Aglaonema Red Emerald
Aglaonema Red Emerald plant is a beautiful evergreen perennial cultivar with red and green leaves from the Araceae family. This beautiful plant has adapted to low-light settings, making it an excellent indoor plant. It won’t trouble you as it is one of the easiest plants to grow.
The red emerald aglaonema plant has lovely variegated dark green foliage with cream, pink, red, and green splatters, and pink stems with strong red veins. When grown in brighter light, the variegation will be more noticeable, but be cautious with direct sunlight as it might harm the leaves. You can witness flowers on the red emerald aglaonema plant, but it is unusual when grown as an indoor plant.
It is known as one of the most gorgeous and ornamental picks for indoor plants. Aglaonema Red Emerald is the talk of the town for its dark green leaves with golden-amber speckles and electric-red veins that are variegated. Aglaonema plant is on NASA’s list of air-purifying plants because it eliminates Benzene and Formaldehyde pollutants from indoor environments and helps people to avoid adverse effects.
Care Guide of Red Emerald Aglaonema plant
- Plants should be kept in medium light, away from direct sunlight.
- Although natural light is preferable, red emerald aglaonema plants can flourish in fluorescent office lighting.
- You should be cautious with the soil. Make sure the soil is moist all the time.
- Do not overwater your red emerald plant at all costs. They don’t prefer to sit in the water.
- These beauties prefer a temperature of 18 and 28 degrees Celsius. They do not prefer colder temperatures.
- You can prune dead or unhealthy leaves from time to time.
- During the spring season, repot your red emerald plant every two years.
Growing Tips
- Aglaonema red emerald plants prefer low to bright light but no direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can scorch the delicate leaves of the plant.
- It thrives well in moist, organically rich, well-drained peaty potting soil.
- Water your red emerald plant on a regular basis, keeping the soil slightly damp in the summer and allowing the topsoil to dry out between waterings in the winter.
- Fertilize your aglaonema emerald plant once a month using a half-diluted balanced houseplant fertilizer throughout the spring and summer season.
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