one of the most fragranced flowers, the Champa flower? This flower is popular worldwide and has many benefits.

This article will guide you on the growing and caring tips for the Champa flower.

What is the Champa flower?

Champa, also known as campaka in Sanskrit, is a big, evergreen tree with long, thin petals and fragrant blossoms. The blossoms come in a variety of colors, ranging from creamy white to orange.

The Champa flower has a strong and distinct aroma, which has made it an essential aspect of Indian spiritual worship since time immemorial.

It’s a thin-barked deciduous tree. The stem is shaped like a sausage and is grey-green in color. Because it is deciduous, the leaves fall away throughout the winter season, leaving only the stem. 

The five petals of the Champa flower represent sincerity, faith, devotion, ambition, and surrender, and they represent “Psychological Perfection.”

Champa Plants require very little care and upkeep, and they can thrive in a wide range of climatic conditions. They beautify the environment and give shade thanks to the enormous canopy.

Special features of Champa flower

  • The essential oil is used as an astringent to relieve headaches and tension and as a stimulant to keep the circulatory and nervous systems in good shape.
  • Champa oil has anti-oxidant properties. The flower’s infusion is used in the cosmetic business.
  • It was used to treat diabetes patients.
  • Fever, diarrhea, skin problems, dropsy, and gonorrhea are all treated with the bark and other components of the plants.
  • Champa flower uses includes treatment of leprosy and boils.
  • Toothaches were treated with latex. Features of the Champa flower include relieving menstruation discomfort.
  • People used to treat their wounds using the bark.
  • The sap is used to treat inflammation caused by bee stings, wasp stings, and other stings.
  • Asthma is treated by inhaling the leaf-wrapped cigarette of Champa.

Champa flower types

Some of the popular Champa flower types are mentioned below:

1. Plumeria Rubra  

Plumeria Rubra is a tall Champa flower type that may grow up to 25 feet tall. It blooms in bunches with red, pink, and white flowers. The leaves are known to be pointy and long. It’s a popular and widely observed variety. This kind is great for covering a large area outside our home and acts as a boundary. It expands quickly. It’s best used in the open air.

2. Plumeria Pudica (Nag Champa)

This type of Champa flower is known for its unusual leaves. It has a lot of lengthy leaves. The leaves are big in the center and thin at the rear and front (Pointed), resembling a spoon. It’s a medium-sized cultivar. Flowering is sparse but enormous. 

One advantage of this Champa flower types is that the flowers last for 8 to 10 days. Plumeria Pudica has white flowers with a yellow dot in the middle. This variety’s blossoms aren’t particularly fragrant. As a result, it is favored for its foliage attractiveness. 

Plumeria pudica is a kind of plumeria that grows in (Mexican Plumeria). It is possible to cultivate it indoors. It’s called nag Champa because the leaves look like a Naag’s head (Snake). The plant can reach a height of 6-15 feet.

Plumeria Rubra hybrid, Champa - Plant

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Naga Champa

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3. Plumeria obtusa

Another characteristic is the presence of round, bright green leaves that are more or less oval in shape. It can be kept at various heights, from little to towering. The rate of growth is sluggish, yet it has a bushy appearance (dense leaves). The huge, fragrant flower with white petals and a yellow dot in the center blooms in clusters. It is the best choice for growing on a rooftop.

4. Plumeria alba

Plumeria has slim, elongated leaves and enormous, highly fragrant white blooms with a golden center that characterizes this 2-8m deciduous bush.

5. Champaca magnolias

Son Champa is a huge evergreen tree belonging to the Magnoliaceae family. Previously, it was known as Michael champaca. It’s recognized for its sweet-smelling blossoms. Son Champa’s wood is used in the woodworking industry. 

Magnolia champaca can reach a height of 160 feet or more. Its trunk has a diameter of up to 2 meters. The crown of this Champa flower types is thin and umbelliform. It features fragrant blossoms that range in color from cream to yellow-orange and bloom from June through September.

6. Pink Champa 

They have a lovely aroma and bloom continuously from spring through fall. Ancient Hawaiian leis are made from the blossoms of these beautiful plants.

The Champa flower is known for its massive significance in Indian culture, and we have covered most of the parts you need to know about.

Champa and its spiritual significance

The flower is referenced not just for its scent but also for its beauty in ancient Hindu scriptures.

The Champa flower has a strong and distinct aroma, which has made it an important aspect of Indian spiritual worship since time immemorial.

Lake Bindu Sarovara, where the great sage Kardama Muni performed austerities, is described in the Bhagavata Putana (3:21) as being surrounded by marvelously fragrant, pious, and spiritually elevating trees and flowers, among which the champaka flower is named.

