Looking for the best indoor hanging plants? 

The beauty of hanging plants is that they add a lot of life to your home. Also, they make your home look great. It covers your home with a haze of lush leaves and bright flowers when you hang indoor plants.

So, maximize the space in your home by displaying the best hanging indoor plants. If you hang them from the ceiling, allow them to trail down. You can allow them to trail down from the shelf or place them in an on-trend hanging planter. However, there are many ways to make your hanging plant a striking focal point in your home.

These hanging plants are some of the best you can find indoors.

Best Indoor Hanging plants

1. Pothos Hanging Plants

Pothos hanging plant

It’s easy to care for Pothos and these classic hanging plants can be found at most big box nurseries. They come in several varieties.

 Here are some of the most variety:

  • Golden Pothos, which are variegated with green and yellow, sometimes hint at off-white.
  • Marble queen Pothos, which is off-white and green.
  • A solid green Emerald/jade Pothos.
  • Neon Pothos, which is solid neon green.

2. Hoya Carnosa Plants

Hoya Carnosa plant

House plants like wax plants, also known as Hoya Carnosa, have been a staple in homes for decades. A thick, waxy canopy of leaves and vines covers the tree, forming a full and beautiful appearance. 

3. Hoya Rope Plants

Actually, hoya rope plants are a type of hoya Carnosa — hoya Carnosa compacta. Yet they are so cool that they deserve a separate mention. Hoya rope plants have thicker stems compared with the long, spindly stems of the other hoya Carnosa.

But the leaves are the most noticeable difference. In the hoya rope plant, the leaves curl and twist creating a beautiful rope effect. These drapes trail down and are heavy, so they can be draped up next to other items.

4. The string of Pearls Trailing Succulent Plants

string of pearl succulent

A string of pearl succulents has the most beautiful round pearl-shaped leaves on dainty stems that resemble peas. Beautiful pearls that can grow several feet long cover the leaves of a healthy plant. Additionally, this is an extremely easy plant to propagate.

5. Burro’s Tail Succulent Plants

Burro’s Tail Succulent Plants

Another gorgeous trailing succulent is the burro’s tail. Its chunky leaves cascade down thick succulent stems. As their leaves are fragile, so be careful! It is a more compact indoor hanging plant. They need a lot of light, so reserve a sunny window for them. Like the string of pearls, it is easy to propagate from leaves.

Also, if you are learning to grow succulents and want to add a hanging variety to your collection, burro’s tail (Donkey’s tail) is the best one to try. It has textured stems that reach about 30 cm long and comprise small, grey-green overlapping leaves.

These plants are sold as Sedum burrito or Sedum morganianum – the Sedum burrito has oval leaves while the other one has slightly longer, teardrop-shaped foliage. However, both turn purplish-pink in the strong sun. Small pink flowers also bloom at the tips of the stems in summer.

6. Rhipsalis Trailing Cactus Plants

Rhipsalis Trailing Cactus Plants

The Rhipsalis cactus has all sorts of branching and leggy stems that look amazing in hanging planters. Also, there are several varieties of Rhipsalis. Mostly you will find this plant labelled as “mistletoe cactus” at a local nursery. 

7. Heart-leaf Philodendron

Heart-leaf Philodendron

These plants are often confused with Pothos. As they have similar leaf shapes and sizes. Moreover, the plants themselves trail like Pothos. Still, they are totally different plants.

One of the varieties of Philodendron is Brasol, a gorgeous bright green and yellow variegation. They are having showy and shiny leaves. Also, it is very easy to care for them.

8. Philodendron Micans

Philodendron Micans

Another popular type of heart-leaf hanging plant is Philodendron Micans. They are very much like traditional heart-leaf philodendron. However, their leaves have a gorgeous green velvet finish. Also, the undersides of the leaves have lovely purple-ish color.

9. Spider Plants

Spider plant

Spider plants’ long curly leaves look amazing in hanging baskets. However, the real show-stopper on spider plants is the stems and babies. These plants shoot out long stems, at the end of which are cute spider babies!

