Do you want to know how to grow a pomegranate tree that is healthy and strong?

This article covers how to grow and care for pomegranate bonsai trees by yourself. Keep reading to know the tips on how to grow your bonsai tree healthy.

Pomegranate Bonsai Tree Specification

Scientific NamePunica Granatum
Height 24″
Width 4-6″
Description The pomegranate tree is having broad leaves. The tree is popular for its fruits but the flowers are also stunning. It has a robust trunk with eye-catching bark. Although the tree belongs to the part of the middle east and Asia, now it is grown in many different parts of the world.
Flowering time length~ 3 months
Lifespan 200+ years
PositionIt can be grown in any Mediterranean climate. During summer it can be grown indoors in a warm and sunny site. In winter it requires shadier conditions.
WateringRegular watering is needed to keep the soil moist. But avoid overwatering. In winter, the watering should be reduced. And misting on tree weekly basis is beneficial.
FeedingIn spring, fertilize the tree once a week as new growth begins. Use liquid fertilizer designed for bonsai trees. And in mid-spring, additional feed of pulverized organic fertilizer is recommended. The pomegranate tree should not be fed for three months after repotting.
Leaf and branch pruningRegular pinching of leaves increases tree foliage. It is recommended to allow shoots to mature and lengthen before they are pruned.
wiringDwarf pomegranate should not be wired because they are likely to suffer die-back. You can use a clip or grow method to shape the tree. New growth tends to get thick very quickly so it is suggested to remove the wiring on time to prevent the formation of scars.
SunlightFull to partial sunlight
NotesA Pomegranate tree requires some years in the ground for the trunk to become thick. Because the trunk will not thicken in the pot. It should get proper air circulation to prevent mold. You can use fungicide for mold.

A flowering bonsai plant is a beautiful and unique addition to any indoor or outdoor space. These miniature trees bloom with stunning flowers, adding color and life to your environment. Popular flowering bonsai plant species include Azalea, Jasmine, and Gardenia. With proper care and attention, a flowering bonsai plant can thrive and bring beauty for years to come. 

Why Choose the Pomegranate Bonsai Tree?

A pomegranate tree is an ideal bonsai tree. It has bright colors and a thick trunk, and it bears fruit. Also, it has been cultivated as a bonsai tree for the past several centuries, and miniature versions of this tree exist.

One of the first fruits and ornamental plants to be traded internationally was the pomegranate, which made its way to Japan and China via the Silk Road. A pomegranate tree is native to the Mediterranean climate in Iran, India, and Northern Africa along the Mediterranean Sea.

How To Grow A Pomegranate Tree From Seeds

  1. It is easy to grow pomegranate bonsai trees from seed. For this, rinse the seeds, rub them with a paper towel to remove the pulpy coating, and then let them dry for a few days. 
  2. Put your seeds in seed starting soil and cover with plastic to increase humidity.
  3. Make sure the soil is moist until the seeds germinate.
  4. You can also propagate this tree with air layering, division, and cuttings, but it is more difficult and therefore less common.

Pomegranate Bonsai Tree Care

Unlike many other trees and plants, the pomegranate bonsai tree requires a bit of care and consistency to maintain its shape. With proper care pomegranate trees can live for many years, one of the oldest pomegranate trees is 1000 years old. At first, it will be overwhelming for you, but do not worry, following methods and care will keep your tree healthy and continue to thrive.


  • The pomegranate needs a warm sunny and airy place in the growing season.
  • It is possible to cultivate potted pomegranate bonsai trees outdoors all year round in any region with a Mediterranean climate.
  • In a hot and dry climate, pomegranate bonsai in small containers should be protected from the hot afternoon sun in summer.
  • Also, they must be protected from frost. A cold frame with temperatures of 2-8°C (35-46°F) is best in winter.
  • The ideal temperature for a pomegranate bonsai tree is above 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Pomegranate houseplant requires at least four to six hours of daily sunlight. You can place them near a window or balcony.
  • If the winter air is dry, place the container on the wet pebbles. Make sure the bottom of the pot is not standing in the water.

