15 Best Indoor Plants for Bathroom To Boost Mood - Abana Homes
Nowadays modern houses are officially decked out with indoor plants, including bathrooms. Furthermore, a bathroom is the best place to keep your indoor plants to keep them flourishing in a drier climate. The humidity and warmth of a bathroom make it a perfect place for indoor plants to grow.
Additionally, a bathroom is always handy for watering, so it is difficult to forget. However, it's important to choose indoor plants for the bathroom wisely since bathroom conditions aren't always ideal.
No doubt, there is plenty of warm, humid air in the bathroom during shower time. Nevertheless, when the bathroom is not in use, especially at night, it becomes cooler and less humid. Additionally, some indoor plants dislike temperature changes. So, to help you choose the best indoor plants for your bathroom, here is a list of the best 15 indoor plants to place in the bathroom.
This article is authored by Prachi Parate in consultation with Ms. Vinni Balyan, Horticulture and Landscape Professional, India. The information recorded here is fully contextual to tropical climate and can be relied upon from scientific perspective.
15 Best Indoor Plants for Bathroom
- ZZ plant
- Money tree (Pachira Aquatica)
- China doll plant (Radermachera)
- Snake Plant
- Aloe vera Plant
- Peace lily Plant
- Spider Plant
- Boston fern
- Golden Pothos
- Philodendron Plant
- Chinese Evergreen Plant
- Weeping Fig Plant
- Strings of pearls Plant
- Calathea Plant
- Parlor Palm Plant
Best Humidity-loving bathroom plants
There is fluctuating temperature and humidity in a bathroom, as well as lots or a little sunlight depending on the direction and number of windows. Nevertheless, it's a good thing there are plenty of indoor plants highly suitable for the bathroom environment! Let's take a look at them.
1. ZZ plant

It's hard to kill this shiny-leafed gem. In bright but indirect light, it can go 2 to 3 weeks without a drink, and even longer in low light.
Also, your bathroom's humidity helps it go longer between drinks. Moreover, its thick stems will stretch toward any available light source. Hence, move it to moderate light and rotate the pot frequently to prevent it from getting leggy.
ZZ Plant Information
Common Name | ZZ plant or aroid palm |
Botanical Name | Zamioculcas zamiifolia |
Sun Exposure | Lots of indirect light |
Soil Type | Well-draining soil |
Toxicity | Toxic |
Bloom Time | Mid-summer to early autumn |
Watering Guide | Water every 2-3 weeks, but let the soil dry between waterings. |
Fertilizer | Liquid houseplant fertilizer |
Pruning | ZZs grow slowly and don't need much pruning. Dead or dying leaves need to be pruned |
Pot Type | Plastic pots but terra cotta or ceramic |
2. Money tree (Pachira Aquatica)

There are shiny green leaves on the money tree, which has an upright form. As a wetland tree, it enjoys a warm environment.
You can give it bright light, but it also adapts to moderate light. Give it a little time to dry between waterings.
As Pachira plants thrive in humid environments, bathrooms are ideal places for them.
Money tree (Pachira Aquatica) Information
Common Name | Malabar chestnut, saba nut, or money tree |
Botanical Name | Pachira Aquatica |
Sun Exposure | Bright, indirect light |
Soil Type | Sandy soil |
Toxicity | Non-toxic |
Bloom Time | Late spring through summer |
Watering Guide | Maintain consistent watering, preferably once or twice a week |
Fertilizer | High nitrogen fertilizer |
Pruning | During the winter, when the plant is dormant. |
Pot Type | Terracotta pots |
3. China doll plant (Radermachera)

The dark green China doll plant (Radermachera) looks great in a bathroom corner next to a window.
It is important to provide china doll plants with bright, indirect sunlight and moist, well-drained soil, as well as protection from drafts.
It is ideal to keep them in your bathroom since they enjoy high-humidity conditions.
China doll plant (Radermachera) Information
Common Name | China Doll Plant, Emerald Tree Plant, Radermachera |
Botanical Name | Radermachera Sinica |
Sun Exposure | Sunlight for 4-5 hours a day, full to part. |
Soil Type | Well draining and moist soil |
Toxicity | Non-toxic |
Bloom Time | Summer (rarely blooms indoors) |
Watering Guide | Water once a week to keep the soil moist. Let it dry out slightly between waterings |
Fertilizer | Balanced liquid fertilizer |
Pruning | It is best to prune in the late winter. |
Pot Type | Ceramic pot |
4. Snake plant

