Have you also been captivated by this ancient art?

Developing Bonsai is an art form, and it can be challenging for beginners. So, we are here to guide you through the world of Bonsai. 

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Bonsai.

So, Let’s begin with the basics.

Bonsai tree: Bonsai trees are a form of art that has been practiced for centuries. There are many types of bonsai trees, including indoor and outdoor varieties. Japanese bonsai trees are known for their beauty and elegance. Chinese bonsai trees are known for their intricate designs. Pine bonsai trees are popular for their unique shape, while juniper bonsai trees are known for their durability. You should take care of your bonsai tree by choosing the right soil, fertilizer, and pruning techniques. 

What is the meaning of the term bonsai?

The word “Bon-sai” is a Japanese term. Which means “Planted in a container.” “Bon” means a modified vessel cut in a deeper form. And “sai” means growing a tree or plant which is planted.

Thus, the Bonsai means a tree planted in a container. 

The ancient living art belongs to china. At first, it was Chinese horticulture practice. Later, Japanese people redeveloped the art. Finally, they were developed under the influence of Japanese Zen Buddhism. 

The ultimate goal of bonsai practice is to create the miniature of nature. Therefore, Bonsai is a realistic representation of nature, mainly in the form of a small tree.

Usually, bonsai trees are misunderstood as dwarf plants. It is the tree trained into a compact visual. And almost any tree species can be converted into Bonsai.

The literal translation of Bonsai is “the tree in a pot.” But there are other added meanings to Bonsai. Such as

  • Tree-like structure (shape & size)
  • The relative small structure of tree for easy maintenance and to keep nearby
  • A sense of naturalness made by human
  • A particular representation of something showing the art of experience and memories.
  • Something so valued that has received daily care
  • A portable oasis and transportable miniature garden.

There are the never-ending meanings of Bonsai. It is up to you to choose what means Bonsai to you.

What is a Bonsai tree exactly?

A bonsai tree is an art of converting a tree into its miniature form with the help of techniques. Techniques such as

  • Pinching Buds
  • Pruning
  • Wiring 
  • Use of fertilizer

All bonsai plant grows from the seed of a regular tree. Each Bonsai starts its growth the same as a normal tree, but later they are transformed into miniature through special cultivation. This cultivation technique makes Bonsai different from other trees.

Bonsai are ofter considered as a dwarf plant due to their height. They are usually kept under 4 feet or about a meter in height. However, some plants are regarded as natural Bonsai due to their characteristics such as small leaves, needle-like structure, etc.

But every tree, which has a woody stem and is capable of producing true branches, can be converted into Bonsai. Moreover, such trees can be successfully grown into containers by restricting their roots and reducing their leaves into small shapes.

So, look at trees around you, maybe in your yard or park. Their branches, stems, bushes, etc., can be your starter material.

A bonsai tree can live longer than its full counterparts because of the increased care for its health, water, nutritional needs, protection from extreme climate.

This bonsai tree can even outlive its owner when given proper attention and care. In our Top 10 oldest bonsai trees in the world, we have included 1000 years old trees.

An eye-catching Bonsai tree is the composition of the following,

  • Textured bark
  • Thick branches
  • Twisted wood
  • Small leaves
  • Needle-like structure
  • Shallow container 
  • Tiny fruits and flowers

Those mentioned above are some noticeable features of the bonsai tree. Some may not have a few elements, but they are still attractive. A true bonsai artist knows what is needed in a bonsai tree.

You can see the art of the world’s well-known bonsai artist, Kunio Kobayashi, at his Shunkaen nursery. One of his most famous collections is estimated to be 1000 years old. He has been mastering bonsai art for the last 30 years.

History of Bonsai

Although Bonsai is associated with the Japanese, its origin is from China. In 700 AD, it was Chinese art. Usually, Chinese art was called “pun-sai.” The Chinese used special techniques to grow dwarf trees in containers. Later it was spread across the globe.

In China, “pun-sai” was a luxurious gift, and only elite members used to have it. But during the Kamakura period, the Japanese adopted the Chinese culture. And, the art of growing trees was introduced to Japan.

Japanese redeveloped Chinese art with the influence of Zen Buddhism. Also, the Japanese developed many tools, techniques, and styling from Chinese originals.