In addition to its green and white stripe leaves and young plantlets dancing on slender stems, the spider plant is a must-have indoor hanging plant idea.

10. Wandering Tradescantia Zebrina Plants (Silver inch plant)

Wandering Tradescantia Zebrina Plants (Silver inch plant)

Wandering dude plants have gorgeous variegation, such as purple, green, and silver, depending on how vibrant they are. Occasionally, green and silver markings can be seen quite vividly, but sometimes the plant appears almost purple. Either way, it’s gorgeous! 

As it cascades from a pot or basket, the leaves of this striking plant cascade down in a brilliant curtain of colour, composed of silver and green stripes. With minimal maintenance, you’ll be able to grow this plant through periods of drought. 

11. The string of Hearts Trailing Plant

The string of Hearts Trailing Plant

A string of hearts is a trendy hanging plant that has been in high demand lately. It is dainty and remains a fairly compact plant. However, its stems can trail up to several feet long. 

With the sun, the stems will twinkle like Christmas decorations as a mass of tiny green and cream leaves with purple undersides emerges. During the summer, tiny tubular flowers are added to the show. 

This plant is an excellent low maintenance plant since it’s very easy to grow, requires little water during the winter months, and requires little or no irrigation.

12. Staghorn Fern

Staghorn Fern

Fern is so unique looking and can often look amazing hanging on walls instead of ceilings.

13. Lipstick Plants

Lipstick Plant

It is named for the bright, red buds that emerge from its darker cases during the summer and fall, resembling lipsticks. Throughout the rest of the year, the glossy green leaves cascade from the stems and can reach a length of 28inches (70cm). 

14. Grape ivy

Grape ivy

A jungle look is created by the long stems of glossy green leaves. Its lobed shapes cascade down from a hanging basket or twine around horizontal wires to cover a wall. In addition to the silvery leaves, the stems are also about 6ft (1.8m) long when young, giving them a two-tone appearance. 

15. Fishbone cactus

Fishbone cactus produces eye-catching trailing wavy-edged leaves. This look like fishbones. Another name for this plant is the zigzag plant. They can reach about 30 cm in length. In fall, they produce scented white flowers. Also, they produce edible green fruits that taste like gooseberries.

16. Rose grape

Rose grape

This glamorous plant makes a colourful feature from late spring to summer. Its pink and violet pendant blooms appear on arching stems. The rose grape’s large veined oval leaves provide interest for the rest of the year. 

17. Christmas cactus

Christmas cactus

It is a striking option for the best indoor hanging plants. This exotic cactus hails from the rainforest rather than the desert. They are loved for their trailing stems, divided into oval segments, and jewel-like winter flowers. 

The cactus bloom red, pink, purple or orange, and look like Christmas lights dangling from the stem tips. This compact plant is suitable for small spaces. They reach just 45x45cm in height and length. 

18. Alsobia


Alsobia plants can survive in low light. However, they grow and flowers best in medium to bright light. This hanging flower plant has furry green leaves with a purple midrib.

In favourable conditions, Alsobia will reward you with white gloxinia-like flowers with fringed edges. These make them look like snowflakes popping out of the lush green leaves. The fringed blooms are really distinctive and make for an unexpected surprise when they appear.

19. Little Swiss Monstera

Little Swiss Monstera

This little Monstera is a smaller version of the popular Monstera deliciosa. With a trailing growth habit, it looks graceful hanging from a basket. 

Botanically known as Monstera adansonii, it is also known as the “Swiss Cheese” plant due to its irregular holes in the leaves. They are quick growers when provided with the proper light. Also, they are easy to propagate. 

Additionally, there’s something adorable about the way the leaves have all these little holes in them. The effect is particularly pleasing when they overlap as they trail from a basket.

20. Mini Adam Ivy

Mini Adam Ivy

This hanging ivy plant is a classic houseplant. It is elegant and relatively easy to care for. Mini Adam Ivy is perfect for gracing your living rooms and bedrooms.

This hanging plant is a particularly fun variety, it shows off relatively small leaves boldly edged in cream and white. Moreover, it is exceptionally suitable for cool and bright rooms.

