Red Moon Cactus
Red cactus plants are small plants, usually only half an inch, although there are cultivars that get up to 8 inches.
This cactus has a mutation that causes it to lack the chlorophyll that makes the cactus green. The mutation exposes the red color beneath.
Like most cacti, the red cactus is drought tolerant and need very little care and attention to grow well. Not enough sunlight and over-watering can damage this plant.
Moreover, the red moon cactus is an excellent plant for garden rockery settings, desert type landscapes, patios, and botanical gardens
Care Guide
Light: The red moon cactus is tolerant of more shade than many cacti, however, they don’t like direct sunlight. But the stock green cacti on the bottom of the plant are often light-lovers. Hence, look for a bright area, but not so bright that the color of the top begins to wash out.
Soil: A rich, fast-draining cactus mix with a low pH is highly suitable. Also, make sure you meet the soil needs of the host cactus on the bottom of the red cactus.
Water: During dry periods, allow the soil mix to dry nearly completely before rewetting. Ideally, the cactus shouldn’t sit in marshy soil for more than a day or two; good drainage is needed. Water the plant often during the summer months. If it is in a small pot, water it once a week.
Temperature: The care of the red moon cactus is similar to any succulent or cactus species. These plants prefer temperatures on the warm side but need a minimum of 48 F to survive.
Fertilizer: You do not have to fertilize your moon cactus plant regularly, but you should apply a cactus fertilizer every month during its growing season (April to September).
Growing tips for Red Moon Cactus
- Avoid repotting this cactus plant immediately after receiving it.
- Keep checking the soil moisture.
- Winter months do not need watering but mist the plants occasionally.
- Place the red moon cactus in a bright spot where it can receive enough sunlight.
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