History of Bonsai in China

About 5000 years ago in China, a shallow or flattened earthen bowl called a pen or pan or pun was made. A thousand-year later, this bowl was chosen for religious and political ceremony purposes during the bronze age.

About 2300 years ago, the Chinese theory of “Five Agents” (water, earth, fire, wood, metal)developed the idea of replication in miniature form. For example, by recreating a mountain on a reduced scale, students could focus on its magical properties.

Two hundred years later, under the Han emperor, the importation of new aromatics and incense took place because of newly open trading with neighbors. During that time, a new type of vessel was created. It was an incense burner in the form of the mountain peak, which would rise above the wave and symbolize the abodes of immortals. This gave rise to the idea of the mystic island.

This incense burner was crafted out of bronze, ceramic or gilded bronze. Some were kept on small pen dishes to catch hot ember or hold the ocean miniature. The removable lids of this burner were covered in the portrays or figures climbing the side of forest hills.

From the hole in the lid, smoke came out through the cave opening like mystic vapor in the full-sized mountain. Also, Some lids which were made out of stone used to have lichens and moss already attached to them, which used to look like a natural miniature landscape.

In 706 AD, a tomb painting came for prince Zhang Huai. The painting depicted two ladies waiting to offer a miniature rockery landscape with small plants in a shallow pot. By this time, there was the earliest written description of this pun. And as the creation of pun wan was already known, the maturation of art took place.

Over the centuries, different regional styles got developed. Earthenware and ceramic replaced the porcelain displayed on a wooden stand. And the attempt was made to shape the tree with the bamboo framework, brass wire, or lead strips.

Also, many poets and writers used to describe trees or mountain miniature landscapes. Painters included dwarfed trees as the symbol of man cultivation. After the 16th century, this was called “tray planting.” The term “penjing” (tray landscape) did not come to usage till the 17th century.

History of Bonsai in Japan

Twelve hundred years ago, the first tray landscape was brought to japan from china. The first graphic portals of this landscape were not made until eight years. All the things from china fascinated the Japanese. The Chinese Chan Buddhism was also imported and became Zen Buddhism in Japan. Zen monks developed the tray landscape depicting a representation of the universe.

The Japanese pots were generally shallow. And gardening in that pot was called “Hachi-no-ki,” which means bowl’s tree. 

A “Hachi-no-ki” is a story of Japanese samurai who sacrificed his last three dwarfed plants (Plum, pine, cherry) to traveling monks to provide them firewood in winter. Later, the monk rewarded Samurai by giving him three lands. The name of the three land includes the name of the dwarf plant that the samurai gave to the monks. This story became a famous Noh theatre play. And through centuries, images of the story were depicted in many media forms like woodblock prints.

In the seventeenth century, stories related to bonsai started to appear frequently. Shogun Tokugawa lemitsu was the admirer of the “ Hachi-no-ki” story. Lemitsu’s story tells about his counselor who threw Lemitsu’s favorite tree in front of him for spending so much time and giving attention to trees.

Despite that, Lemitsu never abandoned his love for plants. At present, Lemitsu’s tree is displayed at Tokyo Imperial Palace. And it is one of the oldest bonsai trees in the world.

 Since then, everyone from military leaders to ordinary people began to grow some form of a tree in a pot. By the eighteenth century, there was an annual show for a traditional pine dwarf potted tree in the capital city of Kyoto. Experts from the five provinces and the neighboring areas used to bring their plants to submit in the show for ranking.

The town of Takamatsu was already growing dwarf pine for a source of income. The Kinashi and Kokubunji district of Takamatsu was the top production of the bonsai plant. And, there was around 60 bonsai producer in Takamatsu.

Over a century ago, a group of Chinese art scholars met in Osaka, Japan, to discuss the latest style in miniature trees. At that time, dwarf trees were named Bonsai. Bonsai was then considered a matter of design, craft replacing religious tradition.

Over the next century, different styles, sizes, tools, pots, books, and catalogs about trees were published. Also, there used to be a formal show for dwarf trees. Copper and iron wire were used to shape the tree. Later, Mass production of containers was made in japan.