Pomegranate Bonsai Tree Watering Techniques


  • In summer it is important to water your plant twice a day, once in the morning and second in the evening.
  • Don’t water your bonsai leaves when the sun is very hot because it may burn the leaves.
  • Never water the plant in hot weather because the water inside the pot may get too hot and damage the roots.
  • If you are planning to grow on a long trip and you won’t be able to water your plant daily, you need to abundantly water it before leaving. It is important to leave your tree where it is cool without sun exposure.
  • Put the bonsai pot in the water bucket so that your bonsai plant can obtain water from the bottom. This allows your bonsai plant to survive around up to three days.


  • In winter, water your bonsai plant twice a week.
  • Avoid watering your plant when the temperature is too cold, especially during the early morning or at midnight. Frozen soil can kill your plant.
  • It is best to water the pomegranate bonsai plant during the daytime.
  • Avoid watering the bonsai plant at night time.

Spring and Autumn

  • It is highly recommended to water once a day in spring and autumn.
  • Water the plant when the soil is slightly dry.
  • Every day, you need to water your bonsai plant at the same time.

The pomegranate tree needs regular watering to keep the soil moist. But avoid overwatering. It is highly beneficial to mist your bonsai plant on weekly basis.


  • During the growing season, you can use organic fertilizer every four weeks or liquid fertilizer every week.
  • Use a fertilizer that has low nitrogen and high potassium and phosphorus content for promoting flowers and fruits on mature trees.
  • Do not fertilize when the tree is bearing flowers.

Pruning and Wiring

  • The suitable time for pruning and wiring is in winter. Because there are no leaves on the way.
  • During the growing season, new shoots need to get trimmed that has reached a length of approximately 10-15 cm.
  • If you want flowers to develop, do not trim the shoots before flowering. Because flower buds grow at the tip of the new shoots.
  • Do not let too many fruits develop because it will make a tree weak.
  • In wiring, the old branches are quite stiff and brittle but younger twigs are flexible so they can be shaped easily.


  • Pomegranate bonsai needs repotting every two to three years in early spring before the leaf buds open.
  • During repotting, consider pruning roots.
  • The roots are fibrous coarse and respond well to root pruning.
  • Use well-draining soil mix. The pomegranate likes slightly acidic or neutral soil with a pH value of not more than 7.
  • Young bonsai tree requires annual potting whereas adult bonsai don’t need annual potting because their growth rate is slow.


  • The pomegranate bonsai can be propagated from seeds, cuttings, and by air layering.
  • In spring, hardwood cuttings can be taken before the buds open. And semi-hardwood cuttings in summer.
  • Root cutting is also a good option.

Pests and Diseases

  • Usually, strong and healthy pomegranate bonsai are hardly attacked by pests and diseases.
  • Pomegranate trees may be affected by aphids, scale, whiteflies, and mealybugs if they are improperly cared for or poorly located (e.g., indoors). When this happens, use a pesticide and improve planting and growing conditions for your tree.
  • Whiteflies are common with indoor-grown trees but can be controlled by spritzing the pest with water. Usually, they are found beneath the leaves. By providing adequate ventilation, they can also be prevented.
  • The pomegranate butterfly is known to take over and bed up in the tree. It takes out nutrients from the tree. That’s why it is important to use insecticides regularly to keep the pests away.
  • Overwatering can cause root rotting, and Frequent watering with calcareous water can cause chlorosis. (a condition in which leaves produces insufficient chlorophyll)


  • In places with alluvial soil, pomegranate bonsai grow naturally.
  • They need a potting mix that drains well and contains decomposed granite. They also need organic nutrients to produce leaves, flowers, and fruit.
  •  A mix of 60 percent aggregate and 40 percent organic is good. The plant will also need supplements, either organic or an inorganic time-release fertilizer designed specifically for plants that produce flowers and fruit.


A pomegranate is the ideal bonsai tree with stunning flowers and fruits. With the proper care such as watering, pruning, wiring, etc it can live up to many years.

A pomegranate bonsai may be just what you are looking for if you want a tree with beautiful foliage and stunning fruits in a compact form.

If you have any more tips to share on growing a pomegranate bonsai tree, please leave the comment below.

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