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indoor plants for positive energy

15 Best Indoor Plants for Positive Energy – Abana Homes

Looking for indoor plants to bring positivity to your home?

The pace of our lives has become increasingly hectic and hectic. After a long day at work, our homes are the only places we can retreat to. Therefore, it is crucial that your home has positive energy.

Fortunately, there are lots of indoor plants to bring positivity to your home. Since there are several indoor plants to attract positivity in your home, I’m going to tell you about the best indoor plants for positive energy. The best thing about them is that they are easy to care for, low maintenance, highly suitable for indoor growing conditions, and are believed to attract prosperity and positivity.

A positive atmosphere in your home will also improve your health, longevity, and happiness. When your home is filled with positive vibes, you can live a happy and fulfilling life.

So, let’s start inviting positive energy into your home.

15 best indoor plants to bring positivity to your home

Here are the best indoor plants for bringing positivity into your home. Furthermore, they are highly effective air purifiers and have beautiful home decor. You will love them more for their easy-to-maintain quality.

1. Rubber Plant


Scientific name: Ficus elastica

Common name: Rubber plant, rubber fig. 

This plant is widely known for its auspiciousness. Feng Shui considers round leaves to be symbols of wealth and prosperity. 

So, keeping this plant in the home will bring you wealth, abundance, and good fortune.

According to Feng Shui, rubber plants remove toxins from the air, helping to promote positivity, prosperity, and peace.

Interesting fact about rubber trees: The sap of the tree is used to make natural rubber, it takes almost six years for a tree to produce sap. The fruit of the rubber tree is capsule-like and opens up naturally once ripens. 


  • 6-8 hours of indirect to direct sunlight.
  • Water once a week.
  • Can withstand any kind of humidity level.

Life lesson from this positive plant:

It is believed that the round-edged leaves of the rubber plant are ideal for the sharp corners of a room to soften the space. Just as the rubber plant softens the sharpness of a room, containing qualities like compassion, tolerance, and a positive perspective can help us guide the complexities of life and construct a more balanced existence.

2. Snake Plant

Scientific name: Dracaena trifasciata

Common names: Mother-in-law’s Tongue and Spear Plant. 

A snake plant is one of the most popular indoor plants for positive energy. It creates a healthy atmosphere at your home by absorbing particulate matter and VOCs from the environment. Also, it attracts positive energy due to its vibrant color.

It is easy to care for snake plants, and they even grow in harsh conditions. As you go through challenging times in life, the snake plant can be a reminder for you to be resilient.

Interesting fact about the snake plant: This is one of those plants that were chosen by NASA to study how the plant can purify the air. 


  • Water fortnightly.
  • They can withstand no light atmosphere but prefer a good amount of light.
  • Clean the dust that accumulated on the leaves with a clean and damp cloth. 

Life lesson from this positive plant:

Snake plants can survive any kind of situation, you can literally put them inside your closet, and they will still live, this works as a reminder to live through your hardest time. 

Snake plant

3. Pachira Bonsai

Scientific name: Pachira aquatica

Common name: Malabar Chestnut.

It is also known as the “Good Luck Tree” and is the symbol of good fortune and good luck. Due to its ability to create positive energy, it is the most popular plant in Feng Shui.

In indirect light, Pachira Aquatica thrives, making it an excellent indoor plant. You can place it anywhere in your home, and it will add beauty to it. It grows according to the pot it is placed in, so it is easy to maintain indoors.

Interesting fact about Pachira aquatica: A member of the Malvaceae plant family, pachira aquatica is a cousin to plants as diverse as cacao, cotton, hibiscus, and okra.


  • Medium to bright indirect sunlight. 
  • Love deep but infrequent watering.
  • Prefers moderate humidity. 

The positive factor of the plant:

Brings an abundance of positive energy and financial stability who possess it. 

4. Money Plant

Scientific name: Epipremnum aureum

Common name: Golden pothos, devil’s ivy, and ivy arum.

The heart-shaped leaves of the money plant are also said to bring long-lasting friendships. As an indoor plant, the money plant attracts luck, wealth, and prosperity according to Vastu, making it more auspicious. This makes it a great addition to a home or office.