Mount Kailash, Lord Shiva’s residence, is described in the Puranas as adorned by various attractive aromatic trees. Among the trees listed is the champaka tree.

While seeking Krishna, the gopis of Vrindavan spoke to the champaka trees in the Vrindavana forest, wondering whether they had seen their darling passing by.

Now, without a further delay, we will cover how to grow the Champa flower from seeds.

Growing Champa Flowers from seeds

  1. Get seed pods or seeds from a local garden store or online.
  2. Fill tiny plastic trays or pots halfway with a rich and well-drained potting mix.
  3. Plant the Plumeria seeds with the wings sticking up in the soil.
  4. Make sure the soil around the seeds is firm to promote good contact.
  5. Place in a sunny position and keep the soil moist.
  6. It takes roughly 21 days for seeds to germinate.

Although Champa plant care is pretty easy, you need to know some of the primary care instructions so that you don’t hurt your friend.

Growing Champa flowers from cuttings:

Champa flowers can produce roots from stem cuttings as well. Here’s how;

1. Take about 4-6 inches of cuttings from a healthy mother plant. The cuttings should be healthy and deep green. 

2. Now with a clean pair of shears cut all the remaining leaves of the cutting. A clear canvas is needed to start your work.

3. Now keep the cuttings as it is in a shaded area for a few days to let them get callus. 

4. It has produced a white coating and is now prepared to be cultivated after around 5-7 days. Take a container and create a hole at the base for air to go through and excess water to deplete. 

5. You can use rooting soil available in the market or you can make your own by mixing garden soil, coco peat, and sand.

6. Now fill the container with the soil and make holes with a pencil in it. Dip the cuttings in rooting solution and insert them in the holes. The holes we created before will help to keep the rooting solution in the cutting instead of rubbing it off in the soil during the inserting process. This point is optional, but it gives an extra boost, so it’s advisable. 

7. After that keep the pot out of natural sunlight for 14 to 20 days.

8. The cutting should start to sprout leaves after 14 to 21 days, at which point you can put them in full sunshine.


  • The best time to take cuttings from a mother plant is in the hot summer months and spring, when outside weather is humid. If it’s too late in summer, it might start to go dormant, which is not a good time to get cuttings. 
  • Champa plants go dormant during the winter, so if you take the stem cuttings when it’s too late, they will probably not root. But, if you preserve them rightly, you can overwinter them until spring. Just cover the collected cuttings with paper, and leave it in the container in completely dry soil. You can mist it occasionally if you like, but don’t exaggerate it or it could end up getting molds and rotting. Then, before spring, give it a good soak, and follow the step-by-step rooting method as mentioned above.


  • Champa plants are extremely prone to tip rot, so it’s important to always make your cuts at a low angle so that water can’t stuck there for longer into the fresh wound. 
  • Do not water the cutting for a week or so; let it grow roots first.

Care Guide for Champa flower

1) Watering

The weather mostly determines the amount of water required by the plant. They necessitate a large amount of water. When the plants are placed in direct sunlight in warmer climates, you should water the Champa flower on a regular basis. Before watering your Champa flower plants in cold or humid weather, make sure to check the moisture content of the soil. 

Note for Champa plant care: Overwatering can cause damage to roots.

2) Sunlight

The plants prefer bright direct sunshine. For healthy growth, they require at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight. Champa plants can also thrive in moderate shade.

3) Temperature

Champa plants like a warm and humid climate. They can withstand a certain level of heat. They are not resistant to freezing temperatures. As a result, in areas with harsh winters, bring the plants indoors.

4) Fertilizing

It’s possible to utilize a nitrogen fertilizer that’s rich in nitrogen. You can use any fertilizer, vermicompost, or rubbish. Throughout the spring and summer, feed your Champa plants.

When fertilizing Champa plants, use a high-phosphate fertilizer, such as Peters Super Blossom Booster 10-50-10. If you use a gas-rich fertilizer, you can grow a Champa that is healthy but tall and lean.

5) Pruning

Champa flower plants will grow tall and leggy over time, so prune them often to keep them looking good and encourage many blossoms. Pruning your potted Champa plants keeps them tiny and gives them a richer, more compact shape. Champa plants can take a lot of trimming, but you should never cut them all the way to the ground. 

Note for Champa plant care:

  • Excessive pruning will most likely prevent Champa plants from blooming for a long time, so only do it if absolutely required. 
  • You should prune the plants after the Champa flower season. Prune them in the spring or shortly after they have finished blooming.

Pruning Champa plants helps the plant to produce new growth, which is undesirable in the fall and winter months. 