Snake plants are known to be nearly impossible to kill. Although snake plant grows faster in bright light, they can also tolerate less light.
For beginners or those who like plants that don't mind being overlooked, they are a great choice.
It thrives in steamy and humid conditions, and it's also an air purifier, filtering out formaldehyde, commonly found in bathroom products.
Snake Plant Information
Common Name | Snake plant, mother-in-law’s tongue |
Botanical Name | Sansevieria trifasciata |
Sun Exposure | Thrives in any light level. They grow more quickly in brighter light. Place them 10 feet away from the south window. |
Soil Type | Free-draining soil |
Toxicity | Mildly toxic |
Bloom Time | Spring |
Watering Guide | Water when the topsoil is nearly dry. |
Fertilizer | A balanced plant fertilizer |
Pruning | Spring or in summer prune dead or damaged leaves. |
Pot Type | Terracotta pots are best for snake plants. |
5. Aloe vera
With aloe vera in your bathroom plant, you can enhance your beauty routine. Not only does it look great, but it can also soothe skin, heal minor burns, and reduce itching. You can squeeze out the gel from the interior of a mature leaf, and apply it directly to your skin.
In bathrooms with large windows and natural sunlight, these plants thrive. It is best to keep them near the window to ensure the best growth.
Due to its love of dry soil, it does not require much watering. You will have a happy aloe vera plant if you water it about twice a month.
Aloe Vera Plant Information
Common Name | Aloe vera Indian Aloe and Burn Aloe. |
Botanical Name | Aloe barbadensis miller |
Sun Exposure | Full to partial sun |
Soil Type | Loose, rocky soil that is well-draining. |
Toxicity | Toxic |
Bloom Time | Early spring to summer |
Watering Guide | Water once every two weeks |
Fertilizer | Liquid fertilizer designed for succulents |
Pruning | Whenever the leaves look dry or damaged, prune them. |
Pot Type | Terra-cotta or ceramic pot |
6. Peace lily

There is very little maintenance required for peace lilies. It is best to water them regularly and to place them in humid areas like the bathroom.
However, it is important not to allow the soil to become dry for an extended period of time.
Although peace lilies do well in limited light, they might require a slightly brighter location if they are not blooming. And it is okay to place a peace lily in a windowless bathroom.
Peace lily Plant Information
Common Name | Peace lily, white sails, or spathe flower |
Botanical Name | Spathiphyllum |
Sun Exposure | Low to bright, indirect sunlight. |
Soil Type | Blended Potting Mix (perlite, peat moss, coir, or loam) |
Toxicity | Mildly toxic |
Bloom Time | Spring. A well-cared plant can bloom again in the fall. |
Watering Guide | Peace lily likes weekly watering. Reduce watering in Winter. |
Fertilizer | Water soluble houseplant fertilizer |
Pruning | Prune peace lily only when the flower dies off. |
Pot Type | Ceramic, plastic, and clay pots all work well. |
7. Spider plant
If you are looking for a low-maintenance plant, opt for spider plants. Whether you want your spider plant to grow in bright light or low light, you can easily do so. However, make sure they are not left in full sun or they will scorch. Therefore, don't place them near a window that receives sunlight in a bathroom.
Spider plants do well in normal home humidity. However, for them to thrive, they should be placed in a very humid room, such as the bathroom.
In addition, spider plants are easy to propagate, so you can have as many as you wish in your bathroom without spending money. To keep flourishing, they also need a light drink once a week.
It is also a good plant for removing formaldehyde, making it suitable for windowless bathrooms.
Spider plant Information
Common Name | Spider ivy, Spider plant, Ribbon plant |
Botanical Name | Chlorophytum comosum |
Sun Exposure | Bright to moderate indirect sunlight. |
Soil Type | Nutrient-rich and Well draining Soil |
Toxicity | Non-toxic |
Bloom Time | Spring to early summer |
Watering Guide | Keep soil moist, avoid overwatering |
Fertilizer | Any All-purpose fertilizer works |
Pruning | Prune any dead or brown leaves in spring |
Pot Type | A free draining pot. Pots made of plastic, metal, fabric, or wood pot are ideal. Avoid clay pots for a spider plant. |
8. Boston fern
Boston ferns are a sight to behold. Moreover, as a hardy plant, it makes an excellent bathroom plant. The Boston fern loves high humidity, so you will often find them in humid areas such as bathrooms.
You can hang them in a basket anywhere in your bathroom to change the vibe. Additionally, you can also hang them in the shower if they are in a pot that drains well.
Also, the Boston fern is very adaptable to light and can be placed in areas of indirect sunlight and medium light in bathrooms. Water Boston ferns weekly, but keep the soil moist rather than wet.
Boston fern Plant Information
Common Name | Sword Fern, Boston Fern |
Botanical Name | Nephrolepis exaltata |
Sun Exposure | Bright indirect light |
Soil Type | Organically rich, loamy soil with good drainage. |
Toxicity | non-toxic |
Bloom Time | Non-blooming plant |
Watering Guide | Water weekly to keep the soil moist. On hot days, water twice a day. |
Fertilizer | Liquid fertilizer once a month |
Pruning | Prune the Boston Fern while repotting. Remove all browning leaves. |
Pot Type | Terracotta pots or plastic pots with drainage holes |
9. Golden Pothos
Golden pothos is one of the most popular indoor vining plants. The gold pothos can have gorgeous variegated leaves with flecks of gold dotted among the greens.
It is possible to grow golden pothos without direct sunlight, so you can place them in a bathroom without a window.
It's a pretty low-maintenance plant that grows beautifully in a bathroom hanging basket or on a high shelf. Avoid letting the soil completely dry out.
Golden Pothos Plant Information
Common Name | Devil's ivy, golden pothos, money plant or hunter's rove |
Botanical Name | Epipremnum aureum |
Sun Exposure | Bright indirect sunlight |
Soil Type | Well-draining soil. Avoid cactus soil for pothos. |
Toxicity | Toxic |
Bloom Time | Spring and summer |
Watering Guide | Water every 1-2 weeks. |
Fertilizer | Balanced, water-soluble fertilizer |
Pruning | In spring, prune two-thirds of the shoots. |
Pot Type | Terracotta pots with good drainage |
10. Philodendron Plant