In 1923, a great Kanto earthquake devastated Tokyo. A group of thirty families who were professional growers resettled near the Omiya village of japan. And soon, Omiya village becomes the center of Japanese culture art. In 1930, the display of Bonsai became recognized, and an official annual show was allowed at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Training programs, books, magazines, and classes for foreigners spread across the world. The use of knowledge related to plants and creativity allowed few masters to truly become artists. 

Earlier, Bonsai was often seen as an elderly pastime, but now it has become popular among the young generation because it has become easy to care for Bonsai trees.

History of Bonsai in the West

In 1604, there was a Spanish description of how Chinese immigrants of the Philippines were growing small ficus trees. Then, in 1637, the earliest known English observation of dwarfed potted plants was recorded china.

Many traveller started to mention the dwarfed tree of japan and china. Also, it was mentioned in books review and magazines, which were widely distributed. Later, Japanese art was displayed in Philadelphia, Paris, Chicago, St. Louis world’s fair, japan- Britain exhibition, and the San Francisco exposition.

The first french book about Japanese dwarf trees was published in 1902. And in 1940, the first book in the English language was published. In 1957 Yoshimura and Halford’s miniature landscapes were published. It was called as “Bible of bonsai in the west.” As Yuji Yoshimura was the direct link between Japan and the west, art was introduced and adapted in the modern world.

John Naka from California extended the art by sharing his teaching in person and by using native material. By this time, Japanese landscape (saikei) and Chinese art (penjing) were introduced in the west.

Over the centuries, there were innovations and improvements in the old bonsai nurseries of Japan. Then, visiting teachers and travelers started to apply the new techniques in their workshops. And then, this living art continued to be developed.

Earlier books in the European language leaned more towards basic horticulture knowledge. Western science was increasing awareness about the living of plants and their composition. At the same time, plant workshops shifted towards explaining styles and shaping of the tree. The large collection began to increase in Scotland, Australia, Hungary, and Korea.

Later, the karate kid movie was released. The movie showed the bonsai moments and young people investing in the art. In 1992, the first bonsai website was started. The alt. bonsai newsgroup website and next year saw rec.art. Bonsai.

Bonsai Techniques

Most people get introduced to Bonsai through online purchase, a less expensive and pre-made bonsai tree. And this is the best way to get started with Bonsai. But cultivating Bonsai is an art; learning that art can bring a lot of fun to you. Growing a bonsai plant is cost-effective as well as a rewarding experience.

Growing Bonsai is an ancient art, and now many have expertise on that. But don’t let this fear stop you from growing your bonsai tree. Expertise is something you get through continuous learning and practice. And, with regular care and patience, your bonsai art is closer than you think.

Just make sure to choose the species which is suitable for the climate in your area. And stick with these basic techniques that I am going to explain.


The first question you will encounter is how to grow your bonsai tree? So the first step is to figure out which species suits your needs, climate, and circumstances. For example, choose whether you want to grow indoor or outdoor bonsai plants because your selection will impact your plant.

Indoor bonsai plant limits your option to subtropical trees that can be survived indoors. Whereas outdoor bonsai plants give you more options to choose from.

Non-tropical trees are perfect for outdoor plants as long as proper sunlight and freezing temperatures are protected.

Once you identify your best tree species according to your area, there are several ways for cultivation. For getting started, you need to have seeds or pre-bonsai—especially a rough material so that pre-bonsai can be pruned and wired.

All Cultivation techniques:

  1. Purchasing Bonsai tree: Buying bonsai trees is the easiest and best way, to begin with, Bonsai. They are pre-made Bonsai. And you can get a variety of tree species online.
  1. Growing from seed: Although it requires a considerable amount of patience to grow Bonsai from seed, the process will be so rewarding for you. It takes a minimum of 3 years for seeds to get mature. But you will have control over your plant from the beginning. Growing Bonsai from seed is called “Misho” in Japanese. And they consider “Misho” a best practice to grow a bonsai.
  1. Growing from cuttings: Cultivating trees from cutting is called “sashiki” in japan. Growing Bonsai from cutting reduces the time it takes to grow a new tree. Also, it is an inexpensive method. 
  1. Buying from nursery stock: In the nursery, there are young plants. They may have the qualities of Bonsai. For example, small leaves, needle-like structures, etc. Also, it is the fastest way to grow a bonsai.
  1.  Collecting trees: Some trees are naturally small due to some circumstances. For example, some trees may lack nutrition. With the permission of the owner of the tree, you can collect such kind of tree and place it in a pot.