Moreover, keeping this plant in your home will absorb synthetic chemicals from furnishings. Furthermore, the money plant relieves home stress and anxiety.

Interesting fact about money plants: Even though they are mostly seen in the office or inside your home, the tree can grow taller than you think. It can grow up to seven feet indoors and outdoors it’s height can reach more than 30 feet. 


  • Provide bright and indirect light.
  • Provide water when the top few inches of the soil feel dry.
  • It grows really fast, so you have to regularly trim it to keep it in size. 

The positive factor of the plant:

This low-maintenance plant inspires you to be strong and keep going even if your life gets uncomfortable. The money plant symbolizes resilience, patience, and prosperity. 


5. Carmona Bonsai

Scientific name: Carmona

Common name: Fukien tea tree. 

An elegant and simple bonsai, Carmona bonsai is perfect for indoors. It has an attractive white flower and green, waxy, shiny foliage.

Furthermore, it has the ability to purify the air as well as bring loads of positive energy into the house. Additionally, it relieves fatigue, coughing, and sore throats.

Interesting fact about the Carmona tree: Carmona is popularly known as the Fukien tea tree and the name came from its origin place, Fukien or Fujian, China. 


  • They need a good amount of moisture but do not overwater the bonsai.
  • Carmona bonsai thrives at 70°F, it’s ideal if you keep the temperature between 50°- 75°F. 

Positive factor of the plant:

The bonsai are small and white flowers, which symbolize strength and courage.

6. Grafted  Ficus Bonsai

Scientific Name: Ficus microcarpa
Common name: Chinese banyan fig.

A grafted ficus bonsai is an embodiment of strength, with full clusters of compact foliage and glossy, oval leaves on every branch. It is a hardy plant with thick trunks that is easy to grow and maintain. 

In addition to bringing positive energy, indoor plants add beauty and interest to the home. Also, ficus plants work as natural air filters, purifying the air you breathe.

Carpeting, vinyl, ceramic, and other kinds of building materials release chemical pollutants into the air that the Bonsai Ginseng Ficus absorbs. All of these factors create a positive and healthy living environment.

Interesting fact about ficus bonsai: Ficus bonsai usually has aerial roots from the trunk and branches. 


  • Prefers direct and full sunlight.
  • Can not endure frost. So you can keep them outside only if the temperature stays more than 15 degrees Celsius. 

The positive factor of the tree: Its low maintenance and easy-growing qualities symbolize simplicity, a new beginning, and unity. 

7. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Scientific name: Ocimum basilicum

Common name: Medicinal aloe, burn plant. 

Aloe Vera plants are wonderful sources of positivity. Plants like this are among the best indoor plants because they thrive in indirect sunlight, and they can be placed anywhere in the house to combat negative energy. Therefore, it is always advisable to place Aloe Vera plants in passageways or at the entrance to your house. 

Your mind and heart will be filled with positive vibes and happiness when you place this beautiful plant in your home.


  • Prefers 6-8 hours of sunlight per day.
  • Provide water when the two inches below the surface of the soil feels dry.

8. Lucky Bamboo

Scientific name: Dracaena sanderiana

Lucky bamboo brings good health and a happy love life. It symbolizes energy, positivity, purity, prosperity, and good fortune. 

This low-maintenance plant promotes happiness and peace in the home. In a room with very low lighting, this plant would be perfect. Additionally, to keep it clean, keep it within an inch of clean water. 

Known as the fastest-growing indoor plant, Lucky Bamboo inspires us to push through life. Even looking at the bamboo plant can relax you psychologically.

9. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen

Scientific name: Aglaonema

Common name: Painted drop-tongue

An indoor plant like this one can enhance the flow of positive energy in your home. It doesn’t need direct sunlight to thrive. So, isn’t it perfect for enhancing the dark corners of your home?

Additionally, the round-shaped leaves will likely add an element of exotic beauty to yours. Also, it will reduce the feeling of anxiety and stress in your surroundings.


  • They thrive in humid areas like your bathroom or kitchen.
  • Provide water when the soil is completely dry.
  • Feed them with slow-release fertilizer every six weeks. 

10. Areca palm

Scientific name: Chrysalidocarpus lutescens.