Philodendrons flourish in both moderate and artificial lighting, and their heart leaf variety looks great cascading down from a pot.
Your bathroom is a great place for philodendrons since they thrive in warm temperatures and humidity.
A low-light bathroom is ideal for keeping this high-humidity plant. Furthermore, you can train it to climb along your windowsill or shelf.
Philodendron Plant Information
Common Name | Green heartleaf philodendron, sweetheart plant |
Botanical Name | Philodendron |
Sun Exposure | Medium light and bright indirect sunlight. |
Soil Type | Moisture-retentive soil but not soggy |
Toxicity | Mildly toxic |
Bloom Time | Spring to late spring |
Watering Guide | Water weekly and allow the soil to dry out between watering. |
Fertilizer | Balanced liquid fertilizer |
Pruning | Any time of year is fine to trim yellow leaves |
Pot Type | Terracotta, ceramic, and clay pots |
11. Chinese Evergreen
Chinese evergreen is one of the most adaptable and forgiving plants. Since it is so hardy, the Chinese Evergreen makes a great bathroom plant.
Travel a lot or are prone to forgetfulness? Even if you forget to water it, it thrives. In addition, it's very adaptable; it prefers low light but can also thrive in brighter areas.
It likes humidity but doesn't like rapid temperature changes. Hence, it is best to keep your windows shut on chillier days to prevent strong drafts that might disrupt their growth.
Chinese Evergreen Plant Information
Common Name | Chinese Evergreen, Silver Evergreen, Pewter, Painted Drop-Tongue |
Botanical Name | Aglaonema |
Sun Exposure | Low to bright indirect light. |
Soil Type | Peat-based potting soil |
Toxicity | Toxic |
Bloom Time | Spring and summer |
Watering Guide | Chinese evergreen needs moderate watering. once a week watering is enough |
Fertilizer | General-purpose houseplant fertilizer |
Pruning | Chinese evergreens grow slowly, so they don't need pruning. If your plant is damaged, you can trim it. |
Pot Type | Ceramic or clay pots with good drainage. |
12. Weeping Fig
If you have space for a small tree, weeping figs make a lovely addition to a bathroom. However, it dislikes sudden temperature changes. It can lose its leaves when the weather gets cold, but it will recover.
The weeping fig doesn't like to be overwatered or to sit in wet soil, even though it loves humidity. Let the soil feel dry for an inch or two before watering.
When grown indoors, weeping figs need more light than when grown outdoors in bright, indirect light. So, placing it in a bright corner of your bathroom will be ideal.
Weeping Fig Plant Information
Common Name | Weeping fig, benjamin fig, or ficus tree |
Botanical Name | Ficus Benjamina |
Sun Exposure | Plenty of indirect sunlight, and even a little direct sun in the morning. |
Soil Type | Any good, fast-draining potting soil |
Toxicity | Toxic |
Bloom Time | Spring (rarely blooms indoors) |
Watering Guide | Water only when the top several inches of the soil is dry. |
Fertilizer | Nitrogen-rich fertilizer |
Pruning | It's best to prune in winter when the plant is dormant. |
Pot Type | Terracotta pot |
13. Strings of pearl