Shaping and Styling

Now comes the creative and fun part. No doubt, shaping and styling a bonsai is a challenging process. It takes decades to master the art of pruning and wiring to maintain the size of the tree. But here are some quick-to-learn shaping and styling techniques,

1. Pruning 

Pruning is the practice of shaping the Bonsai. The purpose of pruning is to replicate a natural tree into a miniature form. However, pruning time differs from plant to plant. But spring is considered the best time to prune the Bonsai.

Pruning thick branches requires a good concave cutter. They create more open wounds compared to other standard cutters. If the tree has two branches of the same height, then cut one and keep the other.

There are two types of pruning: Maintenance- pruning, to refine the existing shape, and another one is structural pruning which involves heavy pruning to shape the tree.

2. Wiring

Another essential technique is wiring; by wrapping anodized aluminum or annealed copper around the branches, you can shape and bend the plant as per your will, at least to a certain extent.

Wiring can be done year-round. Just make sure to remove the wire properly before it starts digging into branches that grow thicker. It takes a few months to set the branches. Remove the wire carefully once the branches have been set.

Care and Maintenance

1. Watering

The frequency of watering bonsai plants depends on certain factors like climate, tree species, container size, and soil mixture. 

Water your tree when the soil gets dry. Make sure not to water a tree when the soil is still wet. If you are a beginner, use your finger to check the soil moisture. If you feel the soil is slightly dry, then water the tree.

Avoid watering trees on a daily routine. Instead, carefully observe your tree and determine when it needs watering. Once you gain the experience, it will be easy to know your tree’s needs.

Use the right soil mixture. Because a soil mixture greatly influences the watering of the plant. Akadama, pumice, and lava rock are the most commonly used mixtures for bonsai trees. If you are unable to water your tree often, then you can use akadama or even compost in your pot. They retain more water.

Also, keep watering the tree until water starts to pour out from the bottom drainage hole. Rainwater is the best as it does not contain any chemicals. But when it is not available, then there is no problem in using normal tap water.

2. Placement

Determining the location for your bonsai tree depends on several factors like time of the year, climate, species, etc.

While placing an indoor bonsai plant, a south-facing window is the best. Light is crucial for the growth of bonsai trees. If they are placed a few feet away from the window, then the intensity of light decreases. This can slow the growth of your bonsai tree and eventually kill them.

Place the indoor tree where the temperature is constant. Because many indoor trees are subtropical, which means they need more humidity. For example, ficus and Carmona.

The annual cycle of the tree is crucial for its health. Sometimes overprotecting your tree in winter can weaken them. If you have an outdoor bonsai tree, then place it in a proper light. If summer is too hot in your area, then providing your tree afternoon shade is beneficial.

3. Fertilizing

For the survival of the bonsai tree, it should be fertilized regularly during the growing season. Fertilizer consists of three basic elements: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (NPK).

Nitrogen: Increases growth of leaves and stem.

Phosphorus: For the healthy growth of roots, fruits, and flowers.

Potassium: For the overall growth of plants.

Often NPK is used in different ratios for different trees and at different times. In spring, NPK is used in 10:6:6. For summer, balanced fertilizer 6:6:6 is optimal. And in autumn, nitrogen is used less, 3:6:6.

But experts recommend using NPK in the same ratio throughout the growth cycle of Bonsai.

Apart from this macronutrient (NPK), micronutrients like iron, manganese, boron, zinc, molybdenum, and copper can be included. In fertilizer, Biogold is favored. But any fertilizer with the right NPK is fine.

The quantity and frequency of fertilizer depending on the type of fertilizer you are using. There is a wide variety of solid, organic, liquid, and synthetic fertilizers.

To prevent the build-up of salt, plant your bonsai tree in a well-draining soil mixture. Also, don’t overfeed your bonsai tree; this may seriously affect their health.

