Summer in India can be harsh on bonsai as its a hot and dry climate. Thus, during the summer months, bonsai plants need special care and attention.

However, there are some bonsai plants that thrive in hot and dry climates. And in this article, I m going to tell you the best bonsai plants to grow in summer.

Among the most popular summer bonsai plants are the ficus, Chinese elm, carmona, jade, juniper, and more. I will also discuss each bonsai’s unique qualities and how they can withstand summer. 

Furthermore,  I will tell you quick summer care tips to keep your bonsai plant thriving in hot months. With that said, let’s see the best bonsai plants to grow in summer

7 Best Bonsai Plants to grow in Summer

In India, the summer season can be challenging for bonsai enthusiasts due to the hot and dry climate. Still, many bonsai plants can thrive in these conditions. Consider below the 7 best bonsai plants to grow in summer:

1. Ficus

ficus bonsai tree in black ceramic pot

This bonsai plant dominates the Indian bonsai market. As a hardy plant, it can tolerate high temperatures and dry conditions, making it an ideal summer bonsai plant.

2. Chinese elm

chinese elm bonsai plant in ceramic pot

The Chinese elm thrives and survives in dry conditions without needing excessive water. In humid and hot climates, the Chinese Elm is relatively resistant to pests and diseases. This makes it easier to care for and maintain as a bonsai tree during the summer months.

3. Carmona Bonsai

carmona bonsai tree flowering bonsai plant in ceramic pot

Summer brings beautiful white flowers to the Carmona bonsai. This tree looks elegant and beautiful with its small and delicate flowers. Tropical Carmona bonsai grows well in humid, hot climates, so it’s perfect for growing in the summer in India.

4.  Jade Bonsai


As a succulent, jade bonsai can store water in its leaves and stems, which lets it survive in dry climates. Such a drought-tolerant plant can be an advantage during the summer months. Also,  jade bonsai needs little watering and fertilization, making it relatively low maintenance.

5. Juniper Bonsai

Juniper Bonsai

They are outdoor plants that need sunlight, warmth, and moisture to survive. In the summer, since the days are longer and the weather is warmer, you can grow juniper bonsai easier.

6. Maple Bonsai

Japanese Maple Bonsai

Growing maple bonsai is best during the summer because they need plenty of sunlight for photosynthesizing. As the days lengthen in the summer, maple bonsai get more sunlight. As a result, leaves and branches grow healthier.

7. Pine Bonsai

Japanese Black Pine Bonsai Tree in India

The pine tree is the most popular bonsai tree. Also, many consider it the most common kind of bonsai. To grow well, pine bonsai trees need full sun for several hours each day. Shorter and more compact needles mean a tree gets more light.

How to take care of bonsai during summer?

It is crucial to take care of bonsai during summer so that they can grow strong and healthy. Here are some quick tips on how to take care of bonsai during the summer months:

  • During the summer, bonsai plants enjoy full sun, but not all day. The sun may burn the bonsai. Thus, give your bonsai partial shade in the afternoon.
  •  Keep your plant’s soil moist. Also, those plants that love sunlight will often need watering. Through daily testing, you’ll learn how often your bonsai needs water.
  • During summer, pause fertilizing to prevent roots from being burned by excessive evaporation caused by the heat.
  • Move your bonsai indoors or into a greenhouse during high summer temperatures.
  • You can protect your bonsai plant from summer’s ravages by adding moss to your potting.
  • Bonsai can be clipped in summer, but pruning isn’t really recommended.

Bonsai Problems in summer 

Due to the hot and dry weather during the summer months, bonsai plants can face a few problems. Summer can present many problems for bonsai plants, including:

Extreme heat 

Extreme heat during the summer can cause sunburn, resulting in damaged leaves and needles. Eventually, the leaves will brown or discolour, and in severe cases, the plant may die.

Solution: You can reduce the impact of extreme heat by providing shade. Put the plant in filtered sunlight during the hottest hours.

Drying out

In the summer, the weather can get hot and dry, so the soil dries out faster. It can lead to the bonsai plant drying out and getting stressed, which can affect its growth and health.

Solution: Check the soil regularly by sticking your finger into it. Water the plant if the soil feels dry.

Low humidity

Bonsai plants can be stressed by low humidity during summer, as the soil is likely to dry out quickly.

Solution: Add water to a tray near the bonsai plant to increase humidity. It will help keep the soil moist as the water evaporates, helping to prevent soil from drying out too quickly.

Quick evaporation

In summer, quick evaporation can damage bonsai plants. Thus, causing the soil to dry out too quickly, causing stress and possibly destroying them.

Solution: Water bonsai plants more frequently during the summer months so the soil doesn’t dry out. Make sure the soil is evenly moist. Don’t overwater the plant, as this can also damage it.

Hungry bonsai / Nutrient deficiency

The heat and increased watering during summer can cause bonsai plants to lose nutrients more quickly, resulting in nutrient deficiency.

Solution: Apply a balanced fertilizer containing equal parts nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.


The hot and dry summer climate in India can be challenging for bonsai enthusiasts. Some bonsai plants can thrive in these conditions, like ficus, Chinese elm, Carmona, jade, juniper, maple, and pine bonsai. 

Plants like these can withstand summer heat and require less maintenance than other plants. It’s important to take proper care of your bonsai plant during the summer, including giving it partial shade, keeping the soil moist, and protecting it from extreme heat, drying out, low humidity, and quick evaporation. 

So, grow mentioned bonsai plants this summer and follow the above summer care tips to make sure they grow strong and healthy. 
Also, if you need any help while growing these bonsai plants in summer, feel free to contact us at Abana homes. Help your friends and family grow bonsai in summer by sharing this article with them.

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