Indoor Plants

Indoor Plants are really good for home decoration and gifting. All these indoor plants are air purifying in nature that reduces the carbon footprint in your home and make the air breathable.

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Showing 1–12 of 35 results

Indoor Plants

Nowadays, people are more environmentally conscious, and there has been a significant increase in green space. Their love for green space is touching skies. Because limited places are becoming more common, particularly in urban areas, their first choice is an indoor plant. Indoor plants are helpful for your mental and physical health and make a room feel more pleasant and welcome.

Top 10 Best Indoor Plants 

  • Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)
  • Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
  • Aloe Vera (barbadensis)
  • Lucky bamboo plant ( Dracaena braunii)
  • Ferns ( Pteridophytes)
  • Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema Commutatum) 
  • Flamingo flower (Anthurium)
  • Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens)
  • Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)
  • Warneck Dracaena ( Dracaena deremensis ‘Warneckii’)
  • ZZ Plant: Zamioculcas Zamiifolia
  • Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
  • Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)

Living room indoor plants 

  • Anthurium
  • Snake Plant
  • ZZ Plant
  • Peace Lily Plant
  • Moth Orchid Plant

Air purifying indoor plants 

  • Spider Plants
  • Dracaenas
  • Golden pothos plants
  • Chrysanthemums
  • English ivy plant

Indoor plants for bedroom  

  • Corn Plant
  • Fiddle leaf fig
  • Parlor palm plant
  • Gerber Daisy plant
  • Coin Plant

Small indoor plants 

  • Asparagus Fern
  • Baby Toes
  • Chinese Money Plant
  • Echeveria
  • Kalanchoe

Low maintenance indoor plants  

  • Aloe vera
  • Jade plant
  • Tradescantia Zebrina
  • Red Aglaonema
  • Air plant

Indoor plants for office 

  • Arrowhead Plant
  • African Violet
  • Philodendron
  • Tillandsia
  • Oxalis

Beautiful indoor plants 

  • Silver Dollar Plant
  • String of pearls
  • Tillandsia
  • Donkey tail plant
  • Bunny ear cactus

How to Grow Indoor Plants

  • You should check the pot’s material, size, and drainage capability before making your selection.
  • Make sure to refill the nutrients in the potting soil to ensure long-term, healthy plant growth. 
  • When your houseplants are growing or flowering, fertilize them once a month.
  • You should keep the soil moist but not saturated while watering your plants.
  • Usually, most indoor plants require a humidity level similar to their natural growing circumstances.
  • It would be best if you offered the optimum combination of nutrition, aeration, water absorption, and high-quality potting soil to promote plant root growth.

How to care for Indoor Plants

  • You can move the plant into a larger pot after it outgrows its current one. 
  • If you start a plant in a larger container than it needs, the roots will not receive enough moisture when it drains through the soil.
  • It would be best to reduce or suspend your fertilizer schedule during the winter months as the plants are usually in a dormancy period.
  • You may keep them in places with indirect light.
  • Allow them to see the sun on weekends. Bring them to your balcony or terrace. They require sunlight as well, but it should be at its best.
  • Another critical piece of advice for indoor plants is only to water them when the topmost layer of soil is completely dry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1: Do indoor plants require sunlight?

Without sunshine, photosynthesis is impossible. The length and intensity of light have an impact on indoor plant growth. Indoor plants usually thrive in partial sun or artificial light.

Ques2: How do you put indoor plants together?

  • When arranging a room, the general guideline is to avoid even-numbered groupings because paired items look more professional. A trio of plants is a classic arrangement, but it will look attractive if each grouping has an odd number of plants.
  • When putting up a collection of plants, try to group them based on something in common, such as the density of the leaves or the primary colour. 
  • If plants in a cluster have at least one trait, they will seem natural together.

Ques3: How should I water my indoor plants?

It would help if you tried to maintain moist but not damp soil. If you stick your finger up to your knuckle in the dirt, then you’ll be able to tell if your plant needs extra water. You should not water the soil if it feels damp.

Ques4: What are the best indoor plants for your home?

If you want to purify the air, choose plants like the Spider Plant, Money Plant, Peace Lily, Aglaonema, and Bamboo Palm, among many others, according to the NASA list.

Ques5: How can I speed up the growth of my indoor plants?

Plants develop at their own pace, but you may help them grow faster by regularly giving them plenty of light and watering. Plants also require regular fertilization; however, excessive fertilization might cause the plants to perish.

Ques6: How can I keep the bugs out of my houseplants?

Use preventive measures to keep your plants bug-free, such as spraying them with diluted neem oil (as directed) every fifteen days. You can also spritz under the leaves where bugs like to hide. Avoid overwatering your plants, as humidity encourages pests to thrive.

Ques7: Is it true that indoor plants purify the air?

According to NASA studies, certain plants can clean certain contaminants to some level. However, the amount of air purification that these plants can provide is relatively limited. Some indoor plants might help keep bacteria from settling in your house. However, the primary purpose of purchasing indoor plants online should not be to purify the air; indoor plants have numerous other benefits, including enhancing your mental health.

Ques8: What are the advantages of having indoor plants in your home?

Having inside plants in your home has numerous advantages. These plants contribute to the aesthetics of your home, but they also provide several therapeutic benefits, including aiding mental health (backed up by studies). Indoor gardening can help relieve stress, and plants can provide a calming impact. With their inherent calming presence, indoor plants make you feel good and increase productivity.

Ques9: How often should I fertilize my indoor plants?

The frequency of application varies by indoor plants and might range from every two weeks to once every three to four months. During the winter, don’t fertilize your houseplants. In the winter, most plants are dormant and do not require fertilizing.

Ques10: Can I gift indoor plants to my loved ones?

You can offer the plants to your loved ones. Some indoor plants will ensure an adequate supply of clean air and oxygen. Enjoying indoor plants as a gift will most people enjoy and adore. You can give indoor plants to your family, relatives, colleagues, or friends to help kick-start excellent health with fresh air. 

Nowadays, you can virtually get a variety of indoor plants without visiting a nursery. Online portals make it simple to purchase plants and ship them to diverse areas. Our store Abana Homes has a wide variety of indoor plants; you can choose them. Consider giving plants to loved ones whenever you’re looking for a thoughtful gift.