The string of pearls is a popular houseplant that dislikes direct sunlight.
Although the plant's leaves look like peas, they are somewhat poisonous. Instead, they look great as ornamental plants that add a touch of green to your bathroom.
Small windows or skylights are all it needs, and it takes up hardly any space.
Strings of Pearl Plant Information
Common Name | String-of-pearls or string-of-beads |
Botanical Name | Senecio rowleyanus |
Sun Exposure | Bright, indirect light. |
Soil Type | Sandy soil |
Toxicity | Toxic |
Bloom Time | Summer |
Watering Guide | Once every two weeks. Avoid overwatering. |
Fertilizer | Balanced liquid fertilizer |
Pruning | If any stems or pearls are dead or have lost a lot of pearls, trim them off |
Pot Type | Terracotta pots |
14. Calathea Plant

A calathea is a beautiful plant that can transform your bathroom by adding color and pattern.
A calathea enjoys high humidity and moderate indirect sunlight, so you can place it in a bathroom window of any size or on any side of the room. Furthermore, calatheas enjoy weekly watering.
Calathea Plant Information
Common Name | Cathedral plants, peacock plants, zebra plants, rattlesnake plants, and prayer plants |
Botanical Name | Calathea |
Sun Exposure | Indirect sunlight, but can tolerate lower light levels. |
Soil Type | Choose a soil that includes Orchid bark or small bits of gravel or cactus soil. |
Toxicity | Non-toxic |
Bloom Time | Spring, summer, and sometimes fall |
Watering Guide | Water weekly, letting the soil dry out at least partially. |
Fertilizer | Balanced all-purpose fertilizer |
Pruning | Calathea plants grow well when pruned in the fall. |
Pot Type | Ceramic pots and terracotta pots |
15. Parlor palm

A parlor palm is ideal for a larger bathroom with a lot of humidity and heat. They evoke a relaxing, exotic feeling with their graceful fronds.
It is important to water them moderately. Although your bathroom's humidity will help, it may not be enough to satisfy all of the plant's needs. Ensure that you are not overwatering your pots as soggy pots can breed disease and mold. If you let your parlor palms get pot-bound, you can slow their growth.
Parlor Palm Plant Information
Common Name | Neanthe bella palm or parlor palm |
Botanical Name | Chamaedorea Elegans |
Sun Exposure | It can tolerate low indirect light as well as bright indirect light |
Soil Type | Light, compost-rich, well-draining soil |
Toxicity | Non-toxic |
Bloom Time | Spring if sufficient light is provided |
Watering Guide | Keep the soil dry between waterings, and water every 1-2 weeks. |
Fertilizer | Balanced liquid fertilizer |
Pruning | It stops growing if you prune the single point. You can trim off brown fronds. |
Pot Type | Terracotta pots |
Q1. Why do people put indoor plants in bathrooms?
Ans. There are many reasons why people put indoor plants in bathrooms, including improving air quality, reducing stress, and improving mood. The indoor plants in the bathroom also energize you, prevent mold growth by absorbing moisture, look beautiful, and require little maintenance.
Q2. Can indoor plants survive in a steamy bathroom?
Ans. Yes. Bathrooms are humid, low-light environments where much of the indoor plant thrives. It can also help purify the air in your bathroom as well as add some greenery.
Q3. What indoor plant can live in a bathroom without a window?
Ans. The golden pothos, peace lily, spider plant, and Boston fern thrive in a bathroom without a window.
Q4. Is it good for feng shui to have plants in the bathroom?
Ans. There are many who believe that plants in a bathroom are bad Feng Shui, just as they are in the bedroom. Nonetheless, if you keep them in balance with the decor and don't overdo it, they will boost your bathroom's positive energy.
The bathroom is the best place for plants that love humidity. Nevertheless, high humidity alone may not be enough for some indoor plants. Depending on the plant, direct or indirect sunlight might be needed. You might need to put some bathroom plants in a window for them to thrive. Whereas, there is some bathroom plant that enjoys windowless places.
So, if you have a window in your bathroom, you should choose a sun-loving and humidity-loving plant. The best choice is aloe vera, a string of pearls, or calathea.
There are some indoor plants for bathrooms that don't mind windows and thrive anywhere in the bathroom. The best plants for this are golden pothos, peace lilies, spider plants, or Boston fern.
While placing weeping figs or Chinese evergreens, keep in mind that they don't like fluctuating temperatures. To avoid temperature fluctuations, keep your bathroom window shut during chillier days.
Which indoor plant are you planning for the bathroom? Feel free to leave a comment below. Don't forget to share this article with your family and friends.