Murraya Paniculata Calcutta Kamini
Murraya Paniculata Calcutta Kamini is from warm and tropical places like Taiwan, Southern China, Nepal, some parts of India, and Australia. They are evergreen and produce small, white, mild-scented flowers the whole year. Some Murraya produces orange and red-colored fruits and is closely related to citrus plants.
Murraya Paniculata Calcutta Kamini is tough enough to handle different kinds of soils and various conditions, that’s why people love to cultivate it for larger hedges.
Care tips of Murraya paniculata Calcutta Kamini
Sunlight: For healthy plant and flower growth, Murraya Paniculata needs a minimum of five to six hours of natural bright light.
Water: Murraya Paniculata Calcutta Kamini like moisture and require regular watering. But it shouldn’t get waterlogged. Check the soil if the top inches are dry to touch before watering. You can reduce watering sessions during rainy seasons or in winter.
Soil: Well-draining soil will give the best results for Murraya Paniculata Calcutta Kamini, but it also likes alkaline, humid soil that is rich in organic contents.
Fertilizer: Use any organic fertilizer during the main growing season every four weeks.
Growing tips for Murraya Paniculata Calcutta Kamini
- Tease the top surface of the soil a bit so it can consume moisture and nutrition better. Do not disturb the roots in the process.
- Place them near a sunny window so they can get a healthy amount of sunlight daily.
- Remove dead leaves to create a healthy surrounding and if any plant is infected with pests isolate them from the others. Treat the infected plant with neem oil or citrus oil.
- Do not apply water to the leaves or flowers the plant might get fungus infections.
- Refrain from repotting for at least two weeks after receiving the plant to avoid getting it shocked.
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