Bonsai Designs

Over the years, many bonsai designs have been developed. The bonsai design is open for personal interpretation and creativity. Various bonsai design shows that the tree does not belong to a specific form.

 Following are the known bonsai designs:

Formal Upright

The Formal upright is a standard design for Bonsai. This style occurs naturally when the tree gets sufficient light. For this style, reducing the upright trunk should be done correctly. To do this, the branch of the tree should be thicker at the bottom so that it can gradually grow thinner with height. Informal upright, the top of the tree should be formed by a single branch. It symbolizes health, stamina, and strength.

Informal Upright

Informal upright design is common in nature as well as in art. The trunk grows upright in “s” shape. This shape is a symbol of stability and endurance. And at every turn, branches are formed. The base of the trunk should be thicker compared to a higher portion of the trunk. Also, the tapering of the trunk should be clearly visible.


This style is suited for deciduous trees with extensive and fine branches. Their trunk is straight and upright. The trees branch out in all directions. Nearly one-third the height of the tree. During winter, trees look stunning as the branches and leaves form a ball-shaped crown.


The tree starts to lean in one direction When the wind blows in one dominant direction, or the tree bends towards the sun when placed in the shade. In Bonsai, the slanting style should grow at an angle of 60-80 degrees. 

In this style, roots are developed more on one side to keep the tree standing. Whereas on another side, where the tree is leaning, the roots are not well developed.

In order to create balance, the first branch grows opposite to the direction of the tree. The trunk can be slightly bent or completely straight, but it will still remain thick at the bottom compared to the top. They represent strength to overcome life challenges.


Windswept is an example of a tree that must struggle to survive. The branch and trunk grow in one direction. As if the wind is blowing trees constantly in one direction.

The branches grow out on all sides of the trunk, but they eventually bend in one direction.

Clasped-to Stone

For this style, a piece of gravel or water dish must be placed under the tree. The tree’s roots are trained over stone. The clasped-to-stone style presents the look of age and quality of retaining.


Literati styles are found in the area densely populated by many other trees. The competition is so fierce that the tree can only survive by growing taller than other trees. 

The trunk grows crookedly in an upward direction. And the trunk is without branches because only the top of the tree receives sunlight.

The trunk is referred to as “shari” when the bark has been removed from one side. The idea is to show that tree has to struggle in order to survive. This design is usually placed in small and round pots.


Trees on the cliff bend downwards because of snow or falling rock. In a bonsai tree, it can be challenging to grow a downward tree because the direction of the tree opposes the natural tendency of the tree to grow upright.

Cascade bonsai trees are planted in tall pots. After a short period of growing upright, the tree bends downwards. Usually, the crown of the tree rises above the rim of the pot. 

The branches of the tree should grow horizontally in order to maintain the balance of the tree. They symbolize the changes and challenges of life.

Semi Cascade

Just like cascade style, semi-cascade are found on cliffs and banks of rivers and lakes. The trunk grows upright for a small distance and then bends downward. But the trunk never grows below the pot. Crowns of plants are usually found above the rim of the pot, and subsequent branches grow below it.

Double Trunk Style

Double trunk style is common in nature but not in the art of Bonsai. Each trunk grows from a single root system. The two trunks vary in thickness and length. 

The thicker and more developed trunk grows upright. And the small trunk grows a bit slanted. Together, they form a single crown of leaves.

Multi Trunk Bonsai

Multi trunk style is the same as a double trunk, but there are three or more trunks. All the trunks grow out of a single root system. All the trunk forms canopy, but the thickest and more developed trunk is at the top.

Forest Style

The forest style looks like a multi-trunk. But in forest style, several trees are there rather than several trunks in one tree. The most developed tree is planted in the middle of a shallow pot. On another side, smaller trees are planted to form a single crown. These trees are not planted in straight lines; they are planted in staggered patterns because they show the realistic and natural forest.

Raft Bonsai Style

A cracked tree can be grown by pointing its branches upward. Its old root system provides nutrients to the plant. After that new root starts to grow and functions like an old root. And the old branches develop into a trunk with multiple branches and these new branches form the canopy.

Bonsai Classification

Bonsai trees are classified into three categories based on their size: miniature, medium, and large. And each type has sub-categories.