Common name: butterfly palm.

Areca palms are known for purifying the air and increasing humidity inside the home. Feng Shui believes that it generates positive energy and is best to plant in homes and offices. 

Moreover, among the largest houseplants, it is one of the best.

Interesting fact about areca palms: They not only remove pollutants from the air but also increase the levels of oxygen as well. 


  • They prefer bright spots but not direct sunlight.
  • Generally, they require watering once every ten days.

The positive factor of the plant: 

The tree is mainly known for repelling bad energy in your home and attracting positive energy. 


11. Golden Pothos


Scientific name: Aloe barbadensis miller

Having this plant around radiates positive energy and cleanses negative energy. Additionally, by simply touching its leaves, one can feel a sense of peace and calmness.

Besides that, it’s also a good way to relax your eyes if you are feeling irritated or congested. With all of these benefits, golden pothos is ideal for homes, offices, and even study areas.

When it comes to maintenance, Golden Pothos is best to maintain. The plant can survive in dark areas and is hard to kill.

12. Weeping fig

Scientific name: Ficus benjamina

You don’t have to do much to keep a weeping fig alive. It rewards your home with positivity and a good look with the least attention. 

Besides that, it fits in many settings, modern or traditional, and can really liven up a dull corner.

Also, if you have bad indoor air quality, this is a great plant to keep around, as it cleans and filters the air.


13. Spider plant

Spider plant

Scientific name: Chlorophytum comosum

Common name: ribbon plant.

Let’s begin with one of those easy-to-maintain indoor plants that can adapt to different environments. 

Your home will be filled with positive energy when you have spider plants. Besides that, spider plants can help people with psychological disorders like depression, hypertension, insomnia, etc. 

According to Vastu and Feng Shui, this plant is very lucky and propitious, so it’s good for a house.


  • Bright to moderate light.
  • They are comfortable at typical room temperature.
  • Keep the soil slightly moist and water once a week during summer. 

14. Syngonium pink

Scientific name: Syngonium Neon Robusta

Common name: arrowhead plant.

As well as being decorative, Syngonium plants help clean the air you breathe and act as anti-pollutants. It’s great for making you feel better because it reduces benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene in the air. As a result, your home is filled with fresh air.

Syngonium pink is an excellent plant for indoor growing conditions or low-light areas of your home since it is intolerant to direct sunlight.

15. Bromeliad

Scientific name: Bromeliaceae

Common name: pineapple apple, trumpet flower. 

With our homes and lives becoming increasingly hectic and busy, cultivating balance and calm is more important than ever. Fortunately, Feng shui plants like bromeliads make great additions to a house.

A Bromeliad plant represents ‘protection’ through its full, green foliage, which surrounds the beautiful colored parts.

Unlike most indoor plants, bromeliads purify the air at night by releasing oxygen and removing pollutants. Additionally, a combination of bromeliads and foliage plants can help improve indoor air quality around the clock.


  • They love humid air to prosper.
  • If you are keeping the plant indoors, spray the foliage frequently. 


Q1. Which indoor plant brings positive energy at home?

Ans. A lucky bamboo plant, money plant, pothos plant, and spider plant are all known to bring positive energy to a home.

Q2. Which plant is best for happiness?

Ans. Chinese Evergreen plant is best known for happiness.

Q3. What is the luckiest plant?

Ans. The money plant is the luckiest plant.

Q4. Which indoor plant is good for peace of mind?

Ans. Aloe vera is a good plant for peace of mind.  This is because it is a well-known plant with a lot of mental health benefits. Aside from being an excellent air purifier, aloe vera can also help reduce anxiety and stress.


In your home, you will have a positive and healthy atmosphere thanks to these best indoor plants. Indoor plants are also very effective in eliminating toxins from the air. As a result, you can exhale negativity and inhale positivity with these plants beside you.

Plus, it’s been found that touching plants makes you feel calm. They also add a touch of green to your home, as well as offering amazing health benefits.

As they are highly suitable for indoor growing conditions, you don’t have to worry much about their care needs.

Comment with your favorite indoor plants for positive energy and the one you plan to bring indoors for happiness.

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