21. Silver Monstera

Silver Monstera

Like Little Swiss Monstera, this plant is also a trendy houseplant. It is trendy because it is a Monstera and has silver-frosted foliage. 

Silver Monster will be a newer addition to your angel plants collection. Similar to Swiss Monstera, this is also a compact plant that looks lovely when hanging.

22. Prayer Plant

Prayer plant

Many plant lovers must remember this plant from their grandparent’s homes. Prayer plants are well-known for their playful patterned leaves. Its leaves fold at night like a set of praying hands. Also, they tolerate low light and add excitement and contrast to any houseplants collection.

Many people do not think of them as low light hanging indoor plants. But Prayer plants will eventually trail beautiful once they get mature. If you have a dark corner at your home that needs a little lift, this one is a great choice.

23. Strawberry Begonia

Strawberry begonia

The plant got its name due to its similar growing habit to strawberries. As the plant grows, it produces offshoots that grow on raspberry red stolons. These offshoots hang down from the begonia plant like a living mobile.

Propagation of this plant is simple and easy, just clip off the offshoot, pot them and grow them as new plants. However, just place them in medium to bright light.

24. Orchids


Orchid’s fragrant flowers are suitable for hanging baskets. Moreover, they are ideal for good air circulation. Also, orchids come in dramatic varieties that are well suited for hanging baskets.

For example, spider orchids have long and thin petals that look like spider legs. Dancing lady orchids have long-lasting and colorful flowers like white, burgundy, white and green. Fairy orchids bloom in white, terracotta, purple, and pink.

25. Air Plant

Air plant

These hanging plants are highly versatile and easy to keep. Thus, making the best indoor hanging plants. As Air Plants require minimal care, it is any gardener’s favorite. You can place them in glass capsules or macrame-hanging plant holders. 

26. Boston Fern

Boston Fern

This is one of the traditional hanging indoor plants in India. Boston ferns add frilly greenery to any space. Thanks to their distinctive arching fronds. They prefer moist soil, however, ensure the soil does not turn soggy. 

27. Pansies


Pansies are one of the biggest flowering plants with heart-shaped overlapping petals in bright colours. The word “pansy” comes from the French Pensée, meaning “thought.”

Pansies require bright sunshine and regular watering to bloom well. Their flowers resemble faces.

28. Nemesia


Nemesia plant has attained huge popularity because of the rainbow colours. It is an annual flowering plant. 

Nemesia blooms in red, blue, purple, orange, and yellow. Moreover, they are low-maintenance plant and has a quick-growing habit, making them a viable option for hanging baskets.

29. Chenille Plant (Acalypha hispida)

These hanging plants grow quickly and can reach great lengths when given proper care. In its native habitat, Chenille can grow as tall as 15 feet! But this plant only grows up to 6 feet when grown indoors. 

Pruning these hanging plants promotes new growth. Also, it is ideal if you want to keep them long and healthy. 

The plant’s red fuzzy flowers, which are clusters of pistils, are a nice change from the usual green houseplants. Given its colourful nature, this hanging plant is ideal for entertaining areas that need a pop of colour.

30. Petunia


Petunias bloom on their long, flowing stems. However, one of the most common problems with petunias is how often petunias should be watered. Well, hanging petunias plants will mostly need to be watered every day. However, you can also check the water needs by inserting your finger into the soil. If the topsoil feels dry, it’s time to water them. 

Grandiflora is a type of petunia which is well suited for hanging plants.

31. Lobelia


Lobelia is a plant with showy blooms. They grow a mass of electric blue, purple, pink, or red blooms. Usually, hanging lobelias grow as wide as 15 inches. This plant prefers full sun in mild summer, evenly moist soil and requires light pruning if the flowering wanes.

32. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)

Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum)

This gorgeous indoor hanging plant got its name from its delicate look. It develops purple leaves underneath its light green foliage. 

This is the ideal plant to keep in the living room because of its charming, feathery fronds. Keep these plants in a humid and evenly lit spot in your home.