Miniature Bonsai Trees

  1. Kenshitsubo: It is a small tree that rarely exceed three inches in length. Also called “poppy seed size.” And this can be lifted with two fingers.
  2. Shito: Shito is the common smallest size, and it is known as thimble bonsai because it is no larger than a thimble. Also, it is known as a fingertip as its growth is restricted between two to four inches.
  3. Shohin: Shohin is also called palm bonsai. Because it can be accommodated in the palm, its height ranges from two to six inches.
  4. Mame: It is commonly called a one-handed tree. Because it takes one hand to move Mame, their height varies between four to eight inches.
  5. Komono: It is called a generic small bonsai tree as its height varies between six to ten inches.

Medium Bonsai Trees

  1. Katade-Mochi: These are neither too large nor too small. Its height ranges between eight to ten inches.
  2. Chumono, Chui: These are two-handed Bonsai, and their height varies between sixteen to thirty-eight inches.
  3. Medium and big: Medium trees are twelve to twenty-four inches tall in height, whereas big trees are twenty four to thirty six inches in height.

Large Bonsai Trees

  1. Omono: Their height varies between thirty to forty eight inches.
  2. Dai: They are the same as omono. Only the difference between omono and dai is known to experienced bonsai masters.
  3. Hachi-Uye: This is called a six-handed tree because three people are required to move the tree. Also, they are among the largest bonsai tree and grow between forty to sixty inches in height.
  4. Imperial: Imperial is the largest among all Bonsai. They are usually found in the Imperial garden of japan. Their height varies from sixty to eight inches in height. As per the number of people required to move the tree, they are called eight-handed trees.

Things to consider before you start growing a Bonsai tree

  • Choose your tree species according to your needs and the climate in your area.
  • Decide whether you want an indoor bonsai plant or an outdoor plant.
  • Make sure the container is suitable for your tree.

Benefits of Bonsai Tree

There are several benefits of the bonsai tree on physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being.

  1. Purifies Air: Bonsai tree purifies air by eliminating harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, which is present in grocery bags, smoke, rugs, etc. Also, an indoor plant lower bacteria by 50%-60%.
  2. Reduces stress: Plants have a psychological benefit. While connecting with plants, stress hormone gets lower, which makes the mind relaxed. It is, therefore, easier to be productive when surrounded by plants. For this reason, there are bonsai plants in the office as bonsai plants reduce health ailments like work fatigue, headache, etc.
  3. General well-being: Interacting with plants makes a person happy. Because while taking care of the plant, you are giving it your time, love, and care. Which naturally makes you feel happy. Also, by removing damaged or dead parts of the plant, you learn to let go of your negative traits. 
  4. Maintains Humidity: Lower humidity can cause health issues such as sore throat, dry skin, and eyes. on the other hand, too much moisture has other health consequences. But the plants have the ability to maintain the air moisture. Plant cools the environment with the process of transpiration. Also, it prevents material in the home from drying out.
  5. Develops patience: Growing Bonsai takes time. While investing your time and effort in plants, develops patience within you. The Oldest Bonsai is known to be more than a thousand years. That shows the reward of patience.
  6. Makes you creative: Bonsai plant introduces your creative side. Growing Bonsai requires adaptability and curiosity to learn new techniques and styles. The way you grow your plant shows your creativity.
  7. Develops Self-awareness: The way you love your plant shows the love you have for yourself. Because what is inside is projected outside. While growing a bonsai plant, you come to know about yourself. You learn your internal reaction to the outside world. Your bonsai plant is the by-product of your inner self.
  8. Increases Self-confidence: when you see your hard work converting into a reward, your self-confidence increases. Your confidence grows as you watch the plant grow. Also, growing the bonsai plant increases your problem-solving ability, develops patience, and makes you open to new learning. 
  9. Makes you consistent: Growing Bonsai requires continuous effort. You need to maintain your plant daily. Thus, this makes you consistent.
  10. Home Decor: Bonsai plant has an aesthetic value. It can be displayed almost anywhere. Studies have shown that plant creates positive atmosphere. Thus a bonsai plant adds beauty and positivity to your home.
  11. Work with compassion: If you handle a bonsai tree with care and compassion, then it lives longer. A bonsai tree teaches us to nurture things we love with compassion.
  12. Family Heirloom: The bonsai tree has a history of passing from generation to generation for over 500 years. A bonsai tree can outlive its owner. So, making your bonsai tree a family heirloom is the best gift you can give to your future generation. Your loved one can see your art and hard work. Also, your future generation can continue to grow your bonsai tree.
  13. A thoughtful gift: A gift is a way of showing love to another person. And Bonsai is the best gift to give your loved one as the bonsai plant depicts love and care. Bonsai strengthen your bond and makes your relationship live longer like the bonsai.
  14. Learn Science: You are growing as long as you are learning. Bonsai tree introduces you to various techniques, styles, and knowledge related to plants. You learn scientific reasons and knowledge while growing your plant.
  15. Long Live companion: Everybody wants a forever companion. And Bonsai is the best companion you can have. Your family member or pets can leave you, but the bonsai tree won’t. It will continue to grow as long as you take care of it.

