5 Bonsai Trees for Your Office Desk
Air pollution is killing all of us slowly and it has become a necessity to surround ourselves with oxygen generating plants a.k.a air purifying plants. Bonsai Plants not only add beauty to your home / office decor but also act as a great natural air purifier. Bonsai plants treat toxic chemicals like Toluene and Formaldehyde present in the air and make the air breathable.
Where to buy bonsai tree online?
Gone are the days when you had to visit a nursery - a good nursery - to get a bonsai plant as it is not a normal plant. With increasing convenience of logistics, now, the bonsai plants can be purchased from the comfort of your home and get delivered within 2-3 days from the nearest delivery network. For example, Abana Homes, an online bonsai plant store run by a passionate Bonsai Expert, Vinni Balyan, in India that delivers bonsai plants online all across India in just 2-3 days through express courier services.
Here are the list of 5 Bonsai Plants that are easy to care and you can keep them on your office desk or the living room. These are good growing indoor bonsai trees.
- Carmona Bonsai Plant
Carmona is a bonsai tree mainly grown in China and Thailand. It belongs to fukien tea family and is purely indoor bonsai. It requires natural light - not necessarily the sun light. All you need to water it every alternate day and it grows well.
- Ficus Bonsai Plant
This beautiful bonsai comes from Fig (Banyan) family and is grafted in Ginseng.The bonsai plant created by fusion of these two plants make it very beautiful. With bonsai plant, you can keep some figurines as well and it looks so beautiful altogether.
- Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree
This bonsai tree is very robust and great bonsai tree for beginners. This bonsai tree is very bushy and well curved shaped. You’ll love its shape and lush green leaves. It’s typically a semi indoor bonsai tree which can be kept inside as well outside. We’ve observed smaller and dark green leaves when kept inside and large leaves while kept outside. Sometimes it needs the Sunlight as well. It’s fine if you keep it in the Sun for 1-2 days in a month.
- Pachira Bonsai Tree -- a.k.a - Money Tree
Pachira is considered to be a very auspicious indoor bonsai tree. It gets lush green broad leaves over a thick trunk. In Feng Shui, it is considered to be a plant that brings luck, prosperity and good relationships. That’s why it is one of the most gifted bonsai trees. In a ceramic pot, it is a show stopper on your desk.
You’ll never find enough of a bonsai like this. This exclusive piece bonsai is grown and aerial roots are developed over the years. Have a look at the ficus bonsai tree below and it’s beautiful ariel roots. It’s so beautiful. This bonsai tree is not exactly an indoor bonsai but if it can be kept in the living room, centre hall of your office or anywhere you need to draw attention. You can keep this bonsai plant inside for a week at a stretch but after that you will have to keep it in the Sun for a day or two. And then you can bring it back to the hall. This is one of the most demanded bonsai trees due to its auspicious value coming from the Banyan Family.