33. Pitcher plant

Pitcher plant

Pitcher plants tall and vibrantly coloured “pitchers” attract their prey. Locate these plants in the kitchen or living room to keep unwanted bugs out.

34. Ripple Peperomia 

Ripple Peperomia

These hanging plants have heart-shaped leaves that come in a variety of colours. Such as green, red, grey and cream. 

You can find beautiful indentations on some varieties that accent their varied colours and patterns. The ripple peperomia’s attractive appearance makes these plants the perfect conversation starter, especially as hanging plants as guests can easily see their textured leaves.

35. String of Nickels 

String of Nickels 

The string of nickels has coin-shaped leaves and gorgeous silver variegation. These hanging plants grow well on wood, stone, and baskets.

These plants are easy to care for despite their unique appearance. All you need to do is to water them when their topsoil is dry and place them in a spot with bright filtered light.

36. Spanish Moss

Spanish Moss

Spanish Moss is the most common type of air plant that lives on live oaks and cypress trees. This is a low-maintenance hanging plant, as it doesn’t need direct sunlight. However, to keep it looking its prime, keep spraying two to four times a week with a mister.

37. Bougainvillea Plant 

Bougainvillea Plant 

Bougainvillaea plants are native to eastern South America. This shrub loves the sun and is fairly tolerant of droughts. They also grow well in states with mild winters, as well as in pot.

One thing to keep in mind is that this hanging plant can become overgrown if you don’t keep an eye on them, so make sure to maintain them! Additionally, they flourish year-round in warm climates.

How to hang a plant safely?

While hanging a planter from the ceiling, locate a beam and screw in a sturdy hook securely. The pot, plant, compost, and water can be heavy so select a chain and hook that can take their weight. 

An easier option is to hang your plants on a clothes rail. Also, you can simply stand a pot or basket on a high shelf or bookcase, where the stems can hang gracefully over the edge. In all cases, ensure you can reach your plants easily to water and feed them.

How to display indoor hanging plants?

You can use just one hanging plant to make a statement in your room. Also, you can display a hanging plant collection. Placing them at different heights from the ceiling or on shelves will create a wall of foliage and flowers. 

It is great to plant each variety of indoor hanging plants in their own pot, rather than collecting them in one container. To unify your display, use identical pots.

Separate the plants in a way that allows you to provide each with the specific light levels, water, and food they need. However, if you do decide to combine some plants, check that they all have the same sun, water, and moisture needs. For example, a collection of low-light plants together in a dim corner and those that like bright light by a window. 

Select a pot to match your existing aesthetic. Why not match your hanging plants with a ceramic, clay, or metal pot in a macrame holder? Or opt for a lined raffia basket to get a natural look. 

How to care for hanging indoor plants?

Watering is your main task when it comes to caring for the best indoor hanging plants. Take care to add the right amount. Moreover, water sparingly if you’re not sure about the amount. This is because overwatering will quickly kill your plant. Because soggy soil will cause the roots and stems to rot. To prevent this, plant in houseplant or cactus compost, depending on the type of plant. Choose a container with drainage holes at the bottom, then slip these inside watertight hanging pots or baskets. 

This two-pot system will let you take the plant out. After that water, it over the sink, leave it to drain, and then return it to its allocated position. This will minimize the risk of waterlogging. While watering, apply fertilizer at the recommended intervals. Remember that watering frequency will vary if you are caring for indoor plants in winter. 


Choosing the best indoor hanging plants will give your home a new dimension.  The leafy vines and trailing stems of flowers add a touch of the tropics to the place with layers of texture and colour.

However, remember to check the light requirement for each of your choices. Place plants that need light close to the window, with the shade lovers plants further back or near a north-facing window. 

Some of the best indoor hanging plants can grow quite big. Hanging plants will restrict your movement if hung in the centre of a room or hallway, hence position these around the edges of your space where they won’t get in the way.  

A few small hanging plants, such as fishbone cacti or spider plants, can create a candelabra effect over a dining table or sideboard, while light shined up into the foliage will create a gorgeous shadow play in the evening.

Before you go, let us know which hanging plant awed you the most in the below comment section.

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