What are some of the best indoor bonsai trees?

Ans. A common misunderstanding regarding Bonsai trees is that they should grow as indoor plants. In reality, most bonsai should be positioned outdoors, where they are exposed to at least four to six hours of natural sunlight just like typical trees are. Only tropical and subtropical species can endure indoor environments where temperatures are high and steady all over the year.

There are several tropical and subtropical bonsai species that you can cultivate indoors. The most typical one, and the effortless one, is none other than a Ficus Bonsai. The Ficus is easygoing and resistant to low humidity and is very resilient, that’s why this indoor bonsai tree is the best bonsai tree for beginners. 

Other popular indoor bonsai include- Carmona bonsai, pachira bonsai, Chinese elm bonsai, jade bonsai, etc. 

What are some of the best outdoor bonsai trees?

Ans. Here are five bonsai trees that are ideal as an outdoor bonsai plant and also perfect for a beginner;

We have selected our top 5 outdoor bonsai that will assist you in getting a general view of outdoor bonsai plants. 

1) Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree

One of the most favored Bonsai of beginners. It has a striking curved trunk with woody grey to reddish-brown bark and twiggy stems. It’s an ideal option when you’re considering giving a considerate present to your loved ones. 

2) Ficus Bonsai 

The Ficus Bonsai is a stunning Bonsai tree for outdoors that comes in a variety of sizes and styles. The S-shaped Ficus is the most famous bonsai. It is easy to care for, a style statement for your house, and it symbolizes good luck.

3) Bougainvillea Flowering Bonsai

Goes well with the Indian warm weather, this bonsai tree is one of the rare flowering bonsai trees that can withstand extreme climates in your backyard. It is a quick grower and doesn’t demand your strict attention.  

4) Chinese Pepper

Well-known for its sweet-peppery aroma and glossy lush leaves, this one is very favored among beginners. It is a subtropical tree that thrives quite well in the Indian climate and is extremely easy to manage.

5) Banyan Bonsai 

One of the most promising and ordered bonsais in India, the Banyan Bonsai plant possesses a phenomenal replica of the full-sized Banyan which is too hard to believe. It is easy to maintain bonsai plants that are also ideal for gifting purposes and decorating your garden. 


If you are keeping your tree outdoors and it’s been raining for 2-3 weeks, it will not kill your tree, it can harm it to an extent. So, it is suggested to not leave your bonsai tree in heavy rain for an extended period. 


Bonsai is the miniature form of natural trees. Although the art is associated with Japan, it has been originated in China. The Japanese redeveloped Chinese art and discovered new styles and techniques, which were later spread across the globe. Now the expertise on bonsai art can be seen in every corner of the world.

Growing a bonsai plant can be challenging for beginners, but with some basic care, it can be grown. Also, there are plenty of books, magazines, and websites on Bonsai. 

In addition, Bonsai comes with a wide variety in shape and style. But with the power of your imagination and creativity, you can shape your plant the way you want. 

Growing Bonsai is a long process, but it gives lifelong benefits.

As the bonsai tree is now sufficiently familiar to you. Check out our website to find the best indoor and outdoor bonsai trees.

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