Note for pruning Champa flower:

  1. You should prune your Champa flower by using sharp (and sterile) pruning shears to ensure a clean cut. 
  2. Make sure you sterilize pruners by washing them with soap and water or dipping them in rubbing alcohol. Also, because plumeria plants are susceptible to tip rot, make your cuts at an angle so that water does not collect in the cut and cause the branch to rot. 
  3. You can save your Champa cuttings and use them to produce new plants.

6) Insects And Disease

Spider mites 

On the foliage, spider mites leave yellow, white dots.

Pieris rapae or moving red dots on the leaves. On the face of the leaves, there appears to be a white, silky webbing.

What to do?

  • To protect the Champa flower plant, isolate it by spraying its leaves and stems with high-pressure water from a hose or regulator. Using a sprayer, cover as much of the plant as possible. 
  • You can also use Azadirachta indica oil or insecticidal oil.


Champa plant elements become altered as a result of the trip.

What to do in this case?

  • You can prune your Champa flower plant on a regular basis as it can assist you in defending it by preventing drips. 
  • You can also remove drops on flowers with a light bug powder such as insecticidal soap or Azadirachta indica oil or by trimming the flowers as long as there are signs of injury.


Slugs will consume any reasonable vegetation, especially fragile leaves. They will consume fruits and vegetables, wreaking havoc on farms.

What to do?

  • Use kieselguhr, crushed eggshells, or copper wire to create a wall that slugs cannot swamp. 
  • Clean up boards and weedy areas, and turn rocks over periodically to allow the undersides to dry up.


Scales can damage Champa flower plants and make them appear wilted and sickly. In this case, the plant’s leaves turn yellow and fall off. They’ll have sticky sap or a black plant on the leaves and stems.

What to do in this case?

  • You can use bleach-free dishwasher detergent to protect the Champa plant.
  • You can also create an oil spray and use it on the Champa plant.
  • Alternatively, you can also wash each leaf separately with the soap/oil combination and thoroughly rinse.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1: What causes the leaves of the champa flower to fall off?

During the winter dormancy, most Champa plants will lose their leaves. The plant no longer requires water as a result of this technique. Remember, if there aren’t any leaves, there won’t be any need for water. It prevents new delicate growth from sprouting late in the season when it would be more vulnerable to winter harm.

Ques2: When growing Champa from seed, how long does it take?

Depending on how fresh the seeds are, it might take anything from 7 days to over a month to germinate.

Ques3: Is it possible to put a Champa flower cutting directly into the ground?

Champa plants may be grown from cuttings relatively easily. Plant the cutting in a container of gritty sand when the base has dried up, and water it once a week until plant roots emerge. Once the cutting has established roots, it can be transferred into a container of well-draining soil or directly into the ground.

Ques4: What is causing my Champa flower plant to turn black?

A fungus known as a black tip develops after the Champa crowns have been exposed to frost or even just chilly winter morning dew. The healthier the Champa plant, the more resistant it will be to blacktip damage. Some fungicides are more effective than others, but it is treatable.

Ques5: Why are the leaves of Champa curling?

Some Champa plants lose their leaves; deformed growth, leaf curl, and yellowing are indicators of a sap-sucking insect infestation, such as mealybugs, spider mites, or thrips. To alleviate stress on the Champa, which can lead to weakened pest resistance, water them thoroughly.

Ques6: What is causing the browning of my Champa flowers?

Champa flower plants can decay if they get too much water or are left in moist soil for too long. Cold temperatures can cause flower buds to drop, and nightly temperatures can decrease at the end of the growing season.

Ques7: Is it possible to grow Champa plants indoors?

Champa plants are hardy in a variety of environments and can be grown as houseplants in containers indoors. With a bit of care, Champa plants are relatively easy to grow.

Ques8: How can I reduce the size of my Champa plants?

Pruning your potted Champa plant keeps it tiny and gives it a richer, more compact shape. Champa plants can take a lot of trimming, but you should never cut them all the way to the ground.

Ques9: How do you take care of a Champa plant that you keep indoors?

When watering potted Champa plants, make sure to soak them thoroughly. On the other hand, Champa flower plants dislike damp feet, so be careful to let them dry out between waterings. The morning and bedtime mists on the leaves will give it a boost of dampness.

Ques10: Is it true that the Champa plant prefers a lot of water?

You should not pattern the watering cycle of Champa unless you live in an extremely dry winter climate, in which case the plant prefers rapid water. Watering the plant quickly on the soil’s surface, rather than once a week.


Champa flower types are many, and they are unique in their own way. Champa flower uses are numerous. It is an impeccable plant that can win everyone’s heart with its fragrance and pretty flowers. 

We have covered Champa flower information, and Champa flower is beginner-friendly. When are you planning to get your Champa plant?

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